La Rochelle emerged early in the French Reformation as a Protestant political and military center. #History #LaRochelle #LouisXIIIofFrance #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #louisxiiioffrance #larochelle #History
Martin Luther's speech at the Diet of Worms (also known as the Here I Stand Speech) is considered one of the greatest pieces of oratory in world history. #History #DietofWorms #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #dietofworms #History
Huldrych Zwingli (l. #History #HuldrychZwingli #KappelWars #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #kappelwars #huldrychzwingli #History
George Blaurock (l. #History #Anabaptists #HuldrychZwingli #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #huldrychzwingli #Anabaptists #History
Andreas Karlstadt (also given as Carlstadt, l. #History #AndreasKarlstadt #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #andreaskarlstadt #History
In response to Martin Luther's 95 Theses, as well as his other works, Pope Leo X sent a papal bull threatening him with excommunication in June 1520. #History #DietofWorms #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #dietofworms #History
The German Peasants' War (1524-1525) was a conflict between the lower class of the Germanic region of the Holy Roman Empire and the nobility over the feudal system of serfdom, religious freedom, and economic disparity.'_War/ #History #GermanPeasants'War #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #germanpeasants #History
The Eighty Years' War (1568-1648, also known as The Dutch Revolt and Dutch War of Independence) was a military conflict between the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands and Spain, which then governed them, beginning in the reign of King Philip II of Spain (1556-1598).'_War/ #History #EightyYears'War #ProtestantReformation #WilliamtheSilent
#williamthesilent #ProtestantReformation #eightyyears #History
Thomas Müntzer (l. #History #GermanPeasants'War #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #germanpeasants #History
Although Huldrych Zwingli (l. #History #HuldrychZwingli #KappelWars #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #kappelwars #huldrychzwingli #History
Andreas Karlstadt (also given as Carlstadt, l. #History #AndreasKarlstadt #MartinLuther #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #andreaskarlstadt #History
The Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands was among the most violent and destructive of any region during the first 50 years of the movement, ultimately informing the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648), but causing massive destruction and death prior to that conflict through religious intolerance and the inability to compromise by either faction. #History #EightyYears'War #ProtestantReformation #WilliamtheSilent
#williamthesilent #ProtestantReformation #eightyyears #History
Defending Clerical Marriage (1524) is an open letter by reformer and theologian Katharina Zell (nee Schütz, l. 1497-1562), written to justify the marriage of Christian clergy. #KatharinaZell #ProtestantReformation #History
#History #ProtestantReformation #KatharinaZell
The medieval indulgence was a writ offered by the Church, for money, guaranteeing the remission of sin, and its abuse was the spark that inspired Martin Luther's 95 Theses. #MartinLuther #MedievalChurch #ProtestantReformation #History
#History #ProtestantReformation #medievalchurch #MartinLuther
George Blaurock (l. c. 1491-1529) was one of the three founders of the Swiss Brethren (known by their opponents as Anabaptists) along with Conrad Grebel (l. c. 1498-1526) and Felix Manz (l. c. 1498-1527). His Origin of the Anabaptists is an account of how the sect began as well as its persecution by the Swiss reformer Huldrych Zwingli (l. 1484-1531). #Anabaptists #HuldrychZwingli #ProtestantReformation #History
#History #ProtestantReformation #huldrychzwingli #Anabaptists
Although Huldrych Zwingli (l. 1483-1531) began his Reformation efforts in Zürich in 1519, his first break with the Church came in 1522 when he defended a group of citizens who had broken the Lenten fast by eating sausages. The event, known as the Sausage Episode or Affair of the Sausage, marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland. #HuldrychZwingli #KappelWars #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #kappelwars #huldrychzwingli
The Protestant Reformation was a period of religious history marked by a great defining, debating, and divergence on what it meant to be an orthodox, faithful Christian. To this end, many theologians offered their own explanations of the fundamentals of the faith. The great reformed theologian, John Calvin (l. 1509-1564), presented in the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) profound elu... #Christianity #JohnCalvin #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #JohnCalvin #christianity
Σήμερα είναι η επέτειος του πραξικοπήματος στην #burkinafaso, ημέρα υπουργείου θρησκευτικών υποθέσεων στην #Indonesia και #tamaseseri φεστιβάλ στην #japan.
#σανΣημερα τo 1521 o παπάς #leoX αφορίζει το #martinLuther. Ξεκινάει η #protestantReformation.
Tο 1749 εκδίδεται το πρώτο τεύχος της εφημερίδας #berlingske στη #danemark. Είναι η αρχαιότερη σε συνεχή κυκλοφορία της χώρας.
Το 1957 η εταιρεία #hamiltonWatchCompany κυκλοφορεί το πρώτο ηλεκτρικό ρολόι.
#hamiltonwatchcompany #danemark #berlingske #ProtestantReformation #MartinLuther #LeoX #σανσημερα #Japan #tamaseseri #indonesia #burkinafaso #καλομεσημερι
The Kappel Wars (also known as the Wars of Kappel) were armed conflicts between Protestants and Catholics in Switzerland during the Swiss Reformation. The First Kappel War ended before it began in 1529, while the second, in 1531, concluded with a Catholic victory and the death of the Protestant reformer Huldrych Zwingli. #HuldrychZwingli #KappelWars #ProtestantReformation
#ProtestantReformation #kappelwars #huldrychzwingli
A quick explanation on how Medieval ceiling angels survived the Reformation in some English churches.
#relatable #ProtestantReformation #ArtHistory #iconoclasts #InstagramReel
#instagramreel #iconoclasts #arthistory #ProtestantReformation #relatable