Today, July 23 Cassie Thomas attends Alexander Monroe’s bachelor party in the woods (Promising Young Woman, 2020)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #PromisingYoungWoman
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #PromisingYoungWoman
Ein Film, der Hauptsächlich für Frauen/weiblich gelesene Personen die traurige Realität widerspiegelt.
Bedrückender Film, aber verdammt gut und wichtig.
Un film sulla vendetta al femminile, ma soprattutto una denuncia di una certa "cultura" maschile dello stupro.
L'intento è nobile, ma nonostante un buon finale il film gira a vuoto per lunghi tratti.
📝Voto: 6-
"Promising young woman" di Emerald Fennell, 113minuti, 2020. VM14
#PromisingYoungWoman #cinema #film #29marzo #cinemastodon #cineitalia
#PromisingYoungWoman hat mich kalt erwischt 😱
Ein Thriller mit einem unerwartetem Ausgang...
Bin grade etwas sprachlos...
So überrascht wird man selten!
Guter Film 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I finally watched “Promising Young Woman,” and it’s been a long while since I felt a movie touch that particular nerve. It’s the kind of movie that makes me miss being in #film theory classes. Had there been a movie like this one 30 years ago, I might have actually tried going to film school instead of just daydreaming about it. I don’t think it was perfect, but I liked it, and I can tell I’ll be thinking about it for a while. #feministfilm #PromisingYoungWoman
#PromisingYoungWoman #feministfilm #Film
Oh wow, wieso habe ich jetzt erst "Promising Young Woman" gesehen? Was für ein großartiger #Film!
Einfach alles an diesem #feminist r*** & #revenge Genrebeitrag ist nahezu perfekt. Cast, Score, Inszenierung, Story/Twist, politischer Inhalt... Auf so ein #Filmerlebnis habe ich schon so viele Jahre gewartet 🤩
#film #feminist #revenge #filmerlebnis #PromisingYoungWoman #movies
Acabo de ver que #PromisingYoungWoman #UnaJovenPrometedora está en amason praim vidio. No se la pierdan si tienen la oportunidad
#PromisingYoungWoman #unajovenprometedora
Ayer vi #PromisingYoungWoman y me gustó mucho. En #Letterboxd podéis leer por qué.
#PromisingYoungWoman #letterboxd
«Promising Young Woman», ou la colère des femmes par Emerald Fennell
Le très bon film #PromisingYoungWoman est «un bonbon joliment emballé qui se révèle empoisonné», selon les mots de son actrice Carey Mulligan. Rencontre avec sa réalisatrice Emerald Fennell (émeraude, quel beau prénom!), qui interprète aussi Camilla Parker Bowles dans "The Crown"
I feel like #promisingyoungwoman is a great new date night movie. Watch your new guy with it, and if he gets extremely twitchy, that's a big red flag 😈
今天才想起来看这部,在只瞄了一眼豆瓣简介的情况下还以为是部爽片那么简单,结果观影全程我的假设被不断推翻,直到结尾。这部电影的画面色彩有多鲜艳高饱和度,它的内核就有多黑暗。I honestly didn’t expect it to be such a sad hurts to acknowledge that the reality can only be darker and sadder and in real life the same show is putting on over and over again. There’s no real escape but death
Promising Young Woman is worth watching. Here are the non-spoiler trigger warnings: