James O’Keefe: Pfizer and “major announcement”
James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project veritas, explains the details of why the board threw him out of his company
Probably one could save you all the time and just say the punch lines about this. But its far more interesting if you try and figure out, much like a mystery novel, what happened to him and who was the
Puisqu'on est dans le sujet des objets bizarres, les US annoncent avoir dégommé un UFO "de la taille d'une petite voiture" au dessus du Canada. L'objet avait été détecté au dessus de l'Alaska https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-still-gives-no-details-about-alaska-ufo-new-object-seen-over-canada-2023-02-11/
Il y a une rumeur d'un UFO sur la côte de Rizhao en Chine aussi. https://twitter.com/IndoPac_Info/status/1624739221864079362 Et au Montana il y aurait aussi un objet (encore un ballon?) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11741471/Montana-congressman-says-mystery-object-detected-Havre-remains-US.html
Faut que je vous donne le background: des complotistes en 2020 disaient qu'après la trame narrative du Covid, il y aurait une trame narrative d'OVNIs/ extraterrestres, ça me faisait beaucoup rire 😅
Je vois ça comme une énième #distraction du scandale des morts des #vaccins, de Pfizer et #ProjectVeritas, des rumeurs sur la Turquie ou que les USA ont fait sauter #Nordstream.
Vous choisissez.
#distraction #vaccins #ProjectVeritas #nordstream
Attaque en règle sur James O'Keefe de #ProjectVeritas. On dirait un "hit piece" du NYMag, se basant sur une annonce interne qu'il prenait des congés payés. L'article suggère qu'il serait peut-être mis de côté sur des opinions d'employés anonymes. Probablement pour le décrédibiliser et l'affaiblir, en vengeance de la fameuse vidéo qui piégeait un directeur de #Pfizer qui a fait plus de 20millions de vues. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/02/james-okeefe-project-veritas-paid-leave.html
“Can you imagine the scandal [if the vaxx] screwed up the whole next generation? I would take Pfizer off of my resume”
#ProjectVeritas #vaccines
John Campbell PhD: Best video yet (on Project-Veritas Pfizer video)
Dr. Campbell has become a master of Samizdat:
Here is the actual Pfizer press release. When it disappears please let me know in the comments so it can be restored.
#ProjectVeritas #vaccines
Fox News : Explication de Tucker Carlson sur les révélations d'un cadre Pfizer piégé par "#ProjectVeritas"
L'entreprise #Pfizer a été obligé de communiquer sur son site suite à la polémique.
YouTube removes Project Veritas video on Pfizer vaxx for breach of “consensus”
After you see these, PLEASE read the previous post. It could not have been more timely:
#ExposingLeftism #ProjectVeritas #Socialmedia #Softtotalitarianism
#Softtotalitarianism #Socialmedia #ProjectVeritas #ExposingLeftism
Tucker Carlson of Jan. 26 was nearly all about Project Veritas’ Pfizer reveal
This was a fantastic show. There will be additional materials on this under the video:
For an extended period of time, this site was begging people to watch the series, "Dopesick", which was a dramatization of the true story of Pe
#corruptUSleftists #ProjectVeritas #TuckerCarlson #vaccines
#vaccines #TuckerCarlson #ProjectVeritas #corruptUSleftists
Pfizer ‘Directed evolution’ guy: Project Veritas’ standard confrontation video goes a little off the rails
#ProjectVeritas #vaccines
Project Veritas releases 2nd video on Teaching Lab fraud, CRT and other malfeasance
#LeftismonCampus #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #LeftismonCampus
Project veritas: Teaching communist Critical Race Theory to kindergarten students
#LeftismonCampus #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #LeftismonCampus
Some new Project veritas videos with Pfizer employees we missed here at Vlad
This is an older one. 2021. Above appears to be newer.
10 Months ago:
#ProjectVeritas #vaccines
Project Veritas: Middle-school Teacher instructs on brick-throwing at protests
#LeftismonCampus #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #LeftismonCampus
Project Veritas: VIdeo 3 on communist subversion of the school system
#AufhebenderKultur #ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism #AufhebenderKultur
Project Veritas: Trinity School NYC Director of Student Activities jokes about a “Dexter” like character taking out white conservatives
"You know, Dexter? Like the TV show?" "We need some vigilante Dexters".
#ExposingLeftism #LeftismonCampus #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #LeftismonCampus #ExposingLeftism
Project Veritas video: Lots of Democrats (Communist revolutionaries) appear to be running as Republicans and this is one
#ExposingLeftism #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #ExposingLeftism
Twitter senior engineer: “Twitter is commie as f**K
#ExposingLeftism #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #ExposingLeftism
Two Project Veritas videos on the FBI as state thugs and apparatchiks
Project veritas with FBI Whistleblower published on May 13, 2022
Previously published on May 11th
#corruptUSleftists #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #corruptUSleftists
Project veritas: The government Vs. journalists
Once again, the Babylon Bee headline is too true to be truly funny.
"FBI discovers it's harder to solve crimes they didn't actually commit".
#corruptUSleftists #ProjectVeritas
#ProjectVeritas #corruptUSleftists