Typiskt vår skruvade svenska självbild att sätta likhetstecken mellan startskottet för det *moderna* Sverige år 1523 och själva rikets tillblivelse. #OlofSkötkonung, #BirgerJarl och #MagnusLadulås, de som flera sekel innan hade börjat lägga grunden till det KATOLSKA riket Sverige, de passar liksom inte in i den historierevisionism som vi protestantiskt indoktrinerade svenskar fortfarande ägnar oss åt.
#sverige #medeltiden #vasatiden #historiskamyter #nationalism #protestantism #katolicism
#olofskotkonung #birgerjarl #magnusladulas #sverige #medeltiden #vasatiden #historiskamyter #nationalism #Protestantism #katolicism
Excellent piece by David Bentley Hart
Good God? A Response – Theopolis Institute https://theopolisinstitute.com/leithart_post/good-god-a-response/
#theology #atheist #bible #christianity #judaism #protestantism
#theology #atheist #bible #christianity #judaism #Protestantism
@daveboy Well technically _we_ don't have them, as all of this nonsense was one of the things that Protestantism was against, centuries ago.
The current official state religion of the U.K. got rid of intercession of saints in 1563. If _we_ includes various forms of Protestantism, and all of the non-Christians around, then we don't have intercessory saints.
Here's the BCP on the subject, which is still current doctrine:
RT @victoriamoul@twitter.com
I'm organising a symposium on Protestant Latin poetry (focus on c.1550-1630) probably in London in July but also some other events. If you're interested in being involved, please contact me. #AcademicTwitter #earlymodern #Protestantism #neolatin Please retweet!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/victoriamoul/status/1617834138228396040
#academictwitter #earlymodern #Protestantism #neoLatin
mainline #protestantism to #mormonism transition is hard.
i just figured out the some of the superstitions about the three nephites. community of christ members i spend a lot of time with reference them a lot and all i knew about them was that they never die.
and i was in church like "who is alma?"
the bible is the main book used and the doctrine and covenants is often read from and referenced, so i am now familiar with that.
book of #mormon references are more rare. i'll get it eventually.
#Protestantism #mormonism #mormon
I have had a lot of pleasure watching this chap on YouTube.
He is one of the best speakers I have ever come across.
#Lectures #GreshamCollege #Theology #DurhamUniversity #Protestantism
#lectures #greshamcollege #theology #durhamuniversity #Protestantism