Prushka's SPOILER
Heyo! This is Prushka from the amazing series Made in Abyss, which you should watch right fucking now, or I'll disown you.
Ahem... Anyway, so this girl is my absolute Oshi from that anime, and I wish I could lewd her WAY more often than I do... If you're wondering why she's marked so, watch the anime.
Also yes, My OC Alishka's name was inspired by this girl's... even the curliness of her hair, though Prushy's is way curlier.
#madeinabyss #Prushka #loli #lolicon
How Lovely!!
#メイドインアビス #コラボカフェ #ファプタ #レグ #リコ #ナナチ #ファプレグ #ヴエコ #ボンドルド #プルシュカ #神戸 #miabyss #cafe #Faputa #Reg #Riko #Nanachi #FapuReg #Vueko #Bondrewd #Prushka #kobe
#ボンドルド #レグ #kobe #riko #reg #cafe #プルシュカ #ファプタ #ナナチ #リコ #Prushka #神戸 #コラボカフェ #メイドインアビス #Vueko #nanachi #miabyss #FapuReg #ヴエコ #ファプレグ #Bondrewd #faputa
Atempted to recreate prushka from Made in abyss using IA.
#prushka #loli #aigenerated #stabledifusion
#Prushka #loli #aigenerated #stableDifusion
Prushka got over 100 suddenly. I love this spongey little thing <3
#madeinabyss #prushka #loli