There's a certain joy in hearing #ThePogues coming from a #WaffleHouse jukebox. #DirtyOldTown #PunkRock #PunkMusic #DinerFood #DinerGrub
#thepogues #wafflehouse #dirtyoldtown #PunkRock #PunkMusic #dinerfood #dinergrub
Please boost!
Today! Check it out!
#BrooklynNY #PunkMusic #FolkMusic #NYMusicFestival #Blixworld #BlixworldRecords #PurgatoryNY #TransCommunity #TransMutualAid
#brooklynny #PunkMusic #folkmusic #nymusicfestival #blixworld #blixworldrecords #purgatoryny #transcommunity #transmutualaid
Vrolijk #pasen
@heideroosjes #heideroosjes #Dutch #punk #punkmusic #punkrock #punkrockmusic
Ze smelten de #paashaas
#paashaas #punkrockmusic #punkrock #PunkMusic #punk #dutch #heideroosjes #pasen
Day 46: "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
#punk #punkrock #punk #punkmusic #originalcharacter #basic #simple #doodle #doodlesofinstagram #procreate #art #artists #draw #sketch #illustrate #instaart #hyperkoi #grish365 #grishtoons
#punk #punkrock #PunkMusic #originalcharacter #basic #simple #doodle #doodlesofinstagram #procreate #art #artists #draw #sketch #illustrate #instaart #hyperkoi #grish365 #grishtoons
⚠️Mark your calendars and fetch your earplugs, because we’re letting the dogs out on June 3rd! Together with Psychose, Asociaal Kabaal and No Teacher No Pupil we’ll bring you an evening of Punk, HipHop and Heavy Rock ‘n’ Roll
Come check out HONDSDOL this summer ! 🐺
🗓️ 03-06-2023
📍 Baroeg Spinozaweg 3000, Rotterdam
🔖Tickets: pre-sale €8, doors €7
#thefrontiers #psychoseband #asociaalkabaal #noteachernopupil #hondsdol #hondsdolpunk #heavyrocknroll #baroeg #baroegopenair #hiphop #ikwoonnogsteedsinalmere #punkrock #punkband #punkmusic #punk #popunie #showcaseloud #rotterdam #rotterdammusic #dutchpunk #dutchrock #dutchmetal #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
#thefrontiers #psychoseband #asociaalkabaal #noteachernopupil #hondsdol #hondsdolpunk #heavyrocknroll #baroeg #baroegopenair #hiphop #ikwoonnogsteedsinalmere #punkrock #punkband #PunkMusic #punk #popunie #showcaseloud #rotterdam #rotterdammusic #dutchpunk #dutchrock #dutchmetal #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
I've been listening to some Slovak #PunkMusic from almost 30 years ago lately and it scares me to see how relevant (#environment, #consumerism, #GovernmentSurveillance, #HumanRights, #PoliceBrutality, #CorporateBullshit, #propaganda, #SocialProblems) it's even today. And some of this stuff has got even worse since then. I guess we should have paid more attention to these guys when there was time.
#PunkMusic #environment #consumerism #GovernmentSurveillance #humanrights #policebrutality #CorporateBullshit #propaganda #SocialProblems
#TrackOfTheDay #track #TracksOfTheDay #tracks #dutch #music #punkmusic #punk #punkrock #Zaanstad #Zaanstreek #ZaanstreekWaterland
#zaanstreekwaterland #zaanstreek #zaanstad #punkrock #punk #PunkMusic #music #dutch #tracks #tracksoftheday #track #trackoftheday
#TracksOfTheDay #TrackOfTheDay #tracks #track #music #muziek #nummer #punk #punkrock #rock #punkmusic #punkrockmusic #rockmusic
@BelgianAsociality #ATP
Via @teletekstbot
#atp #rockmusic #punkrockmusic #PunkMusic #rock #punkrock #punk #Nummer #muziek #music #track #tracks #trackoftheday #tracksoftheday
Depressing in a really uplifting way. Somehow pessimistic and optimistic at the same time.
#tidal #spanishlovesongs #punk #PunkMusic #routinepain #music #streamingmusic
#streamingmusic #music #routinepain #PunkMusic #punk #spanishlovesongs #tidal
Tässäpä Punkmuseon laatima jouluinen soittolista itse kullekin säädylle.
#punkmuseo #PunkMusic #soittolista #joulumusiikki
#joulumusiikki #soittolista #PunkMusic #punkmuseo
#TracksOfTheDay #track #music #rock #punk #rockmusic #punkmusic
Sweet Empire
#PunkMusic #rockmusic #punk #rock #music #track #tracksoftheday
Last bit of #NewMusic from me tonight.
Bot Lobby by WSTR is your classic #PunkMusic anthem. It doesn't need more description than that. Just go listen to it.
This song will have you doing the opposite of its title. Simmer Down by Fousheé is a booty shaker.
#newmusic #AlternativeMusic #PunkMusic
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT #TTRPG #DnD #VampireTheMasquerade #VTM
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt #ttrpg #dnd #vampirethemasquerade #vtm
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
#Australia #Australian
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #australia #australian #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
Having switched servers, I should give another #intro: I’m a #geneticist with a background in #neuroscience, #evodevo, #HumanGenetics, and #MarineBio. These days I work in #PublicHealth and #epi spaces, doing #DataScience, #sequencing, and #rnd, usually in #R. I used to be a #sysadmin, for my sins.
#PunkMusic, punk ethos, all things #ocean, cranky lefty #politics, #cocktails, #ttrpg, and #baking are all pretty much guaranteed if you stick around.
#baking #ttrpg #cocktails #politics #ocean #PunkMusic #sysadmin #r #rnd #sequencing #datascience #epi #publichealth #marinebio #humangenetics #evodevo #neuroscience #geneticist #intro
Having switched servers, I should give another #intro: I’m a #geneticist with a background in #neuroscience, #evodevo, #HumanGenetics, and #MarineBio. These days I work in #PublicHealth and #epi spaces, doing #DataScience, #sequencing, and #rnd, usually in #R. I used to be a #sysadmin, for my sins.
#PunkMusic, punk ethos, all things #ocean, cranky lefty #politics, #cocktails, #trrpgs, and #baking are all pretty much guaranteed if you stick around.
#baking #trrpgs #cocktails #politics #ocean #PunkMusic #sysadmin #r #rnd #sequencing #datascience #epi #publichealth #marinebio #humangenetics #evodevo #neuroscience #geneticist #intro
#Introduction #Intro - A bit about me and the stuff I like(indefinite WIP)
Feel free to follow request me if you like the vibe, I'm open for anyone to follow right now but in the future I might make my account more private.
~ About me ~
#Trans #Transgender #Transmasc #Transmasculine #TransMale #TransMan
#Achillean #Gay #MLM #MLNB #Bisexual #Polyamorous #RelationshipAnarchist #RelationshipAnarchy #RA
#Autism #ActuallyAutisitic #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity
~ Animals ~
#Zoology #Zookeeping #Conservation #Cynology #DogTraining #DogBehavior #PositiveReinforcement
~ Politics ~
#Anarchist #Anarchism #QueerAnarchist #QueerAnarchism #EcoAnarchist #EcoAnarchism #Punk
~ Video Games ~
#TheQuarry #ApexLegends #Minecraft #RDR2 #osu
~ TV Shows ~
#Arcane #RoswellNM #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals
~ Music ~
#MyChemicalRomance #MCR #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #RockMusic #PierceTheVeil #PTV
~ Spirituality ~
#Witch #WitchCraft #Tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #Therian #Otherkin #Alterhuman #Therianthropy
~ Other ~
#VultureCulture #MCYT
#introduction #intro #trans #transgender #transmasc #transmasculine #transmale #transman #achillean #gay #mlm #mlnb #bisexual #polyamorous #relationshipanarchist #relationshipanarchy #ra #autism #actuallyautisitic #adhd #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #zoology #Zookeeping #conservation #Cynology #dogtraining #DogBehavior #positivereinforcement #anarchist #anarchism #QueerAnarchist #queeranarchism #ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #punk #TheQuarry #apexlegends #minecraft #rdr2 #osu #arcane #roswellnm #TheVampireDiaries #TVD #TheOriginals #mychemicalromance #mcr #MyChem #Maneskin #Måneskin #PunkMusic #rockmusic #PierceTheVeil #ptv #witch #witchcraft #tarot #RealityShifting #RealityShifter #therian #otherkin #alterhuman #Therianthropy #vultureculture #mcyt
My #introduction!
Hello 👋 My name is Marcel. I’m 48 & #neurodivergent. I am deep in #AutisticBurnout with #anxiety #depression & #CPTSD
I am #queer & #demisexual
My main #SpecialInterests are:
#HeavyMetal #IndieMusic #PunkMusic #electronica
#canals #narrowboating #cycling #hiking #camping
#nature #wildlife #ClimateEmergency
#StarWars #sci-fi #fantasy
I lean left politically #GTTO #FBPE but will focus here on autism & #MentalHealth
Looking to connect with other #neurokin 😊
#introduction #neurodivergent #autisticburnout #anxiety #depression #CPTSD #queer #demisexual #SpecialInterests #heavymetal #indiemusic #PunkMusic #electronica #canals #narrowboating #Cycling #hiking #camping #nature #wildlife #climateemergency #starwars #sci #fantasy #photography #gtto #fbpe #MentalHealth #NeuroKin