Wir laden ganz herzlich zu unserem ersten Workshop zum Thema Wissenschaftskommunikation in den Digital Humanities ein. Die Veranstaltung ist offen für jeden, um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
https://publicdh.hypotheses.org/809 #WissKomm #DigitalHumanities #DH #PublicHumanities
#wisskomm #DigitalHumanities #dh #PublicHumanities
The HCommons group Publishing and the Publicly Engaged Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Seminar on Public Engagement and Collaborative Research from the Center for the Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center are collaborating on a project designed to investigate the place of academic and extra-academic publication in U.S. public humanities research, teaching, and programming. The project will document and analyze the ways in which different modes of publication have impacted academic and public life.
The results of the project will be presented at the 2023 National Humanities Conference in Indianapolis, IN and prepared for wider distribution and further engagement as we work towards defining publishing solutions for publicly engaged scholars.
For more information and to participate visit https://hcommons.org/groups/publishing-and-the-publicly-engaged-humanities/members/
Find the HC group here: https://hcommons.org/groups/publishing-and-the-publicly-engaged-humanities/
#humanities #PublicHumanities #Research #survey
An #Introduction redux for new people! May you find what you're looking for here. I have! Hcommons.social rocks.
Firstly, I'm a Postdoc at UCC #English and #DigitalHumanities. I work on @PortsPastPres an #EU regional development project funded by the #Ireland #Wales Cooperation Programme. We're @PortsPastPres on the ailing #Birdsite.
I particularly work on our #Omeka/#Curatescape heritage stories: https://portspastpresent.eu/items/browse and our #App Port Places: https://portspastpresent.eu/exhibits/show/about-ppp/port-places. The project is ending this month, and I'll have more projects and news about what I'm doing next to come.
My main areas of interest are #EnvironmentalHumanities, #PublicHumanities, #DigitalHumanities and #OA. My :hc: profile is: https://hcommons.org/members/scrivenersmith/, where you can read more about my publications.
I'm an occasional #TTRPG writer. You can see what I've written here: https://jameslouissmith.com/tours/show/4. A couple more things forthcoming.
#introduction #English #digitalhumanities #eu #ireland #Wales #birdsite #Omeka #app #EnvironmentalHumanities #PublicHumanities #oa #TTRPG
Mit dem ›Referenzrahmen für eigenständige digitale Wissenschaftskommunikation durch Forschende‹ ist das 3. ZfdG-Working Paper erschienen. https://zfdg.de/wp_2023b
@fuzzyleapfrog und @msiemund erfassen hierin methodische, technische und soziale Kompetenzen, die Voraussetzung für den aktiven Austausch zur eigenen Forschung sind. #wissenschaftskommunikation #DH #socialmedia #publichumanities #openscience @MWWForschung @DHd
#wissenschaftskommunikation #dh #socialmedia #PublicHumanities #openscience
Here's to you a #throwback to #DHd2023 with a #mugshot 😉 of @msiemund , she know her cup|lic ehmmm public humanities! @DHdKonferenz #dhinamug #PublicHumanities #digitalhumanities
#throwback #DHd2023 #mugshot #DHinaMug #PublicHumanities #DigitalHumanities
Tomorrow at Heritage Dot, you can see @scrivenersmith of @PortsPastPres talk about the project's #PortPlaces app, its principles, and its combination of #DH, #PublicHumanities and #EUIrelandWales regional development. #2b
You can download the app now by searching 'Port Places' on your Android and Apple stores! For more information, go to https://tinyurl.com/PortPlaces
#PortPlaces #dh #PublicHumanities #euirelandwales #2b
Schon #PublicHumanities oder noch #WissKomm?
@msiemund reflektiert bei ➡ Public Humanities über den Mehrwert des Konzeptes #PublicDH, das den Diskurs zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit stark macht, grenzt es zur klassischen #Wissenschaftskommunikation ab und gibt Handlungsempfehlungen für digitale Geisteswissenschaftler:innen:
#PublicHumanities #wisskomm #PublicDH #wissenschaftskommunikation
Thanks to @msucal for covering our new OER: New Open Educational Resource Focuses on Values-Based Scholarly Communication - https://cal.msu.edu/news/new-open-educational-resource-focuses-on-values-based-scholarly-communication/
The #OER can be found at https://publiclyengagedpublishing.org/.
A new open educational resource (OER) created at Michigan State University aims to increase understanding of how a values-based approach to scholarly communication can address the challenges of publishing publicly engaged scholarship, with particular emphasis on humanities and social sciences.
This new OER, Publishing Values-based Scholarly Communication, is a collaboration between members of the @humetricshss, which supports the creation of values-based frameworks to guide all kinds of scholarly processes, and the Publishing and Public Humanities Working Group, whose working paper identifies challenges and model practices associated with publishing engaged work in the humanities.
@Kath_burton #scholarlycommunication #publichumanities #publishing
#oer #scholarlycommunication #PublicHumanities #publishing
oooh who do I know who would be interested in a very cool short-term (6-12 month) work opportunity partnering w/ Ellis Island museum? public history, US immigration, museum design. DM me if you're interested! #jobs #publicHistory #publicHumanities #museums
#jobs #publichistory #PublicHumanities #museums
Schon mitbekommen? Es gibt jetzt eine @DHd AG zum Thema #Wissenschaftskommunikation und #PublicHumanities! Die AG beschäftigt sich mit super wichtigen und auch sehr spannenden Themen! Neugierig geworden? Hier bei Mastodon zu finden unter @publicDH
#wissenschaftskommunikation #PublicHumanities
Over the moon to be in an actual room w/ Stacie McCormick, Michelle May-Curry, and so many engaged scholars to talk about public humanities and the future of grad education. Michelle’s keynote gives such a clear vision for the importance of public scholarship, and her leadership of Humanities for All is🔥 #publicHumanities #gradEducation
#PublicHumanities #gradeducation
Good News: Auf der #DHdKonferenz 2023 gibt's einen Slot zu #PublicHumanities & wir (Marie Flüh & ich) dürfen einen Vortrag zum Aufbau des Diversitätskorpus DisKo dazu beitragen. Do., den 16.3. von 11.15-12.45 Uhr – wir würden uns freuen, euch da zu sehen https://dhd2023.dig-hum.de/page/programmubersich
#dhdkonferenz #PublicHumanities
Den Plan hatten wir schon länger, jetzt ist er endlich umgesetzt: @msiemund und ich haben eine @DHd AG zu #WissKomm und #PublicHumanities gegründet. Wenn du Mitglied werden möchtest, melde dich einfach bei einer von uns. Regelmäßige Updates zur AG bekommst du auf unserem Account hier (@publicDH), allgemeine Infos stehen auf der Webseite des DHd-Verbandes https://dig-hum.de/ag-digitale-wissenschaftskommunikation-und-public-humanities
Really excited to be part of this event next week at TCU with Stacie McCormick and Michelle May-Curry! Think I'm going to start incorporating some of my mycelial musings for the first time 🍄
#highered #careers #PublicHumanities
@BatsInLavender @elephant_editor - the time has come! Such a fab way to bring a little✨✨ to the new year! Really excited to share this #PublicHumanities resource with everyone!
Why not kick of the new year with our SMART tools and resources online training next week - January 11 at 10.30am. Open to all businesses, charities and cultural institutions in the port areas: https://tinyurl.com/5e58hmje Register here: https://bofinconsultancy.com/events/ #PublicHumanities @heritage, @wales and @ireland
Very bummed by the news that Brown is getting rid of its #publichumanities MA program. The program had a huge impact on my own career trajectory and that of so many others. https://today.brown.edu/announcements/156119
Looking for tools and resources to promote your business, port and district? Then join our next tourism network session on this topic with @scrivenersmith and Bofin Consultancy on December 7 at 10.30am GMT.
Register here: https://bofinconsultancy.com/events/ #EUIrelandWales @heritage @histodons @ireland @wales #Tourism #PortPlaces #Tools #App #PublicHistory #PublicHumanities #DigitalHumanities
#euirelandwales #tourism #PortPlaces #tools #App #publichistory #PublicHumanities #digitalhumanities
One more #Introduction for you all because we've had a time warp on hcommons.social and lost a few days. If you followed me recently, please do it again and I'll follow you back!
Firstly, I'm a Postdoc at UCC #English and #DigitalHumanities. I work on @PortsPastPres an #EU regional development project funded by the #Ireland #Wales Cooperation Programme. We're @PortsPastPres on the #Birdsite. I'm also @scrivenersmith on there.
I particularly work on our #Omeka/#Curatescape heritage stories: https://portspastpresent.eu/items/browse and our #App Port Places: https://portspastpresent.eu/exhibits/show/about-ppp/port-places.
My main areas of interest are #EnvironmentalHumanities, #PublicHumanities, #DH and #OA. My :hc: profile is: https://hcommons.org/members/scrivenersmith/, where you can read more about my publications.
I'm an occasional #TTRPG writer. You can see what I've written here: https://jameslouissmith.com/tours/show/4. A couple more things forthcoming.
#introduction #English #digitalhumanities #eu #ireland #Wales #birdsite #Omeka #app #EnvironmentalHumanities #PublicHumanities #dh #oa #TTRPG
If you're interested in any of the following, consider following us at @PortsPastPres:
#Ports #Ireland #Wales #IrishSea #Tourism #Ferries #Crossings #Films #Creative #Writing #Heritage #PublicHumanities #EnvHum #DigitalHumanities #App #Stories #Communities #coastalhist #MaritimeHistory @histodons @histodon @litstudies
#MaritimeHistory #coastalhist #communities #stories #app #digitalhumanities #envhum #PublicHumanities #heritage #Writing #creative #films #crossings #ferries #tourism #irishsea #Wales #ireland #ports