+++Update about the eviction situation+++
At the moment it is still relatively calm in the forest in terms of police presence. We therefore don't have any clear signs that the eviction will start tomorrow. However, we are still threatened by eviction, and expect it to start around 15.02. We also still need support in the forest to build structures and to prepare the skillshare weekend. Come by tomorrow to support us!
#heibobleibt #ProtectTrees #forest #heibobleibostabilo #allewälderbleiben
#allewalderbleiben #heibobleibostabilo #forest #ProtectTrees #HeiboBleibt
experiments with photo of autumn leaf recycled in various forms.
inspired by a photo of 2 amazing river birches, thanks to @DarinWilson
#watercolour #ProtectTrees #LoveTrees
experiments with watercolour and halftone mix.
#watercolour #ProtectTrees #LoveTrees
ghosts of days gone past - another variation on the old dead tree.
#watercolour #protectnature #LoveTrees #ProtectTrees
Inspired by a beautiful dead oak, still standing proud (Epping Forest)
#watercolour #protectnature #LoveTrees #ProtectTrees
.... really fond of this leaf shape as you can see :-)
#watercolour #LoveTrees #ProtectTrees
experimenting with details of photo taken of sunshine beaming through leaves
#ink #watercolour #photo #LoveTrees #ProtectTrees
inspired by a wonderful knarly tree I came across in Cedar Park (London).
#watercolour #pencil #LoveTrees #ProtectTrees
inspired by an amazing old, large tree.
#watercolour #ProtectTrees #LoveTrees
further experiments with previous pencil sketch of the branch
, combining the 2 views witnin a ingle image - wonder which one is more effective...
#ink #pencil #watercolour #nature #ProtectTrees #LoveTrees
on a flow today, working with pencil sketches, drawn while sitting in a park :)