The social pressure of the holiday season makes it hard to keep the boundaries you have for safety (#covid #rsv #influenza #germs) but it's critical to not cave. Most gatherings I decline, the pressure is crushing before, but after I usually hear "oh, so and so was at the party and has covid". Every unmasked indoor exposure with people outside your household may contribute to chains of infection. #WearAMask #N95orBetter #ProtectTheKids #ProtectEachOther
#covid #rsv #influenza #germs #WearAMask #n95orbetter #ProtectTheKids #ProtectEachOther
Danke für Eure Aufmerksamkeit bzgl des Tweets über das verstorbene 4jährige Mädchen.
Ihre Tante bittet um Awareness unter dem Hashtag #JusticeForClara.
#BringBackMasks #ProtectEachOther
#ProtectEachOther #BringBackMasks #JusticeForClara