Dissolving the States would allow for interesting and varied cultures to emerge; #architecture and #housing that reflect what #local residents appreciate rather than that of a State that is easily corrupted by a few #politicalDonations from the likes of the #PropertyCouncil (a highly active #SuperPac/lobby group for #realEstate moguls in Australia).
The big risk of going local is from #largeCorporations that may seek to use their wealth to overwhelm Local Governments, but…
#architecture #housing #local #politicalDonations #PropertyCouncil #superpac #realestate #largecorporations
@tomflack @LisaA it was #johnhoward that opened the floodgates, #paulkeating had #immigration capped at 60k. #auspol #PropertyCouncil #lobbying #greed
#johnhoward #paulkeating #immigration #auspol #PropertyCouncil #lobbying #greed
(2/2)… we disolved State Govts entirely?
Eg. the UK don't have state govts.
Could #localCouncils manage #townPlanning as a #federation.
StateGovt functions can likely be replaced by Committees of a greater number of national MPs.
State Govt have become corrupted, engaging in #rentSeeking and known to take #politicalDonations from #realEstate and #propertyDeveloper groups through #SuperPac's like the #PropertyCouncil.
What do you think? Are State Govts replaceable?
#localCouncils #townPlanning #federation #rentSeeking #politicalDonations #realestate #propertyDeveloper #superpac #PropertyCouncil #auspol
Wow, they used people of Asian decent there too. We almost thought it would be localised and they would talk about wealthy Californians wanting a second summer home or some crap like that. They are inventive like that.
In Australia we have a seedy interestGroup called the #PropertyCouncil (non-govt #councils are suspicious) and they put out daily #pressReleases in local #MurdochRags to spruik the #realEstate market.
#PropertyCouncil #councils #pressReleases #MurdochRags #realestate
#highrise #overdevelopment #verticalSprawl #urbanSprawl #growthism #thirdWorld #thirdWorldisation #scamWatch #IMF #privatisation #liberalise #privatization #corporatism #privateEquity #stockMarket #derascination #lithium #cobalt #extraction #holesAndHouses #bananaRepublic #merchantBanks #propertyCouncil #forexMarket #forex
#highrise #overdevelopment #verticalSprawl #urbanSprawl #growthism #ThirdWorld #thirdworldisation #Scamwatch #imf #privatisation #liberalise #privatization #corporatism #privateequity #stockmarket #derascination #lithium #cobalt #extraction #holesAndHouses #bananarepublic #merchantBanks #PropertyCouncil #forexMarket #forex
The trick is to not produce vast #inequalities.
Real #democracy can work. Its just persistently undermined by the #legacyMedia and well-lubricated #publicRelations, #thinkTanks and #lobbyists, with connections the #centralBanks and #merchantBanks.
There was a time when these people were killed, in #Russia and #France, if memory serves. We are not properly equipped to handle the problem today.
#inequality #dotCons #kPMG #macquarie #propertyCouncil #deloitte #businessCouncil
#inequalities #thinktanks #democracy #publicrelations #legacymedia #lobbyists #centralBanks #merchantBanks #russia #france #inequality #dotcons #kpmg #macquarie #PropertyCouncil #Deloitte #BusinessCouncil
Open question to those who bought into the whole, 'lock-up-and-leave' trope pushed by #bigRealEstate…
How does it feel to simply be 'locked up'?
#lockUpAndLeave #propaganda #housing #overdevelopment #indoctrination #propertyCouncil #repitition #forcedNews #lockedUp
#bigRealEstate #lockUpAndLeave #propaganda #housing #overdevelopment #indoctrination #PropertyCouncil #repitition #forcedNews #lockedUp
Hearing about how over-leveraged (read: over-#invested) #investors in #China are being forced to sell their #investments at huge discounts warms our cold, cold heart.
They want govt support.
The places they built are awful — they should probably go to prison as #environmentalVandals to pay off the #debt.
#overdevelopment #overshoot #imprisonList #realEstate #property #housing #propertyCouncil #australia #auspol
#invested #investors #china #investments #environmentalVandals #debt #overdevelopment #overshoot #ImprisonList #realestate #property #housing #PropertyCouncil #australia #auspol
"While there is a soul in #prison…
[ image of #highrise ]
… I am not free."
#overdevelopment #whileThereIsASoulInPrison #notFree #propertyDevelopers #propertyCouncil #construction #cronyism #ghetto #highDensityLiving #tenementSlums #gentrification #limitsToGrowth #complexSocieties #collapse #collapseOfComplexSocieties
#gentrification #limitstogrowth #collapseOfComplexSocieties #prison #highrise #overdevelopment #whileThereIsASoulInPrison #notfree #propertyDevelopers #PropertyCouncil #construction #cronyism #ghetto #highDensityLiving #tenementSlums #complexSocieties #collapse
Many ppl do not know who they are paying #economicRents too, and importantly why.
It may as well be #aMafia.
There are a host of #grifters that just need to '#stop', and we mean that in many senses of the word — its not even funny.
Most are having their #IQ lowered now. The #magnaCarta or even just understanding #local affairs is getting out of reach.
#xr #rentseekers #trusts #megaMachine #corporatists #moneyPrinterGoBrr #bigProperty #construction #propertyCouncil #land
#economicRents #aMafia #grifters #stop #iq #magnacarta #local #xr #rentseekers #trusts #megamachine #corporatists #moneyPrinterGoBrr #bigProperty #construction #PropertyCouncil #land
#Lobbyists like the #PropertyCouncil and #privateEquity who pined to maintain extreme #overdevelopment, lax #protections and abused the confidence of #migrants and #migrantLabour, ought be added to an #imprisonList.
Start with the Property Council heads.
These #spruikers can be found in #MurdochRags and other #realEstate pumping corporateMedia outlets over the 15 years prior to #COVID – fueling this crisis.
#lobbyists #PropertyCouncil #privateequity #overdevelopment #protections #migrants #migrantLabour #ImprisonList #spruikers #MurdochRags #realestate #covid
They say:
> "Building vibrant, sustainable #communities".
What we get:
> Multi-story shoebox dwellings that could collapse, are hot, crowded, induce #mentalIllness especially in #children.
Sustainable – for whom?
#vibrancy #communityWashing #propertyCouncil #builders #bigConstruction #construction #realEstate #speculation #landGrab #artistsImpressions #greenWashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateEquity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinFixesThis
#artistsImpressions #communities #mentalillness #children #vibrancy #communitywashing #PropertyCouncil #builders #BigConstruction #construction #realestate #speculation #landGrab #greenwashing #sustainable #banks #doingGodsWork #privateequity #rentseekers #gentrifiers #gentrification #overdevelopment #bitcoinfixesthis
Sadly, these terrible collapses like the #MiamiTower are just a tip of the iceberg.
We wrote something recently on another device and will get it out in the days ahead.
In #Australia we've been struggling with our own #propertyDeveloper and #privateEquity craze since #Sydney2000, and yes, a lot of dodgy #construction.
The #realEstate and #propertyCouncil have been aggressively #lobbying #selfRegulation for as long as we can remember too.
#MiamiTower #australia #propertyDeveloper #privateequity #Sydney2000 #construction #realestate #PropertyCouncil #lobbying #selfRegulation #rentSeeking #cronyism #assetinflation
Hey #RupertMurdoch, have you stopped producing #shitposts (I mean #headlines) designed to dupe people into buying things (and #politicians) they don't want and need?
Because #Failbook does that now and they do a better job than you ever could.
Don't let the #PropertyCouncil, big #construction and the other crime syndicates you propped up hit you on the way out.
#murdochRag #corporateMedia #universities #propertyDevelopers #environment #facebook #linkTax #australia #capitalismForEveryoneElse
#rupertmurdoch #shitposts #headlines #politicians #failbook #PropertyCouncil #construction #murdochRag #corporatemedia #universities #propertyDevelopers #environment #facebook #linktax #australia #capitalismForEveryoneElse
@Meeper @realcaseyrollins @verge
Also #politicalDonations, #lobbyists, a #mining/#corporate-controlled, #forcedNews #television media, etc.
The #PropertyCouncil especially are the most seedy entity and #lobby to use #realEstate as an #ATM (machine).
#australia #ponziScheme #pyramidScheme #immigration #weNeedMorePeople #weNeedMoreCunsumers #consumerism
#politicalDonations #lobbyists #mining #forcedNews #television #PropertyCouncil #lobby #realestate #atm #australia #ponzischeme #pyramidscheme #immigration #weNeedMorePeople #weNeedMoreCunsumers #consumerism
Add great #architecture to that list.
The #profitMotive, including the #revolvingDoor, #privatisation (insofar as #publicHousing) and #rentseeking behaviour in #realEstate results in awful architecture.
#craftsmanship #gentrification #starkitects #architects #landlords #propertyCouncil #lobbyists #corporateCapture #townhomes #apartments #townplanning #townhouses #emptyHomes #renovate #renovations #sandMafia #construction #constructionLobby #lendlease #blackrock #slumification
#renovations #sandMafia #construction #blackrock #architecture #profitmotive #revolvingdoor #privatisation #publichousing #rentSeeking #realestate #craftsmanship #gentrification #starkitects #architects #landlords #PropertyCouncil #lobbyists #corporatecapture #townhomes #apartments #townPlanning #townhouses #renovate #constructionLobby #Lendlease #slumification #emptyHomes
#RealProgressives have been decrying the ills of #corruptionFueled, #greedDriven #overdevelopment and #overpopulation.
While #vestedInterests in #realEstate, #construction, captured #academia and the #PropertyCouncil were selling ideas of "#urban #regeneration" and so-called #smartCities, real #environmentalists and were pointing to real #publicHealth and safety risks and we're being completely ignored.
But #bailout #wallstreet, lol.
#realprogressives #corruptionFueled #greedDriven #overdevelopment #overpopulation #vestedInterests #realestate #construction #academia #PropertyCouncil #urban #regeneration #smartcities #environmentalists #publichealth #bailout #wallstreet #mafia #mafiaControlled #Lendlease #bigFinance
We agree on the premises of 2 and 3 but we doubt the efficacy of 1, given that #workerCoaxing and #workerExpoitation are still rife.
#migrantExploitation #wageSlavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #businessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #propertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanFrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtSlavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
#workerCoaxing #workerExpoitation #migrantExploitation #wageslavery #confidenceTrickery #tysonfoods #BusinessRoundtable #abattoirWorkers #meatConsumption #PropertyCouncil #growthPushers #slums #sanfrancisco #losangeles #homelessness #urbanSprawl #gentrification #debtslavery #overdevelopment #drugwar #racketeering
Dear #MaxKeiser or #StacyHerbert of the #KeiserReport,
We liked your #OkBoomer show but a few things.
In #Australia, the #Boomers don't need #Millenials to buy their #overpriced #homes and #investments, that's what extreme levels of #immigration are for (see #PropertyCouncil and other seedy lobby groups with tentacles at #MurdochMedia)
Given that you are a supporter of #openSource you may wish to consider not plugging #Twitter and transitioning to the #Fediverse. :)
#MaxKeiser #StacyHerbert #KeiserReport #okboomer #australia #boomers #millenials #overpriced #homes #investments #immigration #PropertyCouncil #MurdochMedia #opensource #twitter #fediverse
Yes, #extortion and #rentSeeking are abhorrent. We need to end professional #lobbying by jailing those involved as criminals. In Russia for a time they were apparently given the #DeathPenalty!
Lobbying in the #USA is said to have shot up in the 1970s and has only risen since. In #Australia today, the dodgy #PropertyCouncil, #BusinessCouncil, #MigrationCouncil and even some #unions and #universities lobby for irresponsibly high immigration levels to maintain the #speculation #ponzi.
#extortion #rentSeeking #lobbying #deathpenalty #usa #australia #PropertyCouncil #BusinessCouncil #MigrationCouncil #unions #universities #speculation #ponzi