Oh and as for the fairy tale about...
"... inflation driven by out-of-control Government spending."
... the evidence says otherwise:
So why do pro-austerity political parties and pundits keep making this fraudulent claim?
France’s Le Maire: We will be EU’s first green economy by 2040 https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/frances-le-maire-we-will-be-eus-first-green-economy-by-2040/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #BrunoLeMaire #greenindustry #investmentscreening #Publicspending
#brunolemaire #GreenIndustry #investmentscreening #PublicSpending
France’s Le Maire: We will be EU’s first green economy by 2040 https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/frances-le-maire-we-will-be-eus-first-green-economy-by-2040/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #BrunoLeMaire #greenindustry #investmentscreening #Publicspending
#brunolemaire #GreenIndustry #investmentscreening #PublicSpending
It’s been reported that disgraced former royal Prince Andrew is lobbying behind the scenes to get his £3 million taxpayer funded security team back, with the help of disgraced former Home Secretary Priti Patel.
This money should be used to help fund our NHS and schools, rather than on a Prince who had to step back from Royal duties in disgrace.
#PublicSpending #royalexpenditure #princeandrew
@skwee357 shure it's also a matter of #infrastructure and #PublicSpending as well as #culture...
People just don't mind each oter, because they know honking out of frustration isn't going to make things faster.
#Culture #PublicSpending #infrastructure
Sunak says he can’t afford public sector pay rises – but look at the white elephants he’s happy to fund
Spending priorities sum up all that is rotten in government. Where is the money for education and the NHS?
Rishi Sunak has now conceded public sector workers the sum he was told to pay them by their independent review boards last year, an average rise of 6%.
#NHSSOS #PublicSpending #ToryFail #ToryLies #ToryCorruption #government
#government #ToryCorruption #torylies #toryfail #PublicSpending #nhssos
Ministers quietly scrap limits on Whitehall spending on consultants
#Labour said the change was “simply staggering” and it was indefensible it had been made during a #cost_of_living_crisis when #government purse strings were being tightened in other areas of #PublicSpending.
#PublicSpending #government #cost_of_living_crisis #labour
RT @CUSP_uk@twitter.com
There’s not much difference between tax giveaways and huge #publicspending cuts. Both of them hurt the poor most. All of it legitimised by the promise of growth. None of it actually works.—@ProfTimJackson@twitter.com → https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/16/politicians-growth-fetish-sunak-budget-climate cc #postgrowth #degrowth #SecularStagnation
#SecularStagnation #degrowth #postgrowth #PublicSpending
"Both well-being and social investment are data-driven attempts to measure how well a given programme scores on multiple domains important for people’s happiness. Well-being spreads its net wider (100-plus indicators and counting), while social investment is better at modelling costs and benefits. Well-being offers a more holistic goal, social investment a sharper idea of how to get there."
#nzpolitics #socialinvestment #PublicSpending
> Why is common sense wrong about public expenditure, when it would be right if only an individual were concerned?
> なぜ,個人の場合でさえあれば正しい常識が,公共支出の場合には誤りになるのだろうか?
#BertrandRussel on #PublicSpending in 1932 essay among #MortalsAndOthers #和訳 #日本語 #翻訳
#翻訳 #日本語 #和訳 #MortalsAndOthers #PublicSpending #bertrandrussel
#Poor #countries forced to cut #PublicSpending to pay #debts, campaigners say | #Economics | The Guardian
#poor #countries #PublicSpending #debts #economics #Debtrelief #poverty #imf #worldbank