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Next week. The next Friday's Findings.

Seeing the Bigger Picture: Using Aerial Photos to Assess Tufted Puffin Habitat in Oregon

We study the of the which supports all surface life on Earth. Including .

#Puffins #CriticalZone #complexsystems #USGS

Last updated 1 year ago

Grumpy Penguin · @GrumpyPenguin
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Sharon Cummings Art · @SharonCummingsArt
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🇵🇹 "Foram sendo recolhidas “dezenas de aves vivas debilitadas e também vários exemplares mortos”, em especial nas praias de Peniche e da Lourinhã, mas também noutros pontos da costa portuguesa, indicou esta semana o Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF), explicando que nesta altura do ano os papagaios-do-mar “passam ao largo da costa portuguesa nas suas rotas migratórias”.
Todas estas aves marinhas têm sido encaminhadas para o CRAM – Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Marinhos, do Ecomare, “onde também estão a proceder a análises para tentar apurar a causa da morte”.
Mas que aves marinhas são estas? Paulo Catry, que faz investigação sobre aves marinhas, explica que os papagaios-do-mar (Fratercula arctica) não se reproduzem em Portugal e são raramente avistados a partir de terra. Além disso, “fora da época de reprodução são aves do alto-mar e por isso pouco conhecidas e difíceis de estudar”, nota este professor e investigador do MARE – Centro de Ciências Marinhas e Ambientais e do ISPA – Instituto Universitário."

🇬🇧 "Dozens of weakened live birds and also several dead specimens" were collected, especially on the beaches of Peniche and Lourinhã, but also in other parts of the Portuguese coast, indicated this week the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), explaining that at this time of year puffins “pass along the Portuguese coast on their migratory routes”.
All these seabirds have been sent to the CRAM – Center for the Rehabilitation of Marine Animals, of Ecomare, “where they are also carrying out analyzes to try to determine the cause of death”.
But what seabirds are these? Paulo Catry, who researches seabirds, explains that puffins (Fratercula arctica) do not breed in Portugal and are rarely seen from land. In addition, “outside the breeding season, they are sea birds and therefore little known and difficult to study”, notes this professor and researcher at MARE – Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences and ISPA – University Institute."

#papagaiosdomar #Puffins #Seabirds #avesmaritimas #icnf #marineanimals #portugal

Last updated 2 years ago

Gwenfar :plantmage6: · @GwenfarsGarden
419 followers · 13248 posts · Server

Skomer Island webcams are live & the Puffins are strutting their stuff!

:puffin: :puffin: :puffin:

#birbposting #birbs #birds #Puffins

Last updated 4 years ago