By and large #WestNorse preserves more of #ProtoGermanic than #EastNorse. An exception is the verbal stem gā/*ga- ’go’, which in #OldSwedish was used in the present tense and at times in the infinitive. Else its inflection was suppleted by forms of the verb ”ganga”.
In West Norse ”gá” is attested very sparsely indeed, and instead ”ganga” is used throughout the paradigm.
In past research there was an idea that gā could have been borrowed from #LowGerman, but today this is not deemed probable. 🧵👇🏻
#westnorse #ProtoGermanic #eastnorse #oldswedish #lowgerman
Neue Fassung des Grundrisses der Gotischen Etymologie. Hinzugefügt ist Nr. 740. stojan. Der Index wurde nicht aktualisiert, eine Verweise können also fehlgehen.
#Wörterbuch #Gotisch #GotischeSprache #Etymologie #Altgermanistik #Altgermanisch #Indogermanistik #Indogermanisch #Etymology #urgermanisch #ProtoGermanic #IndoEuropean
#worterbuch #gotisch #gotischesprache #etymologie #Altgermanistik #altgermanisch #indogermanistik #Indogermanisch #etymology #urgermanisch #ProtoGermanic #indoeuropean
Facal Meadhan Ghàidhlig an latha:
Trosc - cod fish
#gaidhlig - trosg
#gaeilge - trosc
#cymraeg - torsg
#deutsch - Dorsch
#polski - dorsz
#oldnorse - þorskr
#protogermanic - *þurskaz
#IndoEuropean - *ters- (dry)
"cho mór ri trosg a thilgeadh a-steach san bhàta"
As big as a cod thrown into the boat (as wide as a barn door - a gaping mouth)
#gaidhlig #gaeilge #cymraeg #deutsch #polski #oldnorse #ProtoGermanic #indoeuropean
Etymology of "Propagate"
pro "forth" (see pro-), extended form of PIE root *per- "forward," hence "in front of, before, toward, near," etc.
PIE root *pag- "to fasten," source of pangere "to fasten"
Why did "peg" skip from proto-Germanic to Middle English,without any stops in Old English?
#etymology #ProtoIndoEuropean #english #latin #ProtoGermanic #oldenglish #middleenglish
#introduction 2.0
I'm Jeroen from the Netherlands and a problem solver.
#bsd #freebsd #unix
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#commodore #c64 #amiga #retrocomputing #hardware
#DigiPres #metadata #SemanticWeb
#documentation #TechnicalWriting
#fantasy #SciFi #books
#heraldry #vexillology
#linguistics (#ProtoGermanic #ProtoIndoEuropean)
#programming #assembly #c #golang #nim #odinlang #python #rust #zig
#introduction #bsd #freebsd #unix #buddhism #folklore #mythology #cats #commodore #c64 #amiga #retrocomputing #hardware #devops #digipres #metadata #semanticweb #documentation #technicalwriting #fantasy #scifi #books #history #heraldry #vexillology #japanese #linguistics #ProtoGermanic #ProtoIndoEuropean #programming #assembly #c #golang #nim #odinlang #python #rust #zig #typography
I hope that at some point we get more #linguistics folks focusing on #ProtoIndoEuropean and #ProtoGermanic for me to follow.
#ProtoGermanic #linguistics #ProtoIndoEuropean