There's defo issues I had with Corbyn*.
However, anything short of his stance on public housing is bullshit, and I won't hear otherwise.
Houses shouldn't be allowed to lay empty while people are homeless.
*I have the same issues with most other MPs too, though
#corbyn #PublicHousing #propertyistheft
#USAShitShow : Cuts in #PublicHousing put #Low-Income People at Risk
#HRW #HumanRightsWatch April 2022
#housing #housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #lowincomehousing #federalhousing
#USAShitShow #PublicHousing #low #hrw #humanrightswatch #housing #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #LowIncomeHousing #federalhousing #section9housingact
#PotreroHill #SF #California #publichousing #housing #housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #cityhearing
#potrerohill #sf #california #PublicHousing #housing #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #cityhearing
#housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #publichousing #shitconditionsin housing
#USAShitShow #SFBayArea #CAlifornia
#housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #PublicHousing #shitconditionsin #USAShitShow #sfbayarea #california
by #NoahLanard in #MotherJones:
"Schultz told this sob story as part of an effort to stop his workers from joining a union. But his telling ignored how his own family was sustained, especially in this trying period, by the gains of organized labor, in the form of post-war New York’s relatively abundant public housing. The two-bedroom unit the Schultzes called home in Brooklyn’s brand new Bayview Houses, built for families who made too much to qualify for other public housing developments, was the product of a New Deal–era partnership between leftists (many of them in the labor movement) and liberal elected officials who’d embraced their views in the wake of the Great Depression. Schultz and fellow elites have rejected that alliance as they cast unions as relics rendered unnecessary by their personal benevolence. Today, a faded plaque bearing the name of Mayor Robert F. Wagner Jr.—whose father, a senator, helped pass America’s most important piece of labor legislation—is about the only sign that the city was once proud of the complex."
#Starbucks #union #workers #labor #HowardSchultz #UnionBusting #PublicHousing #NewDeal #Buffalo #Brooklyn
#noahlanard #motherjones #starbucks #union #workers #labor #howardschultz #unionbusting #PublicHousing #newdeal #buffalo #brooklyn
by #AdamPeggs in #Jacobin:
"If you look across Europe and much of the wider world, there is no correlation between high rates of homeownership and better social outcomes in housing. Many of the places with the best social outcomes in housing, like Vienna and the Netherlands, are characterized by lower rates of homeownership. With this in context, the UK’s obsession with homeownership as a necessity looks increasingly flawed. Instead of a mortgage guarantee, a better alternative might be a 'Council Housing Guarantee.' When landlords decide to up and sell, sitting tenants could request that the council purchase the property. A state financial institution, at the national level, could finance the transaction by drawing on the comparatively lower borrowing rates available to government."
#homeownership #PublicHousing #housing #landlords #tenants #rent
#adampeggs #jacobin #homeownership #PublicHousing #housing #landlords #tenants #rent
@Susan60 Hmmm. In the late 90s, i was briefly interested prospectively in the concept of #housing #property #investment. I had a snazzy program downloaded from a then prominent Oz site promulgating this idea [this was before it later took off across Straya & became the contemporary scourge it is], & i still have the corresponding set of books on this [by Jan Somers; "Building Wealth in Changing Times", "Building Wealth Story by Story", & "Building Wealth through Investment Property"]. I also have another book, US, "The Cashflow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki. For a period, i was quite taken by this concept.
Eventually, i completely abandoned all thoughts of it. I simply decided that it was deeply #unethical. I just fundamentally disagree with the entire concept of people profiteering off the back of poorer people who deserve a safe reliable roof over their heads.
I entirely agree that...
>There will always be people who want or need to #rent
... but fwiw my view is that it's plain wrong for any private profit-motive to be associated with this. Governments should have expanded, not shrunk & eliminated, their #PublicHousing responsibility & capability. Reagan, Thatcher & Howard were immoral monsters who ruined their societies with their corrupt profit-predicated neoliberal bullshit -- just look at us all today! 😭
Comparatively speaking, kudos to you for your humanity & compassion in your single-dwelling approach. Alas, as you reflected, you seem to be a statistical abnormality. 😭
Sorry if i'm causing offence, but this is simply an inalienable philosophical moral issue of principle for me. I'm trying to set out my view plainly, but i confess i can seem brusque, so i do apologise if i've actually overstepped into rudeness; not my intent.
#housing #Property #investment #unethical #rent #PublicHousing
@Susan60 It is a fundamental human right. IMO peeps is creeps if they use housing acquisition as a means of personal enrichment. They are selfish greedy bastards, & elicit zero sympathy from me if they experience "mortgage distress" etc.
More, MUCH more, good quality affordable #PublicHousing pls, & an end to housing #NegativeGearing + #CapitalGainsTax exemptions.
Greedy bastards.
#PublicHousing #negativegearing #capitalgainstax
by #LyllaYounes in @grist:
"Like many coastal cities around the world, New York City is sinking. On a year-to-year basis, the rate of its descent into the Earth is practically imperceptible, but over time those millimeters add up: Today, the city is 9 inches lower than it was in 1950 — a number that has serious implications for waterfront neighborhoods that are having to reckon with increasingly extreme storms."
#NewYorkCity #NYC #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #SeaLevelRise #subsidence #StormSurge #Brooklyn #Queens #Bronx #Manhattan #PublicHousing #NewYorkCityHousingAuthority #NYCHA #EnvironmentalJusticeAlliance
#PublicHousing #newyorkcityhousingauthority #NYCHA #environmentaljusticealliance #lyllayounes #newyorkcity #nyc #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climate #sealevelrise #subsidence #stormsurge #brooklyn #queens #bronx #manhattan
So here's a little bit of writing I'm working on. Thoughts?
#auspol #RaiseTheRate #PublicHousing #BTPM
The only #publichousing #EricAdams and #LoriLightfoot believe in is the morgue #homeless #housingfirst
#PublicHousing #ericadams #lorilightfoot #homeless #housingfirst
The only #publichousing #EricAdams and LoriLightfoot believe in is the morgue #homeless #housingfirst
#PublicHousing #ericadams #homeless #housingfirst
@urbandata instead of stopping a project that would have a net benefit for the region because it might have negative impacts for a local area, there should be a concerted effort to expand things like rent control and to build more public housing.
The proposal to build new homes on the old viaduct RoW should be to replace them with nice #PublicHousing projects instead of making the poor fight for scraps of so-called "affordable" housing built by private developers.
Great piece about the history of #Thamesmead, the brutalist "cockney riviera" which was once the future of #PublicHousing; how and why it declined; and above all, how and why its architectural regeneration has mostly been a series of missed opportunities. #Brutalism #London
#london #brutalism #PublicHousing #thamesmead
Here's a hypothesis and vision about how liberating #homes can help scale down economies:
Feel encouraged to add edits, suggestions, comments, questions, ideas, thoughts, perspectives to the doc!
#degrowth #rent #lowtech #subsistence #community #postgrowth #solarpunk #land #debt #publichousing #localgovernment #climate #writing #speculativefiction
#homes #degrowth #rent #lowtech #subsistence #Community #PostGrowth #solarpunk #land #debt #PublicHousing #localgovernment #climate #writing #speculativefiction
This is one of the motions I am bringing to Bayside Council’s meeting tonight. Let’s improve #PublicHousing in #sydney
So... wild day in #Adelaide. 60+ residents, many ill/elderly/disabled stuck on this inner suburban #PublicHousing estate. Two huge trees downed by #StormCell - one in one of 4 car parks, one across the access lane. Hope nobody needs an ambulance or other emergency support tonight. Been on the phone to the #SES for over an hour trying to get through.
#adelaide #PublicHousing #StormCell #ses
#HUD #publichousing
#tenants #disabled #Silicon
#housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis
Most site managers are not this professional
#HUD #PublicHousing #tenants #disabled #silicon #harassment #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis