"As President, we are gonna go after all of these people."
- Ronald DeSantis 2024 Republican Debate
#desantis #rondesantis #american #Psycho
Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
#AlfredHitchcock and #JanetLeigh on the set of “PSYCHO” (1960)
#movies #Psycho #alfredhitchcock #janetleigh
Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
#AlfredHitchcock discusses wardrobe options with his leading actors #AnthonyPerkins and #JanetLeigh in a pre-production meeting for his 1960 🇺🇸American psychological horror thriller “PSYCHO”
#movies #Psycho #alfredhitchcock #anthonyperkins #janetleigh
Which fictional psychopath is your favorite?
#Poll #Polls #Psycho #ItsDexter
#itsdexter #Psycho #polls #Poll
I wanted to watch 20 minutes of something on TV before going to bed. Just my luck - stumbling upon Psycho just before the classic shower scene. Anthony Perkins is sooo good in this, now I want to stay up and watch the rest. #Hitchcock #Psycho #AnthonyPerkins #JanetLeigh
#Hitchcock #Psycho #anthonyperkins #janetleigh
Es kursieren merkwürdige Annahmen in der Welt. Wie: "Liebeskummer ist eine Anpassungsstörung."
Liebeskummer zu spüren ist eine adäquate Reaktion (zB auf ein einschneidendes Lebensereignis). Wenn man jahrelang zusammenwächst und dann auseinanderreißt, ist da Schmerz und das ist nicht schön, aber in Ordnung.
#gefuhle #feelyourfuckingfeelings #Psyche #Psycho
I loved this #psycho-geographical exploration of a #90s #London that slipped away when weren’t paying attention. Yet 30 years later the same themes and unresolved tensions endure.
I've watched #EvilDeadRise yesterday, and I thought that it was a fantastic film.
However, there were still a lot of people who didn't show any respect. Some were talking audibly, and one groups loudly walked in and out (the audacity!). In times where people treat cinema like Netflix, it would be so great if cinemas could do something about it.
For example, when #Psycho came out, Hitchcock had good reasons to had those cardboards put in cinemas.
#horror #movie #cinema #evildead #Psycho #evildeadrise
this is quite an interesting (and long) list of great independent films by #RichardBrody in the @NewYorker
including e.g.: #ToukiBouki by #Mambéty, the first by #SpikeLee („She’s gitta habe it“), #GoldRush or #Psycho (!) …
New Yorker: The Greatest Independent Films of the Twentieth Century https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/the-greatest-independent-films-of-the-twentieth-century
@art_film, #Culture, #independentfilm, #Filmmaking, #Cinema, #film, #WorldCinema, #WorldCulture
#richardbrody #toukibouki #mambety #spikelee #goldrush #Psycho #culture #independentfilm #filmmaking #cinema #film #WorldCinema #worldculture
#Film #Movie #FilmCommunity #Cinema #CineMastodon #ClassicFilms #FilmPoll
#Psycho #inheritthewind #Spartacus #themagnificentseven #film #movie #filmcommunity #cinema #cinemastodon #classicfilms #FilmPoll #filmtournament
4th book in my #Hitchcock challenge. #Psycho #RobertBloch
Hitchcock really knew how to pick them! 4 out of 4 great books so far, although this is by far the weakest yet. Very similar to the film. Not much in the way of slash and gore. Instead a very good psychological thriller. The last two chapters, where they explain Norman Bate's mental condition, felt unnecessary and somewhat dated, but generally showed sympathy towards people with severe mental health issues, even those who kill!
#hitchcock #Psycho #robertbloch
#Film #Movie #FilmCommunity #Cinema #CineMastodon #ClassicFilms #FilmPoll
#Psycho #houseofusher #inheritthewind #villageofthedamned #film #movie #filmcommunity #cinema #cinemastodon #classicfilms #FilmPoll #filmtournament
#Film #Movie #FilmCommunity #Cinema #CineMastodon #ClassicFilms #FilmPoll
#Psycho #theangryredplanet #swissfamilyrobinson #nevertakesweetsfromastranger #film #movie #filmcommunity #cinema #cinemastodon #classicfilms #FilmPoll #filmtournament
Mutton dressed as lamb: Sarah #Palin is coping well with her recent electoral defeat in #Alaska. 😵💫 #politics #GOP #Congress #RepublicanParty #psycho #HideTheScissors
#Palin #alaska #politics #gop #congress #republicanparty #Psycho #hidethescissors
@ImmortalisHorror One of the best 😍🙌😈 #horror #psycho #normanbates It never gets old. A real classic movie 🎥