Harm reduction cats among up some kits
We want to find more #FediCats and #FediPets accounts to follow!
Please boost this and suggest to your furry friends to follow us so we can follow them back!
#fedicats #FediPets #PunkHouseCats
We want to find more #FediCats and #FediPets accounts to follow!
Please boost this and suggest to your furry friends to follow us so we can follow you back!
#fedicats #FediPets #PunkHouseCats
We want to find more #FediCats and #FediPets accounts to follow!
Please boost this and tell your furry friends to follow us so we can follow you back!
#fedicats #FediPets #PunkHouseCats
#PunkhousePlaylist #PunkHouseCats #PunkHouseCatsPlaylist
Zonked at the laptop cooling fins
This is Bruce speaking. I just wanna wish Happy 3rd Borthsay to my friend Mr. ZIG!!!
Everyone look at what a majestic floof he is.
#introduction We are Zig and Bruce, we are best friends and share this account. This will probably be mostly pics of us so maybe we should have made a pixelfed account. Maybe we will some day but we wanted to be here because we already have so many friends in the punkhouse.