#Oz #PuppyKillerOz #LittleSteven
#SteveVanZandt from #NEWJERSEY July 2022
#oz #PuppyKillerOz #LittleSteven #SteveVanZandt #newjersey
Posted here because...fuck that guy!
Physicians called him a quack 🦆 and wanted him sacked from Columbia 7 years ago
8 years ago
#PuppyKillerOz called out by #JohnOliver
#PuppyKillerOz #johnoliver #humour #VOTEforFETTERMAN
#PuppyKillerOz 's BFF fobbed him off & endorses #Fetterman 😂
When your own fucking mates don't want ya, that's saying something!
#PuppyKillerOz #Fetterman #OprahEndorsesFetterman #VOTEforFETTERMAN #pennsylvannia #pa
Americans ! #Pennsylvannia !
NO #Puppykillers in the Senate #PuppykillerOz
#pennsylvannia #Vote #VOTEforFETTERMAN #Puppykillers #PuppyKillerOz
I still can't wrap my head around the DNC, MSNBC and Biden/other Democrats not making the point that ´auditory' has no connection to ´cogntive' abilities as well as making the point that #Oz ( or #PuppyKillerOz, if you like) shouldn't attack an opponent for healing from a health crisis. Not as a candidate and not as a 'medical provider'.
The only pushback I'm aware of has come from Sam Seder (The Majority Report), #BernieSanders, Lawrence O'Donnell, and (of all people) idk his name Morning Joe on MSNBC (the show that he co-hosts with the daughter of Breshinky or whatever.
#oz #PuppyKillerOz #berniesanders
#WTF? In what kind of fucking world do we live?!
Now this motherfucking charlatan's also a puppy killer? 🐶
#wtf #PuppyKillerOz #mehmetoz #usmidterms