Just a few of the recent by me and my colleagues here at Vanderbilt:

* Leveraging the virtual landscape to promote , , and in -Head & Neck Surgery: sciencedirect.com/science/arti

* Overview of Dorsal Preservation : clinicalkey.com/#!/content/pla and another on Dorsal Preservation and Conventional Hump Resection Rhinoplasty: link.springer.com/article/10.1

#Publications #diversity #equity #inclusion #otolaryngology #DEI #antiracism #urim #rhinoplasty

Last updated 2 years ago

Research is hard. One thing that makes it hard: the constant need to self promote. I'm not that special and do not have all that much to share/say!!! Why can't I do the work and move on...oh bc research currency is and . , back to writing

#Publications #grants #sigh

Last updated 2 years ago