1. THE DUD UGLYS - staring at the end
2. GIFTED CHILDREN - painting by numbers
3. THE BUG CLUB - short and round
4. MORREADORAS - morreadoras
5. HANS-A-PLAST - Lemminger Punks
6. HUMAN LEAGUE - beeing boiled
7. FATE - anti
8. SPECIALS - friday night saturday morning
#avenir #bugclub #cassandracomplex #duduglys #exwhite #fate #giftedchildren #HANSAPLAST #humanleague #morreadoras #PsychedelicFurs #softcell #specials
I'm at a bar for a late lunch; house is a mess in prep for repairs Monday. #Music overhead is Love My Way by the #PsychedelicFurs. My first public performance in a band was that song for the high school talent show. Our keyboardist had his keyboard set to play every note a 1/2-step sharp and didn't realize it. I was so nervous, I didn't either. Ruined the performance. Still love the memory that song brings out of me. FYI, I played bass & the band was Spiritus Mundi. Never played together again.
#SongsThatWerentSingles #JukeBoxFridayNight
the 1984 album Mirror Moves was absolutely chocka with amazing tracks but Highwire Days was not a single and it is my favourite, not only from the album but my fav Furs track all around
#PsychedelicFurs #nowplaying #JukeboxFridayNight #songsthatwerentsingles
Changing it up a bit (although not that much, given Richard Butler's lyrics are clearly influenced by Dylan), it's The Psychedelic Furs great album Talk Talk Talk.
#PsychedelicFurs #nowplaying #vinylrecords #vinyl
If #KIϟϟ is so great, why not INTERKOURϟE?
If The #MightyMightyBosstones are good, why not The Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Mighty Bosstones?
If #MinorThreat is good why not Major Menace?
If #ChildishGambino is good why not Mature Cosa Nostra?
If #TheSpecials are good why not The Exceptionals?
If #KOAndTheKnockouts are good why not TBI & the Traumatic Brain Injury?
If #YoLaTengo is good, why not Yo Tengo Todo?
If #JonathanRichman is good, why not Jonathan PostWealthSocietyEnby?
If #RebaMcEntire is too much, try Reba McPartial
If the #PsychedelicFurs are too much try Microdose Faux
If the #Beatles are too much, try the Gruabs
#kiϟϟ #mightymightybosstones #minorthreat #childishgambino #thespecials #YoLaTengo #jonathanrichman #rebamcentire #PsychedelicFurs #beatles #koandtheknockouts
Article name-drops:
#MelissaAufDerMaur / #Hole #SmashingPumpkins
#NatalieMerchant / #10000Maniacs
#TonyLevin / #KingCrimson / #PeterGabriel
#EricGoulden / #WrecklessEric
#DarylHall / #HallAndOates
#KatePierson / #B52s
#JesseParisSmith / #PattiSmith
#AmandaPalmer / #DresdenDolls
#DebParker / #BeautyBar #RealEstateBroker
#RichardButler / #PsychedelicFurs
#BruceJayMilner / #EveryMothersSon
#AmyHelm / #LevonHelm #TheBand
#amandapalmer #genx #relationships #TheBand #levonhelm #amyhelm #everymothersson #brucejaymilner #PsychedelicFurs #richardbutler #tracybonham #realestatebroker #beautybar #debparker #rebeccafoon #dresdendolls #pattismith #jesseparissmith #b52s #katepierson #hallandoates #darylhall #wrecklesseric #ericgoulden #amyrigby #petergabriel #kingcrimson #tonylevin #10000Maniacs #NatalieMerchant #tonystone #smashingpumpkins #hole #melissaaufdermaur
“Painted lies on painted lips that promise heaven tastes like this.” What a great and enduring perfect lyric. #PsychedelicFurs #lyrics #music #poetry
#poetry #music #lyrics #PsychedelicFurs
Bonjour le mammouth 🦣
Quelques sortie d’album,
#TheDoors "Strange Days" 67’
#BalckSabbath "Vol 4" 72’
#BlackSabbath "Technical Ecstasy" 76’
#GangOfFour "Entertainment!" 79’
#PsychedelicFurs “Forever Now” 82’
#TearsForFears “The Seeds of Love” 89’
#INXS "X" 90’
#TheVerve "Urban Hymn’s" 97’
#theverve #inxs #tearsforfears #PsychedelicFurs #gangoffour #blacksabbath #BalckSabbath #thedoors