New Podcast Out! Watch out for that coffee table, it might be a robot in disguise!
Okona and the kids go where science is science-y, Dal gets an upgrade, but shoots blue goo. The Tal Shiar get a dose of Murfball, and Rok Tahk learns that science rules, but it should have rules.
#StarTrek #StarTrekProdigy #Protostar #Murf #Janeway #Dal #RokTahk #JankomPog #Zero #Science #Goo #Romulans
#startrek #startrekprodigy #Protostar #Murf #janeway #dal #roktahk #jankompog #zero #science #goo #Romulans
New Podcast Out! Hold on to your butts, it's a Fast and Furious Pod Race on a world with Mind Readers, Starfleet, and some Savage Kids! Jankom's a Speed Freak, Dal goes face to face with Janeway, and Rok-Tahk's the only sensible one around. Plus, there is a Meta-Murf-osiss!
#StarTrek #Prodigy #Protostar #Murf #Janeway #Dal #Rok-Tahk #JankomPog
#startrek #prodigy #Protostar #Murf #janeway #dal #ROK #jankompog
New Podcast Out! A Galileo shuttle has crashed on a planet full of people who love to cosplay. The Protostar detects a distress signal that brings the kids to the planet where Starflight inhabitants Live Log and Proper. Is that a typo? Nope!
#StarTrek #Prodigy #Protostar