183 days until Peruvian writer Martin Adan's (1908-1985) 1928 debut work, the novel La casa de carton would enter the US public domain in the original Spanish. It would be translated into English in 1990 and in 2012. #PublicDomainDayCountdown Considered one of the best examples of Peruvian narrative for its time.
In 184 days from now, Nevada, a 1928 novel by American writer Zane Grey (1872-1939) enters the public domain. It's a sequel to his 1927 novel Forlorn River. A man goes to Arizona to search for his former riding partner. This received a 1944 film adaptation that starred Robert Mitchum. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
It's nice that we're halfway there to 2024 where 1928 published works and 1923 sound recordings enter the U.S. public domain and for most of the world, works by authors who died in 1953 enter the public domain. For the former, look forward to Steamboat Willie, Threepenny Opera, The House at Pooh Corner and for the latter, the works of Hilaire Belloc, Ivan Bunin, Edmund Dulac, Sergei Prokofiev (but not in Russia), and Dylan Thomas #PublicDomainDayCountdown
I haven't yet seen he in the Feidverse, but Laura Gibbs did her own #PublicDomainDayCountdown on Twitter, featuring 34 works, mostly folklore books that should be opening to full public access on HathiTrust next week. She's also made a Google doc listing the works, and showing pictures of many of their covers and title pages: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lNMGPuwhHT9G5iytyIJ9ptWdSJP_hRXHLw8GoFxN_Mo/edit
That concludes my #PublicDomainDayCountdown for 2023. You can find all 60 of my posts for this year here: https://everybodyslibraries.com/2022/11/02/public-domain-day-countdown-on-public-social-media-networks/ They cover only a small portion of the many treasures joining the public domain tomorrow. Some more can be found at https://publicdomainreview.org/features/entering-the-public-domain/2023/ , https://web.law.duke.edu/cspd/publicdomainday/2023/ , and in others' #PublicDomainDayCountdown tagged posts here and elsewhere. I look forward to celebrating #PublicDomainDay tomorrow, and to seeing what everyone does with its new arrivals in the new year!
#PublicDomainDayCountdown #publicdomainday
"...and Ol' Man River, he'll just keep rollin' along."
That's how Paul Robeson finished "Ol' Man River" in his concerts, with stronger, more defiant words than those first used in _Show Boat_, the show Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song for: https://scalar.usc.edu/works/pandemonium/paul-robeson-performing-ol-man-river-with-revised-lyrics
"Ol' Man River" joins the public domain tomorrow. _Show Boat_ joins it next year. Later, so will their changes, and countless other works, as long as the public domain keeps rolling along. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
Happy New Year, everybody!
Here's to a great 2023.
P.S. just a few more years to go until the public domain gets refreshed here in Australia!
#votepirate #PublicDomainDayCountdown #happynewyear
A sober remembrance, before we celebrate #PublicDomainDay in 2 days, for works scheduled to join the public domain that didn't survive this far. This year they include the 1927 films _London After Midnight_, a million dollar grossing film starring Lon Chaney, and _The Way of All Flesh_, whose lead actor's performance was cited in his Oscar win. Causes of demise include lack of copies outside creators' control, and long #copyright terms keeping others from making copies. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
#publicdomainday #copyright #PublicDomainDayCountdown
Dhan Gopal Mukerji was asked to hide outside the 1928 Newbery ceremony before the award was announced, lest his presence among an overwhelmingly white crowd give away the winner in advance. He was the only Newbery medalist of color until the 1970s. Pooja Makhijani writes on the beauty of his book _Gay-Neck: The Story of a Pigeon_, and on the squelched opportunities for more books like his: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/10/what-a-forgotten-kids-book-reveals-about-us-publishing/539709/ . _Gay-Neck_ joins the public domain in 3 days. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
In 1927, Duke Ellington's orchestra began a residency at New York's Cotton Club that lasted 4 years. https://blackfacts.com/fact/duke-ellington-opened-at-the-cotton-club Their live and radio shows soon made Ellington's style of #jazz nationally famous. Ellington and trumpeter Bubber Miley collaborated on a number of his early hits, including "Black and Tan Fantasy" and "East St. Louis Toodle-O", featuring Miley's growly muted trumpet sound. Both songs join the public domain in 4 days. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
#jazz #PublicDomainDayCountdown
#FediTips - in the advanced view and in Toot! you can “pin” tags that you want to keep a temporary eye on but don’t need forever in your main feed.
A cool one to watch for the next week might be #PublicDomainDayCountdown which is posting about all of the juicy and amazing treasures that are soon coming into public domain on Jan 1.
#feditips #PublicDomainDayCountdown
@JMarkOckerbloom 's #PublicDomainDayCountdown has been going on for almost two months now. The complete list, at https://everybodyslibraries.com/2022/11/02/public-domain-day-countdown-on-public-social-media-networks/, is overwhelming!
#writing #copyright #PublicDomainDayCountdown
You can find all my #PublicDomainDayCountdown entries to date for this year in this blog post: https://everybodyslibraries.com/2022/11/02/public-domain-day-countdown-on-public-social-media-networks/ (Previously featured crime fiction names include Sherlock Holmes, the Hardy Boys, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Agatha Christie. You'll also find lots of other names and works in other genres.) You can also follow the hashtag here in the Fediverse to see posts on it from me and others through the end of this week.
A number of famous figures in crime fiction have appeared in my #PublicDomainDayCountdown this year. A less obvious figure who played a key role in the flowering of the genre's Golden Age is T.S. Eliot. In 1927 he started featuring crime fiction reviews prominently in his literary magazine The Criterion, and wrote an influential list of rules for detective stories: https://crimereads.com/t-s-eliot-crime-fiction-critic/ His 1927 criticism, and many of the stories he reviewed in the magazine, join the public domain in 5 days.
Ross Altman writes "Has any other individual had such a singular impact on the broad sense of American folk music, song and story as Carl Sandburg? [Others] collected cowboy songs, or Negro spirituals, or sea shanties, but Sandburg collected them all, and saw the big picture of what they represented—as he rightly and first called it: The American Songbag—the songs of the people." https://folkworks.org/carl-sandburg-america-s-first-folk-singer/ Sandburg's 1927 collection will belong to the people in 6 days. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
from Duke:
On January 1, 2023, many copyrighted works from 1927 will enter the US public domain. They will be free for all to copy, share, and build upon.
Some books:
The life of Jesus is presented as a big-budget Hollywood epic in Cecil B. DeMille's _The King of Kings_, first released in 1927 as a 155-minute silent film mostly in black and white, with Technicolor used for the resurrection scene. Gordon Thomas discusses the movie, and strengths of the 1927 release compared to later versions DeMille released, for Bright Lights Film Journal: https://brightlightsfilm.com/easter-part-un-demilles-king-of-kings-silent-1927/ It joins the public domain one week from today. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
"Christmas should have an ingenuous, elemental simplicity about its spirit; and for this spirit we can draw infallibly upon Nature. Every wood is a sanctuary. Every tree is a shrine. Every star is a Star of Bethlehem." Poet and nature writer Archibald Rutledge writes on the beauty and spirituality he finds in "My Christmas Woods": https://www.postandcourier.com/news/christmas-woods-renew-the-right-spirit/article_d2d7d752-c627-11e6-8749-6ff86d0858c6.html Originally published in the December 1927 issue of Good Housekeeping, it joins the public domain in 8 days.
"Caedit nos pestis" ("The plague is upon us") are the first words sung in the oratorio/opera _Oedipus Rex_. It premiered in Paris in 1927, with music written by Igor Stravinsky, and libretto translated into Latin by Abbé Jean Daniélou from French text written by Jean Cocteau. In 2021 it was the LA Opera's first performance after coming out of COVID lockdown: https://www.laopera.org/performances/2122-season-page/oedipus-rex/ The 1927 #oratorio joins the public domain in 9 days. #PublicDomainDayCountdown
#oratorio #PublicDomainDayCountdown