The people have spoken and a greater wisdom prevails, at least today…
#environment #indigenous #rightsofnature #nature #ProtectNature #StopBigOil #StopBigOilGreed
#environment #indigenous #rightsofnature #nature #ProtectNature #stopbigoil #stopbigoilgreed
Omg I got so drenched from my hike lol. Definitely time for a hot drink. Looking up good places for hot chocolate in town as we speak 😋
A few water-related highlights below too, good reminder of why climate justice matters
#hiking #peace #nature #ProtectNature #beauty #climatejustice
#hiking #peace #nature #ProtectNature #beauty #climatejustice EVIDENCE/ Interpretation/ MethylMercury monitoring Muskrat Falls [Ryan Calder] @rycalder 18 November 2020 #CONTAMINATEDCOUNTRYFOODS #INEDIBLECOUNTRYFOODS #CROWNCORPORATIONDAM #ecocidalsystem #genocidalsystem #methanekills #threattolife #methylmercury #mishtashipu #muskratfalls #nalcor #pollution #unacceptablerisks #unfairness #freerivers #restorerivers #fundrivers #fundnature #restorenature #protectnature #reversebiodiversityloss #climatejustice
#contaminatedcountryfoods #inediblecountryfoods #crowncorporationdam #ecocidalsystem #genocidalsystem #methanekills #threattolife #methylmercury #mishtashipu #muskratfalls #nalcor #pollution #unacceptablerisks #unfairness #freerivers #restorerivers #fundrivers #fundnature #RestoreNature #ProtectNature #reversebiodiversityloss #ClimateJustice
📣 BREAKING: Greenpeace activists hang a 46-foot tall banner off Montreal’s iconic l’Anneau to send world leaders at #COP15 a clear message — #ProtectNature, protect life.
« 📣 BREAKING: Greenpeace activists hang a 46-foot tall banner off Montreal’s iconic l’Anneau to send world leaders at #COP15 a clear message — #ProtectNature, protect life. »
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« La forêt était en train de disparaître, mais les arbres votèrent encore pour la hache, parce que la hache était rusée et elle les avait convaincus que, puisqu'elle avait le manche en bois, elle était de leur côté. »
#nature #photography #landscape #environment #forêt #comores
#island #protectnature #savenature #photo #photographer #جزرالقمر
📷 Kanayakine
#nature #photography #landscape #environment #forêt #comores #island #ProtectNature #savenature #photo #photographer #جزرالقمر