RT @DrFredericBlanc
Big congratulations to @BenDuff15 for passing his #PhD viva today ! Many thanks to @DominikJKubicki @chembham and Prof. L. Hardwick @livunisire @livuniphyssci for examining the work on #Li transport in solids. #proudsupervisor 1/3
Our Brazil & Ireland collaboration is featured in #RoSE2023:
Researchers of Statistics Education Network
Today, May 3rd at 2 pm (Brazil) or 6 pm (Irish time).
Online and FREE, register to join:
and its official - Marvins first paper „Investigating the effect of intelligent assistance systems on motivational work characteristics in assembly" is published - you can check it out (open access) in the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10845-023-02086-4
#proudsupervisor #PhD #iopsychology #workmotivation #automatization #digitalisation #futureofwork
#futureofwork #digitalisation #automatization #workmotivation #iopsychology #phd #ProudSupervisor
Presentation from @gilangmm95@twitter.com @SHTMatSurrey@twitter.com on using #chatbots for pro-environmental behaviour #nudging in #tourism destinations at #ENTER23 PhD workshop @IFITTorg@twitter.com #ProudSupervisor @UniOfSurrey@twitter.com @SurreyDocCol@twitter.com @yooriikim@twitter.com
#ProudSupervisor #enter23 #tourism #nudging #chatbots
Interested in the futures of work?
And the too often invisibilised lives of workers in these (imagined) futures?
Check out this new paper by Evie Gilbert in Geography Compass on just this.
#ProudSupervisor #futuresofwork #geography #phdchat
RT @drmgmonaghan
Huge congrats to @NGBNeto on a FLIMpressive PhD Viva! 3 first and TEN coauthor papers, and a long lasting mark on microscopy in Dublin. Sincere appreciation for the great discussions with examiners @DavidFinlayTCD and @melissa_skala and @TrionaLally as chair.
So enjoyed examining this fascinating thesis today! Huge congratulations to @bex_madden@twitter.com on a lovely, thorough, complex piece of science and a wonderful conversation about it.
RT @DrPaulaBrunton@twitter.com
Huge congratulations to @bex_madden@twitter.com who successfully defended her PhD today 🥳🍾🥂🎉 Many thanks to her examiners @OliBosch@twitter.com @SueReviews@twitter.com & chair @norahspears@twitter.com #proudsupervisor
Yesterday PhD-student Jacinda Choy's systematic review on "Dosages of Swallowing Exercises in Stroke Rehabilitation: was published in Eur Arch ORL which included the analysis of 54 includes studies (28 randomised controlled trials, 8 non-randomised controlled trials, 12 pre/post studies, 3 retrospective case controls and 3 case studies.
Results showed inconsistent reporting of intervention dosage, with intensity the least consistently reported dosage component. While swallowing intervention was most commonly provided five times per week for four weeks, there was a wide breadth of type, frequency, intensity and duration of swallowing exercises reported. Dosage under-reporting and variation was particularly observed in “standard care” co-interventions or control groups. Results indicate the need for consistent and comprehensive dosage reporting in dysphagia studies, and for further research into evidence-based principles to optimise swallowing exercise dosages.
#OpenAccess #SpeechPathology #Dysphagia #EBP #proudsupervisor
#openaccess #speechPathology #dysphagia #ebp #ProudSupervisor
My MA student was awarded our department prize for best #STEMEd dissertation :D She did a brilliant research project on teaching A-level statistics from a #SocialJustice perspective. Planning to turn it into article for publication. #proudSupervisor https://twitter.com/crestem_kcl/status/1598251475825836033
#ProudSupervisor #socialjustice #stemed
**Free e-copies** of our new paper! Reports on qualitative findings from Dr Siobhan Healy-Cullen's PhD study of NZ young people's engagement with online pornography.
How do youth, parents, and educators use discursive sexual scripts to make sense of youth engagement with internet pornography? https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/SVJGJEVRPAASMAP9CTKX/full?target=10.1080/23268743.2022.2125898
#qualitativeresearch #pornliteracy #ProudSupervisor
Congratulations to PhD candidate Talia Newland who submitted her thesis today.
Her research, which focussed on exploring approaches to forensic analysis of arid sandy soils such as found in Western Australia, was carried out in collaboration with Dr Kari Pitts from ChemCentre.
You can find out more about her work in this open access preprint on ChemRxiv https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-bv3mr-v2
#forensic #forensicscience #soil #ProudSupervisor #CurtinForensic #OzChem #academia @forensicscience
#forensic #forensicscience #soil #ProudSupervisor #curtinforensic #ozchem #academia
Congratulations to Isaac Gresham for receiving the Australian Neutron Beam Users Group prize for most outstanding PhD thesis today. 👏 🎉
Isaac completed his PhD with me last year, studying #polymer brushes with lots of #neutron reflection.
#ProudSupervisor #neutron #polymer