Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
259 followers · 1813 posts · Server

Logical Graphs • Discussion 6

Re: Logical Graphs • First Impressions

Logical Graphs • Figures 1 and 2

Re: • Robert Appleton

❝As a professional graphic designer and non-mathematician reading your two diagrams, I need to ask for a simpler statement of their purpose. What do Fig 1 and Fig 2 represent to you? And what insight do they provide us?❞

My Comment —

Figures 1 and 2 are really just a couple of “in medias res” pump‑primers or ice‑breakers. This will all be explained in the above linked blog post, where I'm revising the text and upgrading the graphics of some work I first blogged in 2008 based on work I did even further back. I'll be taking a fresh look at that as I serialize it here.

Those two Figures come from George Spencer Brown's 1969 book Laws of Form, where he called them the Law of Calling and the Law of Crossing. GSB revived and clarified central aspects of Peirce's systems of logical graphs and I find it helpful to integrate his work into my exposition of Peirce. For now you can think of those as exemplifying two core formal principles which go to the root of the mathematical forms underlying logical reasoning.

#PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
254 followers · 1811 posts · Server

Logical Graphs • First Impressions 1

Introduction • Moving Pictures of Thought —

A “logical graph” is a graph-theoretic structure in one of the systems of graphical syntax Charles Sanders Peirce developed for logic.

In numerous papers on “qualitative logic”, “entitative graphs”, and “existential graphs”, Peirce developed several versions of a graphical formalism, or a graph-theoretic formal language, designed to be interpreted for logic.

In the century since Peirce initiated this line of development, a variety of formal systems have branched out from what is abstractly the same formal base of graph-theoretic structures. This article examines the common basis of these formal systems from a bird's eye view, focusing on the aspects of form shared by the entire family of algebras, calculi, or languages, however they happen to be viewed in a given application.

#PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #lawsofform #spencerbrown #existensialgraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
235 followers · 1737 posts · Server

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy • Preliminaries

Functional Logic • Inquiry and Analogy

This report discusses C.S. Peirce's treatment of analogy, placing it in relation to his overall theory of inquiry. We begin by introducing three basic types of reasoning Peirce adopted from classical logic. In Peirce's analysis both inquiry and analogy are complex programs of logical inference which develop through stages of these three types, though normally in different orders.

Note on notation. The discussion to follow uses logical conjunctions, expressed in the form of concatenated tuples \(e_1 \ldots e_k,\) and minimal negation operations, expressed in the form of bracketed tuples \(\texttt{(} e_1 \texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{,} e_k \texttt{)},\) as the principal expression-forming operations of a calculus for boolean-valued functions, that is, for propositions. The expressions of this calculus parse into data structures whose underlying graphs are called “cacti” by graph theorists. Hence the name “cactus language” for this dialect of propositional calculus.

Resources —

Logic Syllabus

Boolean Function

Boolean-Valued Function

Logical Conjunction

Minimal Negation Operator

#PropositionalCalculus #CactusLanguage #logicalgraph #minimalnegationoperator #logicalconjunction #booleanfunction #inquiry #analogy #induction #deduction #abduction #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
234 followers · 1733 posts · Server

Cactus Rules

With an eye toward the aims of the NKS Forum I've begun to work out a translation of the “elementary cellular automaton rules” (ECARs), in effect, just the boolean functions of abstract type \(f : \mathbb{B}^3 \to \mathbb{B},\) into cactus language, and I'll post a selection of my working notes here.

#cellularautomata #cactussyntax #CactusLanguage #CactusCalculus #PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #LogicalGraphs #logic

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
231 followers · 1729 posts · Server

Logic Syllabus • Discussion 1

Re: Logic Syllabus ( )
Re: Laws of Form ( )
❝_❞ John Mingers ( )

❝In a previous post you mentioned the minimal negation operator. Is there also the converse of this, i.e. an operator which is true when exactly one of its arguments is true? Or is this just XOR?❞

Yes, the “just one true” operator is a very handy tool. We discussed it earlier under the headings of “genus and species relations” or “radio button logic”. Viewed as a venn diagram it describes a partition of the universe of discourse into mutually exclusive and exhaustive regions.

Reading \(\texttt{(} x_1 \texttt{,} \ldots \texttt{,} x_m \texttt{)}\) to mean just one of \(x_1, \ldots, x_m\) is false, the form \(\texttt{((} x_1 \texttt{),} \ldots \texttt{,(} x_m \texttt{))}\) means just one of \(x_1, \ldots, x_m\) is true.

For two logical variables, though, the cases “condense” or “degenerate” and saying “just one true” is the same thing as saying “just one false”.

\[\texttt{((} x_1 \texttt{),(} x_2 \texttt{))} = \texttt{(} x_1 \texttt{,} x_2 \texttt{)} = x_1 + x_2 = \textsc{xor} (x_1, x_2).\]

There's more information on the following pages.

Minimal Negation Operators

Related Truth Tables

Genus, Species, Pie Charts, Radio Buttons

Related Discussions

#truthtable #radiobuttonlogic #PropositionalCalculus #CactusLanguage #xor #exclusivedisjunction #minimalnegationoperator #logicalgraph #Peirce #booleanvaluedfunction #booleanfunction #booleandomain #logicsyllabus #logic

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
231 followers · 1712 posts · Server

Logic Syllabus • 3

Logical Concepts

Ampheck •
Boolean Domain •
Boolean Function •
Boolean-Valued Function •
Differential Logic •
Logical Graph •
Minimal Negation Operator •
Multigrade Operator •
Parametric Operator •
Peirce's Law •
Propositional Calculus •
Sole Sufficient Operator •
Truth Table •
Universe of Discourse •
Zeroth Order Logic •

#logicsyllabus #logic #zerothorderlogic #UniverseOfDiscourse #truthtable #solesufficientoperator #PropositionalCalculus #peirceslaw #parametricoperator #multigradeoperator #minimalnegationoperator #logicalgraph #DifferentialLogic #booleanvaluedfunction #booleanfunction #booleandomain #ampheck

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1685 posts · Server

Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 1

Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan • Sorting and Proving

❝GPT-3 works by playing a game of “guess the next word” in a phrase.
This is akin to “guess the next move” in chess and other games, and
we will have more to say about it.❞

My Observation —

As a person who struggles on a daily basis to rise to the level of sentience
I've learned it has more to do with beginning than ending this sentence.

#gpt #llm #PropositionalCalculus #abductiondeductioninduction #logic #sat #booleansatisfiability #ComputationalComplexity #godelslostletter

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1561 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

Please follow the above link for the full set of resources. A couple of beginning pieces are linked below.

Logical Graphs • Introduction

Logical Graphs • Formal Development

I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.

One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.

At any rate, I'll explore that theme further as we go.

For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.

#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1560 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing
several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by
Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of
syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

Please follow the link above for the full set of resources.
Here I'll just link to a couple of beginning pieces.

Logical Graphs • Introduction

Logical Graphs • Formal Development

I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs
I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs
with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.

One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart
two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing
logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.

At any rate, I'll be exploring that theme as we go.

For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.

#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
222 followers · 1520 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Selection 3.2

❝§3. Application of the Algebraic Signs to Logic❞ (cont.)

❝The Signs of Inclusion, Equality, Etc.❞ (cont.)

❝But not only do the significations of \(=\) and \(<\) here adopted fulfill all absolute requirements, but they have the supererogatory virtue of being very nearly the same as the common significations. Equality is, in fact, nothing but the identity of two numbers; numbers that are equal are those which are predicable of the same collections, just as terms that are identical are those which are predicable of the same classes.

❝So, to write \(5 < 7\) is to say that \(5\) is part of \(7,\) just as to write \(\mathrm{f} < \mathrm{m}\) is to say that Frenchmen are part of men. Indeed, if \(\mathrm{f} < \mathrm{m},\) then the number of Frenchmen is less than the number of men, and if \(\mathrm{v} = \mathrm{p},\) then the number of Vice-Presidents is equal to the number of Presidents of the Senate; so that the numbers may always be substituted for the terms themselves, in case no signs of operation occur in the equations or inequalities.❞

The quantifier mapping from terms to numbers that Peirce signifies by means of the square bracket notation \([t]\) has one of its principal uses in providing a basis for the computation of frequencies, probabilities, and all the other statistical measures constructed from them, and thus in affording a “principle of correspondence” between probability theory and its limiting case in the forms of logic.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
220 followers · 1488 posts · Server

Survey of Animated Logical Graphs

This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.

#SignRelations #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #semeiotics #semiotics #BooleanFunctions #booleanalgebra #Boole #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
211 followers · 1458 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Selection 2.1

We continue with §3. Application of the Algebraic Signs to Logic.

❝Numbers Corresponding to Letters❞

❝I propose to use the term “universe” to denote that class of individuals about which alone the whole discourse is understood to run. The universe, therefore, in this sense, as in Mr. De Morgan's, is different on different occasions. In this sense, moreover, discourse may run upon something which is not a subjective part of the universe; for instance, upon the qualities or collections of the individuals it contains.

❝I propose to assign to all logical terms, numbers; to an absolute term, the number of individuals it denotes; to a relative term, the average number of things so related to one individual. Thus in a universe of perfect men (men), the number of “tooth of” would be 32. The number of a relative with two correlates would be the average number of things so related to a pair of individuals; and so on for relatives of higher numbers of correlates. I propose to denote the number of a logical term by enclosing the term in square brackets, thus, \([t].\)❞

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
211 followers · 1456 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Selection 1.2

❝The conjugative term involves the conception of third, the relative that of second or other, the absolute term simply considers an object. No fourth class of terms exists involving the conception of fourth, because when that of third is introduced, since it involves the conception of bringing objects into relation, all higher numbers are given at once, inasmuch as the conception of bringing objects into relation is independent of the number of members of the relationship. Whether this reason for the fact that there is no fourth class of terms fundamentally different from the third is satisfactory of not, the fact itself is made perfectly evident by the study of the logic of relatives.❞

One thing that strikes me about the above passage is a pattern of argument I can recognize as invoking a closure principle. This is a figure of reasoning Peirce uses in three other places: his discussion of continuous predicates, his definition of a sign relation, and his formulation of the pragmatic maxim itself.

One might also call attention to the following two statements:

❝Now logical terms are of three grand classes.❞

❝No fourth class of terms exists involving the conception of fourth, because when that of third is introduced, since it involves the conception of bringing objects into relation, all higher numbers are given at once, inasmuch as the conception of bringing objects into relation is independent of the number of members of the relationship.❞

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
211 followers · 1447 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Selection 1.1

We pick up Peirce's text at the following point.

❝§3. Application of the Algebraic Signs to Logic❞

❝Use of the Letters❞

❝The letters of the alphabet will denote logical signs.

❝Now logical terms are of three grand classes.

❝The first embraces those whose logical form involves only the conception of quality, and which therefore represent a thing simply as “a ──”. These discriminate objects in the most rudimentary way, which does not involve any consciousness of discrimination. They regard an object as it is in itself as such (quale); for example, as horse, tree, or man. These are absolute terms.

❝The second class embraces terms whose logical form involves the conception of relation, and which require the addition of another term to complete the denotation. These discriminate objects with a distinct consciousness of discrimination. They regard an object as over against another, that is as relative; as father of, lover of, or servant of. These are simple relative terms.

❝The third class embraces terms whose logical form involves the conception of bringing things into relation, and which require the addition of more than one term to complete the denotation. They discriminate not only with consciousness of discrimination, but with consciousness of its origin. They regard an object as medium or third between two others, that is as conjugative; as giver of ── to ──, or buyer of ── for ── from ──. These may be termed conjugative terms.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
211 followers · 1443 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Preliminaries 5

Individual terms are taken to denote individual entities falling under a general term. Peirce uses upper case Roman letters for individual terms, for example, the individual horses \(\mathrm{H}, \mathrm{H}^{\prime}, \mathrm{H}^{\prime\prime}\) falling under the general term \(\mathrm{h}\) for horse.

The path to understanding Peirce's system and its wider implications for logic can be smoothed by paraphrasing his notations in a variety of contemporary mathematical formalisms, while preserving the semantics as much as possible. Remaining faithful to Peirce's orthography while adding parallel sets of stylistic conventions will, however, demand close attention to typography-in-context.

Current style sheets for mathematical texts specify italics for mathematical variables, with upper case letters for sets and lower case letters for individuals. So we need to keep an eye out for the difference between the individual \(\mathrm{X}\) of the genus \(\mathrm{x}\) and the element \(x\) of the set \(X\) as we pass between the two styles of text.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
212 followers · 1440 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Preliminaries 4

Conjugative Terms (Higher Adic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

The Table displays the single-letter abbreviations and their verbal equivalents for the “conjugative terms” (or “higher adic relative terms”) used in Peirce's examples of logical formulas. Peirce used a distinctive typeface for the abbreviations of higher adic relative terms, rendered here as LaTeX “mathfrak”, Fraktur, or Gothic.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
212 followers · 1439 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Preliminaries 3

Simple Relative Terms (Dyadic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

The Table displays the single-letter abbreviations and their verbal equivalents for the “simple relative terms” (or “dyadic relative terms”) used in Peirce's examples of logical formulas. Peirce used a distinctive typeface for the abbreviations of dyadic relative terms, rendered here as LaTeX “mathit” or Italics.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
212 followers · 1438 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Preliminaries 2

Absolute Terms (Monadic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

The Table displays the single-letter abbreviations and their verbal equivalents for the “absolute logical terms” (or “monadic relative terms”) used in Peirce's examples of logical formulas throughout the rest of the paper. Peirce used a distinctive typeface for the absolute term abbreviations, rendered here as LaTeX “mathrm” or Roman.

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
212 followers · 1435 posts · Server

Peirce's 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Preliminaries 1

In the beginning was the three-pointed star,
One smile of light across the empty face;
One bough of bone across the rooting air,
The substance forked that marrowed the first sun;
And, burning ciphers on the round of space,
Heaven and hell mixed as they spun.

Peirce’s text employs lower case letters for logical terms of general reference and upper case letters for logical terms of individual reference. General terms fall into types, namely, absolute terms, dyadic relative terms, and higher adic relative terms, which Peirce distinguishes through the employment of different typefaces. The following Tables show the typefaces used in the present transcript for Peirce's examples of general terms. (I'll post just the image links for now, then the full images and texts in the next three posts.)

Absolute Terms (Monadic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

Simple Relative Terms (Dyadic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

Conjugative Terms (Higher Adic Relatives)
• inquiryintoinquiry.files.wordp

#categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #LogicalGraphs #mathematicallogic #logicalcalculus #Boole #lor1870 #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #logic #Peirce #inthebeginning #dylanthomas

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
213 followers · 1434 posts · Server

Peirce’s 1870 “Logic of Relatives” • Overview

My long ago encounter with Peirce’s 1870 paper, “Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives, Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole’s Calculus of Logic”, was one of the events precipitating my return from the hazier heights of philosophy to the solid plains of mathematics below. Over the years I copied out various drafts of my study notes to the web, consisting of selections from Peirce’s paper along with my running commentary. A few years back I serialized what progress I had made so far to this blog and this Overview consists of links to those installments.

#LogicalGraphs #categorytheory #predicatecalculus #PropositionalCalculus #mathematicallogic #mathematics #logic #RelationTheory #LogicOfRelatives #Peirce

Last updated 1 year ago