@w7voa another beautiful example of the morality and compassion of Democrats vs. the brutal indifference of Republicans. #ProudDemocrat #RepublicansAreTheProblem
#RepublicansAreTheProblem #ProudDemocrat
Fork Around, Find Out that My Pillow gave you pink eye
#barbiemoviememe #barbiemoviememes #oppenheimermeme #oppenheimermemes #barbenheimmer #trumpindictments #trumpindicted #trumpindictment #trumpisgoingtojail #trumpistoast #trump20to24 #magacrimewave #magamob #politicalcomics #politics #politicalcomedy #politicalhub #politicalhub #political #politicalhumor #politicalmeme #politicalmemes #memegenerator #liberals #liberal #democrats #democrat #prouddemocrat
#barbiemoviememe #barbiemoviememes #oppenheimermeme #oppenheimermemes #barbenheimmer #TrumpIndictments #trumpindicted #trumpindictment #trumpisgoingtojail #trumpistoast #trump20to24 #magacrimewave #magamob #politicalcomics #politics #politicalcomedy #politicalhub #political #politicalhumor #PoliticalMeme #politicalmemes #memegenerator #liberals #liberal #democrats #democrat #ProudDemocrat
For the next 2 years, when you see all of the horrible bills that the Republican controlled House passes, please remember that the only reason these bills won’t become law is because Dems held the Senate & have the presidency. #VoteBlue in 2024! 🗳️💙 #DemocratsDeliver #ProudDemocrat #AbortionRights #ReproductiveRights #ProtectDemocracy #2024Election #GayRights #TransRights #BlackLivesMatter #ClimateCrisis #Education #Healthcare
#reproductiverights #transrights #blacklivesmatter #education #healthcare #protectdemocracy #2024election #voteblue #DemocratsDeliver #ProudDemocrat #abortionrights #gayrights #climatecrisis
One of the best speeches I’ve ever seen. Pure genius, while also so touching & heartfelt. As a #Democrat , I’m so proud to see Hakeem Jeffries as the #HouseMinorityLeader . He’s an incredible & inspiring man. 💙 #PoliticalJunkie #ProudDemocrat #HakeemJeffries https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5050190/york-democrat-hakeem-jeffries-delivers-speech-mccarthys-election-speaker-house
#houseminorityleader #democrat #politicaljunkie #ProudDemocrat #hakeemjeffries
Democrats should be proud of our voter turnout esp during midterms
We knew every vote at every level was crucial
Dems flipped state legislatures in MI, MN & PA
We replaced Governors in MA & MD
There was no Red anything but a #RedTrickle
I’m a #proudDemocrat in red state Ohio. I have a BA from Denison University & an MA from NYU. I’ve managed local Dem campaigns and helped organize Dems. I served as a board member on a county board of elections for 9 yrs, which included several yrs as Board Chair. I oversaw many elections, including two presidential ones. For Election Day, if you see voter intimidation or interference, be sure to contact https://866ourvote.org/ or 866-OUR-VOTE, your local ACLU. #VoteBlue to save our democracy!