(But there’s still more that could be done, Dawe said. She’d like to see the government restrict industrial projects in critical habitat for endangered or threatened species as new laws and policies are being developed.
“A lot of wildlife just can’t handle two more years of a free for all,” she said)
#BCpoli #ecology #environment #ClimateAction #ProtectBiodiversity #NatureFirst #StopEcocide #BritishColumbia #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild
#bcpoli #ecology #environment #climateaction #ProtectBiodiversity #naturefirst #stopecocide #britishcolumbia #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #wildfirst #protectthewild
Though a goldmine for the curious botanist, Harewood Plains is also an area under threat — from damage caused by off-road dirt bikes, ATVs and tree poaching — in part because so little is still known about it.
#Nanaimo #vanisle #VancouverIsland #conservation #environmental #ecosystems #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #ProtectBiodiversity #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #NorthCowichan #botany #PlantStudies #FieldStudies
#nanaimo #vanisle #vancouverisland #conservation #environmental #ecosystems #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #ProtectBiodiversity #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #northcowichan #botany #plantstudies #fieldstudies
RT @herorats
"When I pull this ball attached to my vest, you will hear a 'BEEP' sound to let you know that I detected pangolin scales!'
How cute is Wildlife detection rat Betty? 🐭 ❤️
#HeroRATs #SavePangolins #EndWildlifeCrime #ProtectBiodiversity
#ProtectBiodiversity #endwildlifecrime #savepangolins #herorats