#introduction hello #fediverse, I am quite new to Mastodon yet have not transitioned from the bird site.
I am interested in computer #programming especially in #formal #languages with mathematical rigour like #Coq etc. Currently, I have something on my mind about a cryptographic data archive that should allow me to keep data of all sorts safe and alive for decades. The elephant 🐘 in the icon should highlight their good memory. You can find out more at https://github.com/eLyKseeR/elykseer-ml (open-source development)
Would be great to find likeminded people (aka non-bots) here.
Further interests: #gardening #permaculture #scifi #freebsd #linux #ocaml #prolog #logic
#introduction #fediverse #programming #formal #languages #coq #gardening #permaculture #scifi #freebsd #linux #ocaml #Prolog #logic
Anyone in the Matodon #AI community working with #Prolog or with #NeuroSymbolicAI ? Not a lot of chitter chatter here yet.