Google has selected a #PlumeMoth (#Lepidoptera: #Pterophoridae: Pterophorus pentadactyla) to represent the #insect order #Zoraptera.
This surprised me greatly, but it seems zorapterans are "commonly known as angel insects" (, which was an even bigger surprise, and the plume moth image has been tagged "angel insect". After all, it is white and feathery and presumably suitable for inspirational posters.
Bring on the AI-powered knowledgeverse ...
#zoraptera #insect #Pterophoridae #lepidoptera #plumemoth
Is #MothMonday a thing here? This is a mousy plume moth (Lioptilodes albistriolatus), a tiny species often found in this erect posture. It can do the typical "T" posture, too, like most #Pterophoridae. Wingspan is approximately 1 cm.
#Lepidoptera #entomology #PlumeMoth
#MothMonday #Pterophoridae #lepidoptera #entomology #PlumeMoth
Each night I run an automated #insect light here in Canberra using a #RaspberryPi, Logitech BRIO #webcam, UV LEDs and #OpenCV image segmentation. Some example images from the night of 3/4 November: Porela delineata (#Lasiocampidae), Stenoptilia zophodactylus (#Pterophoridae), Thallarcha partita (#Erebidae, #Arctiinae) and Exaireta spinigera (#Stratiomyidae).
My hope is to build a large enough set of identified images to attempt to train a #model and move towards automated #timeseries capture.
#timeseries #model #Stratiomyidae #Arctiinae #Erebidae #Pterophoridae #Lasiocampidae #opencv #webcam #raspberrypi #insect