OK, this #JAMA Viewpoint on #PulseOx is amazing
But I think it basically says "It's weird that nobody has sued hospitals for continuing to use racially biased pulse ox's. Like, they seem pretty liable to us. And they don't really have a defense"
It's JAMA, so there's more nuance than that, but also not that much more
"This is a new approach to 1557 liability, as clinical algorithms were not mentioned in the authorizing statutory language. If finalized, the rule would arguably create greater enforcement risk for hospitals that continue to use pulse oximeters that perform less accurately on dark-skinned patients."
In “stable” French ICU patients
“Moderate hypoxemia (SaO2 86–90% or PaO2 55–60 mmHg) was detected in 92%, 33%, 42% and 11% of the cases with Nonin, Nellcor, Masimo and Philips respectively”
And that is with “skin pigmentation evaluated by Fitzpatrick scale showed 96.2% of subjects were light skin (types 1 and 2).”
Apple Watch blood oxygen app inaccurate on people of color: lawsuit
Prof @dynarski want to help me say the same thing over and over again until it sticks?
#CNN article reviewing:
- More data on #RacialBias in #PulseOx devices in sick patients
- FDA saying “The agency considers this a high priority and we will work expeditiously to consider the Panel’s input and determine the appropriate next steps" [but nothing yet]
- Manufacturers saying "we still think it's not true in our internal data in volunteers who aren't sick"
Even the #AmericanMedicalAssociation, never progressive, calls for #pulseOx to be fixed
#americanmedicalassociation #PulseOx
"There are clearly these differences by race. And I think, as you read the historical record over the last 30 years, the reason those differences in accuracy were tolerated for so long is not because of physiology but because of a social valuation as to which patients these devices were less accurate in, and whether that was considered an unacceptable error,” @iwashyna said.
More @CNN reporting on #PulseOx #HealthDisparities
Some notes on #VictorRay’s #OnCriticalRaceTheory, cc:ing @sociology (13/...)
"Once biases are built into seemingly legitimate social sorting mechanisms, no ill intent is needed--following the rules reproduces racial inequality"
[#TextToSelfConnection: like for medical devices like pulse oximeters in triage, #PulseOx:
or @AshFawzyMD's https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2792653]
#VictorRay #OnCriticalRaceTheory #TextToSelfConnection #PulseOx