Don Trueten :antifa: · @thomas
852 followers · 7893 posts · Server

KI-Folgen: Durchmarsch der Unternehmen.
Die Manager treiben die voran. Das hat Folgen für die . ​n der fehlen

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) sorgt weltweit für Aufsehen – »Chat-GPT, die künstliche Intelligenz, die alles ändern könnte«, schlagzeilte zum Beispiel der Tagesspiegel Ende März. Durch den KI-Einsatz bei und erwartet die Darmstädter Software AG eine deutliche Steigerung des ​​s »Die werden signifikant sein«, erklärt Konzernchef Sanjay Brahmawar. Bereits heute habe die diese in ihre Produkte integriert. »Ein Beispiel: Ich möchte Daten aus Anwendung ABC in eine Datenbank einspeisen und einen Bericht darüber erstellen, wie sie integriert werden können. Unser Tool wird sich automatisch die Datenquellen und Anwendungen ansehen und einen Weg zur Integration empfehlen.« Durch generative KI könne das Unternehmen bei gleicher mehr erzielen. »Dabei geht es um zweistellige Prozentsätze und nicht um ein oder zwei Prozent«, so Brahmawar im Handelsblatt.¹


#digitalisierung #beschaftigten #Gegenstrategie #gewerkschaften #Softwareentwicklung #kundenkommunikation #Profit #gewinne #softwarefirma #technologie #kostenbasis #wachstum

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
293 followers · 509 posts · Server


I think you meant to say extreme heat is a $1B sales opportunity for a for-profit health care system like in the US. And sales are looking up.

Then you'll better understand why we don't act.


#capitalism #healthcare #healthinsurance #climate #ClimateCrisis #Profit #society #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

World airlines double 2023 profit outlook

Global airlines more than doubled their 2023 industry profit forecast to $9.8 billion from $4.7 billion cheered by strong travel demand as the sector recovers from the global health crisis.

#news #reuters #Newsfeed #airlines #Profit #business

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
827 followers · 41 posts · Server

"Is it too late to halt deep-sea mining? Meet the activists trying to save the seabed - If mining companies are given the go-ahead to exploit the ocean depths, the environmental cost will be devastating. As the clock ticks down to a crucial deadline in July, Michael Segalov (Guardian) reports"

"For almost 30 years, much of what went on at the secretive-sounding International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Jamaica was unreported and scarcely noticed ... There have been allegations of secrecy and interference against its governing body and of legal loopholes being exploited. After discussions chugged along quietly for decades, a growing community of campaigners, scientists and now governments are raising an urgent alarm about what’s happening within these walls. They argue that unless immediate action is taken, it might be too late to halt the devastating environmental and ecological impact of mining the global high seas. Their warning is simple: humanity’s insatiable appetite to plunder the planet for profit might mean some of the Earth’s most untouched corners are exploited before we even understand what it is we risk losing. As Louisa Casson, who is leading Greenpeace’s global campaign to stop deep-sea mining, puts it: “It’s a threat, continental in scale, that until recently nobody was even talking about ...
Regardless, due to a quirk in an ageing international treaty, deep-sea mining might happen in a matter of months after the pulling of a legal lever by a Canadian-owned company and the government of Nauru."

#seabed #seabedmining #underseamining #mining #oceans #environment #greenpeace #aotearoa #newzealand #capitalism #Profit #environmental #jamaica #isa #earth #minerals #Chile #costarica #ecuador #spain #france #canada #nauru

Last updated 1 year ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
203 followers · 562 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
198 followers · 548 posts · Server

Disastrous is already happening, thx to the industry who keeps destroying our livable planet for
The should be sued worldwide and be forced to repair all done to the
With no escape possibilities through l
The puppets of the evil industrial military complex like Macron to name a few should all be held accountable for their actions towards the future of our planet.
What happens in right now was all predicted by the

#ClimateChange #fossilfuel #earth #Profit #Forbes500 #wallstreet #damage #environment #corrupt #politicians #politics #biden #trump #Sunak #scholz #Catalonia #spain #clubofrome #bbc #EU #europe #america #guardian #dw #bild #france24 #asia #africa #china #australia #KlimaKrise #COP15 #COP28 #climate #ClimateCrisis #cnn #ExtinctionRebellion

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
382 followers · 367 posts · Server


Nicely expressed. I like the thermodynamics metaphor. Also the attempt to explain effects on the future in an intelligible way. These metaphors may not speak to everyone, but for those familiar with such things, it captures the problem in familiar terms.

While on topic of physics metaphors, you might also enjoy my essay Losing Ground in the Environment.

#capitalism #environment #externality #Profit #metaphor #physics #society #climate #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
372 followers · 340 posts · Server

@BendingUnit @gdeihl @erchanda @MarkBrigham @breadandcircuses

Yes, corporations which are bound to seek only short-term profits (on pain of having their principals held accountable to shareholders), do indeed seem to model things like robustness and safety as economic inefficiencies to be removed.

This is the danger in common news reporting on business. There's a sense in which people liked the Trump economy because it seemed to be making things more profitable. But as some have described it, it's a "sugar high". It's not a healthy trend, it offers short-term gains at the expense of the long-term, which is barely tracked by the reporters who report on business health.

See my 2009 essay Hollow Support for a brief and cautionary metaphorical assessment of the stock market crash a dozen-ish years back.

#capitalism #efficiency #Profit #corporations #safety #ethics

Last updated 2 years ago

shakazoid · @shakazoid
7 followers · 44 posts · Server

von wirtschaftlich relevanten Firmen, Organisationen und Institutionen ist allein schon deshalb notwendig, um die Gegner*innen einer klimafreundlichen Transformation zu zwingen, das Thema mit einer annähernd vergleichbaren Dringlichkeit zu diskutieren, wie wir das tun. Wenn das wichtigste auf der Welt ist und die nur dann relevant, wenn Wirtschaftsinteressen berührt werden - dann müssen Wirtschaftsinteressen massiv berührt werden. Der Backlash wird massiv sein, und es ist nicht gesagt, dass dadurch die für und gewinnen, aber die
Gegenseite muss gezwungen sein, sich überhaupt ernsthaft mit der Bewegung auseinanderzusetzen.

#sabotage #Profit #KlimaKrise #bewegungen #KlimaSchutz #KlimaGerechtigkeit

Last updated 2 years ago

Don Trueten :verified: · @thomas
661 followers · 4581 posts · Server

Immer wieder die alte Leier von "Aber die Arbeitsplätze!" auf die die sicher Rücksicht nehmen wird. Davon abgesehen geht es IMMER um und die interessieren kein Schwein. Vielleicht hätte der Kollege vom bei der AN1 Schulung nicht pennen sollen, dann wüsste er das und müsste er jetzt auch nicht so einen Stuß von sich geben. Oder noch schlimmer: Die betroffenen Kolleg:*Innen nicht auch noch bewusst veräppeln.

Euro7: -Betriebsrat fordert Aufschub von

#umweltkatastrophe #Profit #arbeitsplaetze #Betriebsrat #mercedes #Abgasnorm #CapitalismIsADeathCult #Daimler

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
323 followers · 214 posts · Server


I completely agree though usually express it differently. I might say a company that cannot pay a living wage is not yet profitable, and it should not be permissible to skim "excess" until there is some.

Or, alternatively, you're profiting on your employees, not your product. Nothing to be proud of if this is your desired end state.

I like to think of a minimum wage as a bound on how much you can underpay folks to get your business started, and like those being underpaid are automatically founders who should automatically be buying priority stake (sweat equity) in the company equal to the delta between what can be paid in cash and what is offered in equity to acknowledge that these people are every bit as much taking a risk as those putting up initial cash.

That stake should not be dilutable by the games rich people play with excess cash. This is these people's lives and just because they have a terrible bargaining position doesn't mean they aren't owed human decency.

This is why we have government and regulated economic systems: to ensure that this money exchange model isn't just one more tool of rich to exploit the poor.

It's important to understand that power doesn't scale linearly with money. Money begets money and it hoards money, but after a while does not measure contribution. A person with a million dollars can make a second million much more easily than a person with zero can make the first million. And when big companies make money on workers, that should not be something where society lauds them for doing so and says "go forth and invent more ways to exploit".

And don't even get me started on regulatory capture as an obviously inappropriate way to magnify that power even more.

More thoughts in my 2013 essay Lien Times for Startups.

#minimumwage #livingwage #sweatequity #equity #inequality #bargainingpower #economics #startups #Profit #exploitation #morality #ethics #law #government #workersrights #politics #StakeholderTheory #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
183 followers · 453 posts · Server

Yes! I believe anybody would be angry at this injustice!

A high for is a must!!!!
Shell has prompted anger after annual profits more than doubled to a record of nearly $40 billion, Exxon made 56$ billion and Chevron 35$ billion, boosted by a surge in wholesale prices linked to the in and as households struggle to pay huge energy bills.
And than the fuel giants also get annual roughly 750 $billion in and grants from the

Its the world upside down.
All goes to shareholders and the

#windfall #tax #bigoil #shell #exxon #chevron #shareholders #uk #EU #europe #gas #war #Ukraine #fossil #subsidies #taxpayer #Profit #multinationals #COP15 #cop27 #COP28 #climate #KlimaKrise #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Lutzerath #ExtinctionRebellion

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
180 followers · 433 posts · Server
Don Trueten :verified: · @thomas
618 followers · 3966 posts · Server

ver.di weitet bei der AG aus

Bei den Warnstreiks bei der Deutschen Post AG erwartet bis einschließlich Samstag rund 4.000 Streikende. gibt es seit gestern Abend in den Verteilzentren und seit heute Morgen auch in der Zustellung in den Regionen , (Rhein-Neckar), , , , , , , , , , , Villingen-Schwenningen, , , und , sowie teilweise in und . Bis zum Freitagmittag haben bereits über 3.000 Beschäftigte ihre Arbeit niedergelegt. Am werden die Warnstreiks im Bereich der Brief- und noch ausgeweitet. ver.di geht davon aus, dass es aufgrund der Warnstreiks zu erheblichen in der Brief- und kommt, die sich bis in die nächste Woche ziehen werden.

Andreas Henze, ver.di Landesfachbereichsleiter für Postdienste, Speditionen und Logistik: „Das war ein starker Auftakt der . Die hohe Beteiligung zeigt, dass die Beschäftigten voll und ganz hinter der Forderung nach 15 Prozent mehr Gehalt stehen. Die für die der Deutschen Post AG ist allein für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 um 33 Prozent gestiegen. Das ist doppelt so hoch wie die Forderung von ver.di. Der Arbeitgeber kann sich hier nicht seiner Verantwortung entziehen.“

ver.di fordert für die rund 160.000 Tarifbeschäftigten bei der Deutschen Post AG eine von 15 Prozent bei einer Laufzeit des Tarifvertrages von zwölf Monaten. Die sollen für jedes Ausbildungsjahr um 200 Euro pro Monat angehoben werden.

Quelle: ver.di PM 20.01.2023 13 Uhr

#warnstreiks #post #Verdi #arbeitsniederlegungen #Mannheim #heidelberg #karlsruhe #Pforzheim #heilbronn #schwabischhall #waiblingen #bietigheimbissingen #ostalb #schorndorf #offenburg #lorrach #herbrechtingen #Riedlingen #ulm #neuulm #freiburg #reutlingen #samstag #paketzustellung #verzogerungen #paketauslieferung #arbeitskampfmaßnahmen #dividende #aktionare #entgelterhohung #ausbildungsvergutungen #Gewerkschaft #Lohn #Preis #Profit

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
302 followers · 164 posts · Server


Just for fun, since I think people with strong opinions on legal personhood would enjoy it, here's an excerpt from that last essay:

"If corporations were people, taking money out of them would be called robbery, not profit or dividends. Owners would surely justify this robbery by saying the corporation was a dependent body, but we would see quickly enough that it was the owner that was dependent on the corporation, not vice versa.

"If corporations were people, other people could not buy, sell, trade or own them. We don't let people own people in the US. We call that slavery. Every person controls his own destiny."

#politics #capitalism #Profit #legalpersonhood #corporations #business #philosophy #ethics

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
302 followers · 164 posts · Server


I should add that I wholeheartedly agree with you about excessive profits. They serve short term gain but rob companies of long-term potential for not only profit but just plain sustainability.

Stakeholder theory would help with this a bit because it could prioritize the company as a stakeholder.

But this also overlaps interestingly with the issue of legal personhood. It's not a concept I support, of course. But in my attempt to write a thorough critique of it, one issue that came up which I think is under-appreciated is how like slavery it is (a person owning another albeit-legal person) and in that regard every bit of profit-taking is like theft. So if people really want companies to be legal people, they shouldn't be taking profits at all.

I have a three-part series of essays on that which begins with
"Corporations Are Not People"

#politics #capitalism #Profit #legalpersonhood #corporations #business

Last updated 2 years ago

wavesculptor · @wavesculptor
48 followers · 420 posts · Server


The English definitions given here are frequently either specialist or archaic - the most common usages, rarely so.

Brake - no mention of stopping mechanism;

Margin - no mention of space at perimeter - solely .

Would also like to see some common irregular verb tense examples, not so many nouns that translate very similarly between European languages.


Last updated 2 years ago

Wir stellen uns quer! · @wsuq
553 followers · 6654 posts · Server

In ist was los: Kunstperformances, Lesung, viele Menschen die gemeinsam bauen, um das Dorf zu beschützen: Vor der grünen Wirtschaftsministerin & einem -Konzern, denen , & wenig bedeuten, aber & viel. !

#Lutzerath #kohle #kunst #kultur #KlimaSchutz #Profit #macht #lutzibleibt

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
178 followers · 389 posts · Server

Personally I believe should keep its mouth shut.
The oil giant is a criminal who lied for years about and now wants to sue the over the tax they have to pay on excess thanks to the
giant ExxonMobil is liable for damage to the and for climate change and has not compensated for it!!!
Bill McKibben says 's climate 'No corporation has ever done anything this big or bad'
Exxon should be sued for hundreds of billions $ to pay for climate damage!

#exxonmobil #multinational #ClimateChange #EU #Profit #energycrisis #energy #environment #exxon #lie #windfall #tax #COP15 #cop27 #climate #ClimateCrisis #ExtinctionRebellion

Last updated 2 years ago

Don Trueten :verified: · @thomas
576 followers · 3242 posts · Server

Vermutlich wird die Verwendung von in der bzw. uns über kurz oder lang so was von auf die Füße fallen, dagegen wird das Problem der in den Hintergrund treten. und so. Und ja: Auch das hat mit dem zu tun, indem der mehr zählt, als die der Menschen und die Absenz von sog. .

@mikplat @ShutDownSofie

#Reserveantibiotika #tiermast #Tierhaltung #Lieferketten #Resistenzen #Schweinesystem #Profit #Gesundheit #nutztieren

Last updated 2 years ago