Neferure · @Neferure
361 followers · 926 posts · Server

Oh why oh why did no one tell me about Graham Phillips' letter to Rishi Sunak whinging about being sanctioned? I've only just discovered it (due to having blocked him on all social media in 2014). Comedy gold!

The government reply is also 😘
As is the moaning to The Sun. 😂
and the whining to Twitter. 🙃
Oh and he calls his little skits "reportage" 🤣
I'm sorry to be rude, but Pahahahahah.

#propaganda #ukraine #warcrimes #sanctions #rishisunak #sanctionwarcriminals #terrorism #RussiaIsATerroristState #PsychologicalTorture

Last updated 2 years ago

Keir Starmer says there is a case for GPS tagging some asylum seekers | The Independent

Isn't tagging one of the ways we deal with criminals? Are Asylum Seekers criminals?

A coalition of charities warned a month ago that the policy amounts to ‘psychological torture’

#starmer #asylumseekers #GPSTagging #AsylumSeekersIllegal #PsychologicalTorture

Last updated 2 years ago