Reiner / Chicago Symphony - Prokofieff - Lieutenant Kije / Stravinsky - Song of the Nightingale
A beautiful 1957 recording of a couple of classic repertoire pieces by the Chicago Symphony, this is a really well known example of an "audiophile" recording, even when there was no such thing...just good practices.
(Featured also because the Gabriel album cover was a picture of a man from the shoulders up, and I am amused by the contrast.)
#stravinsky #Prokofieff #classical #vinyl #nowplaying
@chpietsch Vielen Dank für den Tipp. Die Musikliste klingt sehr spannend – mit #Prokofieff, #Piaf, #Mahler, #Poulenc und 'NinaSImone. Das höre ich mir auf jeden Fall noch an.
#Prokofieff #piaf #mahler #poulenc