@echanda @Leszek_Karlik @HeavenlyPossum I consider IP to be the first type of property to be abolished, not an afterthought. It can't even be justified by the idealized just-so stories that capitalists like to use to justify absentee property ownership -- that's why many US Libertarians and AnCaps oppose IP. It is purely a state-designed industrial policy, implemented without good empirical or theoretical justification, and easily abused by special interests (as evident by the retroactive copyright extension from the Sonny Bono/Mickey Mouse protection act).
We could abolish it tomorrow with minimal disruption to the real economy. We could reduce copyright term to 30 years and change hardly anything at all except for the profits of some plutocrats.
#copyright #libertarian #property
#copyright #libertarian #Property
“In opposition to the coercive, monopolistic force of property, Proudhon places individual possession and commerce.”
#anarchism #property #anticapitalism #commons #monopoly
#anarchism #Property #anticapitalism #commons #monopoly
I just reviewed the current vesting #deed on a #property in Henrico County, VA. The deed is normal enough except for the legal description. It's in Comic Sans. 😐 #RealEstate
by #AallyahWright in #CapitalB:
"Wright has faced intimidation and harassment by the company, which include trespassing onto her property, cutting shrubs, littering, and leaving dirt and debris on her automobile and house, according to a response to the lawsuit filed on behalf of Wright. Wright, who is retired, has also faced mental and financial strain — paying for cameras, property damage, and legal fees, she told Capital B."
#GullahGeechee #HiltonHead #SouthCarolina #RealEstate #developers #property #land
#aallyahwright #capitalb #gullahgeechee #hiltonhead #southcarolina #realestate #developers #Property #land
Today in Labor History June 30, 1840: Publication of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's “What Is Property?” Proudhon is considered by many to be history's first anarchist and founder of the philosophy of Anarchism. In the book, he makes the following argument for why Property is Theft: “If I were asked… What is slavery? … I should answer… It is murder! … No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?” However, he was not the first to say this. Marquis de Sade, in his 1797 novel, “Juliette,” says, "Tracing the right of property back to its source, one infallibly arrives at usurpation. However, theft is only punished because it violates the right of property; but this right is itself nothing in origin but theft."
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #proudhon #PropertyIsTheft #france #sade #property #slavery
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #proudhon #propertyistheft #france #sade #Property #slavery
Suppose you think what the world really needs is more solar panels. You are free (even encouraged) to go out and build a solar panel factory.
On the other hand, suppose you think the world needs LESS fossil fuels. You are NOT allowed to go shut down oil wells -- that is something only the owner of the well may do.
This assymetry between creating vs dismantling means that, in some sense, neverending economic growth is baked into the very concept of property and ownership.
#Property #capitalism #growth #degrowth
@Susan60 Hmmm. In the late 90s, i was briefly interested prospectively in the concept of #housing #property #investment. I had a snazzy program downloaded from a then prominent Oz site promulgating this idea [this was before it later took off across Straya & became the contemporary scourge it is], & i still have the corresponding set of books on this [by Jan Somers; "Building Wealth in Changing Times", "Building Wealth Story by Story", & "Building Wealth through Investment Property"]. I also have another book, US, "The Cashflow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki. For a period, i was quite taken by this concept.
Eventually, i completely abandoned all thoughts of it. I simply decided that it was deeply #unethical. I just fundamentally disagree with the entire concept of people profiteering off the back of poorer people who deserve a safe reliable roof over their heads.
I entirely agree that...
>There will always be people who want or need to #rent
... but fwiw my view is that it's plain wrong for any private profit-motive to be associated with this. Governments should have expanded, not shrunk & eliminated, their #PublicHousing responsibility & capability. Reagan, Thatcher & Howard were immoral monsters who ruined their societies with their corrupt profit-predicated neoliberal bullshit -- just look at us all today! 😭
Comparatively speaking, kudos to you for your humanity & compassion in your single-dwelling approach. Alas, as you reflected, you seem to be a statistical abnormality. 😭
Sorry if i'm causing offence, but this is simply an inalienable philosophical moral issue of principle for me. I'm trying to set out my view plainly, but i confess i can seem brusque, so i do apologise if i've actually overstepped into rudeness; not my intent.
#housing #Property #investment #unethical #rent #PublicHousing
"@historickomodo submission: “Salvador Allende didn’t die for this shit.”
For newbies playing along at home, this #meme circulates all over the place on #liberal pages, and it’s filled with #contradictory pieces of #ideology. Firstly, one can’t really be a #capitalist and a #socialist at the same time – if you support capitalist #ownership over the means of #production, then you support capitalism; if you support #democratic ownership over the means of production, where people have a say in the #institutions and #activities they contribute to, then you support socialism. I don’t know how to make it more succinct than that. Also, #communism is the post-scarcity natural conclusion of socialism, a #stateless/ #moneyless/ #classless #society where #socially-operated #property is held in common and #people “contribute according to their #abilities and receive according to their #needs”; #statelessness is a #fundamental aspect of the ideology, ergo a #totalitarian #government “forcing everybody to be exactly equal” is not communism.
Secondly, channeling government power to curb capitalism’s self-destructive excesses is merely Keynesian #welfare capitalism or Scandinavian social democracy, both of which try to use the state to mitigate structural tension within the parameters of the system (and all-too-often to wither away class consciousness and pushes for actual socialist change).
Thirdly and lastly, “the #economy and society being run democratically to meet #human needs rather than #profit for a #greedy few” is literally socialism. Capitalism by definition will always have a tiny class of owners pulling the #economic and #political strings; as long as they own the means of production and accrue profit off the backs of the #laboring class, they will always, always have disproportionate power in society. Such is the #nature of class relations – throughout history, laboring classes have produced the things society needs while ruling classes have sat and accrued the most #wealth. If labor produces all, why not have a society democratically run by #laborers?"
#meme #liberal #contradictory #ideology #capitalist #socialist #ownership #production #democratic #institutions #activities #communism #stateless #moneyless #classless #society #socially #Property #people #abilities #needs #statelessness #Fundamental #totalitarian #government #Welfare #economy #human #profit #greedy #economic #political #laboring #nature #wealth #laborers
RT @catubelfast
"...tenants may need to allocate a larger portion of their income towards paying their rent.”
Yeah, we know.
#rent #northernireland #Property #catu
"...tenants may need to allocate a larger portion of their income towards paying their rent.”
Yeah, we know.
#rent #northernireland #Property #catu
“One percent of the people have eighty-two percent of the world’s annual #wealth; eight men have the wealth of half the #planet, etc. By positing #communism as a source of #deprivation, as an #ideology based on taking away your #property, #anticommunism conceals the #fact that you don’t actually have any property to begin with.”
- Jodi Dean
#quotes #quote
#wealth #planet #communism #deprivation #ideology #Property #anticommunism #fact #quotes #quote
Robbery is theft with threats of violence, but it's not possible to sneak away in secret with land. Without violence there's no private property. Property isn't theft, it's armed robbery with the police as the weapon.
#Anarchism #Anarchy #Capitalism #PropertyIsTheft #PrivateProperty #Property
#anarchism #anarchy #capitalism #propertyistheft #PrivateProperty #Property
@benjaminwittes @Popehat
I will geek out on my #legal areas of interest sometimes though if asked. They’re small town things, though. All the stuff the big dogs like @benjaminwittes or @Popehat couldn’t care two “wittes” about (sorry Ben, couldn’t resist. I geek out on #property, #water, and #administrative law personally. But practice on any given day the gamut of estate planning, family #law, #criminal law, #guardian/conservatorship, #torts, #contracts, #trusts and when my wife retires from the Forest Service I’ll pick up my environmental & natural resource law chops again.
Also a licensed #mediator.
I solve run of the mill problems for run of the mill folks. If you’re ever of mind to chat in generalities .. hit me up. I won’t, however, give specific advice. That’s, erm, frowned upon w/o an atty client agreement and confined to the states I practice in.
I’ll end w/a little piece of general legal advice. Don’t be penny wise and pound poor. If you think you need to talk to a lawyer, you probably do. Make an appointment and see what they have to say before making decisions that could work out poorly for you and wind up costing a ton of money to fix later.
We’re like dentists. Nobody likes to see us. But, a little preventative maintenance goes a long way.
#legal #Property #water #administrative #law #criminal #guardian #torts #contracts #trusts #mediator
All #gst & #tax should be #transparent within the #australian #governments #nationally. Anything less is a crime and an insult to true #democracy.
#ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #transparency #property #rent #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites #classwar #trickledowneconomics #economics #capitalism #fascism #council #pyramidscheme #statism
#gst #tax #transparent #australian #governments #nationally #democracy #AusGov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas #australia #tasmania #lutruwita #transparency #Property #rent #rentistheft #landlordsareparasites #classwar #trickledowneconomics #economics #capitalism #fascism #council #pyramidscheme #statism
Thread on what the #elite don't want you to know about #Property :
What is “property”? Seriously, take a moment and ask yourself if you can you define it? Before you read any further, think hard about it. The question leaves most first year property law students slack jawed, and it’s always the first question asked. People “think” they know intuitively — but laymen often struggle to actually define it.
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#upland #uplandclone #uplandclonescript #virtualreality #technology #realestate #simulator #farmingsimulator #virtualproperty #Property #virtualtour #strategygame #metaverse #upx #upxcoins #nft #virtualland #game #gaming #gameplay
Deutsch unten
In solidarity with all rentstrikers!
Small rentstrike at a university in Manchester/UK.
But why so afraid with the claims?
Why not striking the complete rent and why not forever?
#rentstrike #manchester #landback #noproperty #property #propertyistheft
In Solidarität mit allen Mietstreikenden!
Hier ein kleiner Mietstrike in Manchester.
Aber warum so zögerlich?
Warum nicht die ganze Miete bestreiken und warum nicht für immer?
#rentstrike #manchester #landback #noproperty #Property #propertyistheft #Mietstreik #EigentumIstDiebstahl #hauserdenendiedrinwohnen
german below
A realistic way to anarchy(?)
There is no need of much intelligence to recognize, that our current capitalistic-patriarchal system, with all its invented #borders and #nations led us in a deadlock of self-destruction, poverty, sorrow and oppression.
A big revolution certainly can't work, if these machanisms of oppression socially go on. Opressed people often become their selves to suppressers.
So it's the task of every human being to respect and defend bodily #autonomy and freedom. As long as this freedom, not restricts the freedom of others.
This means, that we should continuing to look and process actively in our selve at any an all kind of #opression and #discrimination. So that we don't reproduce them and they don't rise again in a post-revolutionary world.
We want us to connect ourselves with opressed beings and their needs, try to learn their view, learn hence and get in solidarity with them.
This means a lot of work at ourself.
To create space and conversations for making participation and self-empowerment possible.
Under normal conditions we work in ourself (in our thoughts and emotions) and in our socioenvironmet for a clear distinction against #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #nationalism #classism and many more.
To participate in anti-discrimination work. Watch the own privileges. To hold ourseld back in conversations with people with less privileges.
These are in an already opressed society many and priveleged claims. But perhaps we succeed to use our lifetime in a different way. Instead of watching sports events, sometime consume a documentation, a podcast or a book on these themes.
Beside these already revolutionary topics, we shouldn't forget, to work in the proper liberation of the roots of #capitalism and the #state.
These are #property, #dominion, #rivalry and their capitalised halter in the form of #rent and #debts.
And therefor it needs a global and lasting #debtstrike and #rentstrike. And on top we need trades which are free of the logic of exchange. Better known as 'Give what you want'. It's the deprivation of property in an anti-trade style. Better look, what people really need.
We need #collective organised works and projects. That Ⓐll can participate with things they can and want. And that #anarchie really behaves in the absence of obsession and dominion.
It will never be everything perfect, but we Ⓐall can yield our input.
Let us beginn today, to work on that.
The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago.
The next best time is today.
Ein realistischer Weg zur Anarchie (?)
Es braucht nicht viel Intelligenz, um zu erkennen, dass uns das aktuelle kapitalistisch-patriarchale System mit ihren erfundenen Grenzen und Nationalstaaten in eine Sackgasse aus Selbstzerstörung, Armut, Leid und Unterdrückung geführt hat.
Eine große #revolution kann allerdings nicht funktionieren, wenn diese Mechanismen der Unterdrückung gesellschaftlich weiter funktionieren. So werden Unterdrückte oft selbst zu Unterdrücker*innen.
So ist es auch an jede*r Person die körperliche Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit andere*r zu respektieren und zu verteidigen. Solange diese Freiheit nicht die Freiheit andere*r einschränkt.
Das heißt, dass wir sämtliche Unterdrückungs- und Diskriminiersformen weiterhin aktiv anschauen und in uns abarbeiten sollten, um sie in einer post-revolutionären Welt nicht zu reproduzieren und neu entstehen zu lassen.
Wir wollen uns mit anderen unterdrückten Lebensformen und ihren Bedürfnissen verbinden, ihre Sichtweisen versuchen zu verstehen, daraus zu lernen und uns damit zu solidarisieren.
Das bedeutet viel Arbeit an uns selbst.
Räume und Gespräche zu schaffen, um Partizipation und Selbstermächtigung zu ermöglichen.
Der Normalzustand sollte sein, eine klare Abgrenzung gegen #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus (u.v.m.) in unseren Gedanken und Emotionen zu schaffen und im persönlichen Umfeld aktiv daran zu arbeiten.
Sich an Arbeit zu #antisdiskriminierung beteiligen. Die eigenen Privilegien anschauen. Sich damit in Gesprächen und Gesprächsrunden auch mal zurück halten. Weniger priviligierten Menschen mehr Raum für deren Ansichten und Bedürfnisse zu schaffen.
Das sind in einer bereits unterdrückten Gesellschaft viele und priviligierte Ansprüche. Aber vielleicht schaffen wir es mal unsere Zeit anders zu nutzen. Anstatt einer Sportveranstaltung, mal eine Doku, ein Podcast oder ein Buch zu den genannten Themen zu konsumieren.
Neben diesen auch schon revolutionären Themen sollten wir aber auch nicht vergessen, an der eigentlichen Befreiung der Wurzeln von #kapitalismus und #staat zu arbeiten.
Diese sind #eigentum , #herrschaft , #konkurrenz und deren kapitalisierte Schlingen in Form von #miete und #schulden.
Und hierzu braucht es einen globalen und dauerhaften #schuldenstopp #schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #mietstreik und einen Warenhandel, der #tauschlogikfrei , also ohne die Anerkennung von Eigentum funktioniert.
Wir brauchen #kollektiv organisierte Betriebe und Projekte, so dass Ⓐlle mit einbringen können, was sie können und wollen. Und dass #anarchie auch wirklich in der Abwesenheit von Unterdrückung und Herrschafft funktionieren kann.
Es kann und wird nie alles perfekt sein, aber wir können Ⓐlle unseren Beitrag mit einbringen.
Lasst uns heute damit beginnen, daran zu arbeiten
Der beste Zeitpunkt, um einen Baum zu pflanzen war vor 30 Jahren.
Der nächst beste Zeitpunkt ist heute.
#borders #nations #Autonomy #opression #discrimination #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #Nationalism #classism #capitalism #state #Property #Dominion #rivalry #rent #debts #debtstrike #rentstrike #collective #anarchie #Revolution #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus #antisdiskriminierung #kapitalismus #staat #Eigentum #herrschaft #konkurrenz #miete #schulden #schuldenstopp #Schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #tauschlogikfrei #kollektiv
german below
There is no need of much intelligence to recognize, that our current capitalistic-patriarchal system, with all its invented #borders and #nations led us in a deadlock of self-destruction, poverty, sorrow and oppression.
A big revolution certainly can't work, if these machanisms of oppression socially go on. Opressed people often become their selves to suppressers.
So it's the task of every human being to respect and defend bodily #autonomy and freedom. As long as this freedom, not restricts the freedom of others.
This means, that we should continuing to look and process actively in our selve at any an all kind of #opression and #discrimination. So that we don't reproduce them and they don't rise again in a post-revolutionary world.
We want us to connect ourselves with opressed beings and their needs, try to learn their view, learn hence and get in solidarity with them.
This means a lot of work at ourself.
To create space and conversations for making participation and self-empowerment possible.
Under normal conditions we work in ourself (in our thoughts and emotions) and in our socioenvironmet for a clear distinction against #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #nationalism #classism and many more.
To participate in anti-discrimination work. Watch the own privileges. To hold ourseld back in conversations with people with less privileges.
These are in an already opressed society many and priveleged claims. But perhaps we succeed to use our lifetime in a different way. Instead of watching sports events, sometime consume a documentation, a podcast or a book on these themes.
Beside these already revolutionary topics, we shouldn't forget, to work in the proper liberation of the roots of #capitalism and the #state.
These are #property, #dominion, #rivalry and their capitalised halter in the form of #rent and #debts.
And therefor it needs a global and lasting #debtstrike and #rentstrike. And on top we need trades which are free of the logic of exchange. Better known as 'Give what you want'. It's the deprivation of property in an anti-trade style. Better look, what people really need.
We need #collective organised works and projects. That Ⓐll can participate with things they can and want. And that #anarchie really behaves in the absence of obsession and dominion.
It will never be everything perfect, but we Ⓐall can yield our input.
Let us beginn today, to work on that.
The best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago.
The next best time is today.
Es braucht nicht viel Intelligenz, um zu erkennen, dass uns das aktuelle kapitalistisch-patriarchale System mit ihren erfundenen Grenzen und Nationalstaaten in eine Sackgasse aus Selbstzerstörung, Armut, Leid und Unterdrückung geführt hat.
Eine große #revolution kann allerdings nicht funktionieren, wenn diese Mechanismen der Unterdrückung gesellschaftlich weiter funktionieren. So werden Unterdrückte oft selbst zu Unterdrücker*innen.
So ist es auch an jede*r Person die körperliche Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit andere*r zu respektieren und zu verteidigen. Solange diese Freiheit nicht die Freiheit andere*r einschränkt.
Das heißt, dass wir sämtliche Unterdrückungs- und Diskriminiersformen weiterhin aktiv anschauen und in uns abarbeiten sollten, um sie in einer post-revolutionären Welt nicht zu reproduzieren und neu entstehen zu lassen.
Wir wollen uns mit anderen unterdrückten Lebensformen und ihren Bedürfnissen verbinden, ihre Sichtweisen versuchen zu verstehen, daraus zu lernen und uns damit zu solidarisieren.
Das bedeutet viel Arbeit an uns selbst.
Räume und Gespräche zu schaffen, um Partizipation und Selbstermächtigung zu ermöglichen.
Der Normalzustand sollte sein, eine klare Abgrenzung gegen #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus (u.v.m.) in unseren Gedanken und Emotionen zu schaffen und im persönlichen Umfeld aktiv daran zu arbeiten.
Sich an Arbeit zu #antisdiskriminierung beteiligen. Die eigenen Privilegien anschauen. Sich damit in Gesprächen und Gesprächsrunden auch mal zurück halten. Weniger priviligierten Menschen mehr Raum für deren Ansichten und Bedürfnisse zu schaffen.
Das sind in einer bereits unterdrückten Gesellschaft viele und priviligierte Ansprüche. Aber vielleicht schaffen wir es mal unsere Zeit anders zu nutzen. Anstatt einer Sportveranstaltung, mal eine Doku, ein Podcast oder ein Buch zu den genannten Themen zu konsumieren.
Neben diesen auch schon revolutionären Themen sollten wir aber auch nicht vergessen, an der eigentlichen Befreiung der Wurzeln von #kapitalismus und #staat zu arbeiten.
Diese sind #eigentum , #herrschaft , #konkurrenz und deren kapitalisierte Schlingen in Form von #miete und #schulden.
Und hierzu braucht es einen globalen und dauerhaften #schuldenstopp #schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #mietstreik und einen Warenhandel, der #tauschlogikfrei , also ohne die Anerkennung von Eigentum funktioniert.
Wir brauchen #kollektiv organisierte Betriebe und Projekte, so dass Ⓐlle mit einbringen können, was sie können und wollen. Und dass #anarchie auch wirklich in der Abwesenheit von Unterdrückung und Herrschafft funktionieren kann.
Es kann und wird nie alles perfekt sein, aber wir können Ⓐlle unseren Beitrag mit einbringen.
Lasst uns heute damit beginnen, daran zu arbeiten
Der beste Zeitpunkt, um einen Baum zu pflanzen war vor 30 Jahren.
Der nächst beste Zeitpunkt ist heute.
#borders #nations #Autonomy #opression #discrimination #sexism #racism #antisemitism #speciesism #heterosexism #transphobia #lookism #ableism #adultism #ageism #Nationalism #classism #capitalism #state #Property #Dominion #rivalry #rent #debts #debtstrike #rentstrike #collective #anarchie #Revolution #sexismus #rassismus #speziesismus #Queerfeindlichkeit #transfeindlichkeit #homofeindlichkeit #lookismus #ableismus #antisemitismus #ageismus #nationalismus #klassismus #antisdiskriminierung #kapitalismus #staat #Eigentum #herrschaft #konkurrenz #miete #schulden #schuldenstopp #Schuldenschnitt #schuldenstreik #Mietstreik #tauschlogikfrei #kollektiv
English below
Eigentum ist Diebstahl.
Kein Mensch, kein Gruppe, keine Nation hat das Recht, das zu behaupten oder zu konstruieren.
Daher darf auch keine Miete für Land, Haus oder Wohnung verlangt werden.
Genauso Schulden.
Schulden sind ein erfundenes Konstrukt, welches Menschen ihre Lebenszeit klaut.
Sie müssen dafür arbeiten gehen, weil irgendwer behauptet, das sei Eigentum.
Sie erzeugen Unterdrückung, Kriege, Hunger, Leid und die Ausbeutung und Zerstörung der planetaren Ressourcen.
Wir brauchen die Welt neu und vor allem gerechter verteilt.
Es sollte komplett neu darüber verhandeln, wer was benutzen/besitzen darf oder möchte.
Um die Menschheit in diese neue Verhandlungsposition zu bringen, brauch es einen globalen Schuldenstreik und Mietstreik.
Das wird keine kleine Sache, aber sie wird nötig sein. besser heute als morgen.
Aber auch schlau, solidarisch und umsichtig.
Wir wollen hier Strategien und Ansätze, die dafür gut passen aufzeigen, entwickeln, publik machen und gemeinsam aktiv werden, um diese Idee voran zu treiben.
#mietstreik #schuldenstreik #keineigentum #eigentum #transformation
Property is theft.
No human, no group or no nation has the right, to claim or to construct.
Because of that, there is no right to demand a rent for land, for houses or for flats.
So are debts.
Debts are an invented figment, which steals lifetime from humans.
They have to go to work, because anyone asserts, that this is property.
They are producing repression, wars, hunger, sorrow, poverty and are destroying the ressources of the planet.
We need a distribution of the planet new and equitable.
It should be a completely new negotiation, who may use/posses this or that.
For to get the mankind in this new position, it needs a global debtstrike and rentstrike.
This will not be a small thing. But it is necessary. Better today than tomorrow.
But also clever, in solidary and prudent.
We want to show, develope, publish and get active with stategies and rudiments, which may help driving forward with this idea.
#debtstrike #rentstrike #noproperty #property #revolution #transformation
#Mietstreik #schuldenstreik #keineigentum #Eigentum #transformation #debtstrike #rentstrike #noproperty #Property #Revolution