Syrian protection seekers who were apprehended during #police checks in #Freilassing, #Passau, and #Munich, described the #pushback's they experienced at the German-Austrian border. They report that they had repeatedly – including in the presence of interpreters – voiced their wish to apply for asylum in #Germany to German officials. Despite that, they were transported back to Austria the day after without access to the regular asylum procedure.
Today, #PushbackAlarm Austria has published evidence of pushbacks from Germany into Austria on the Border Violence Monitoring Network database.
#PushBackAlarm #germany #pushback #munich #passau #freilassing #police
🇦🇹 Information in Arabic for people on the move entering Austria and looking to ask for asylum:
هل تريد أن تقدم طلب لجوء؟
هل تخشى أن يتم ترحيلك أو إجبارك على العودة من حيث اتيت؟
#PushBackAlarm Austria
☎️ +43 1 345 1 444
🇦🇹 Information in Pashtu for people on the move entering Austria and looking to ask for asylum:
تاسو د اتریش د سرحد نه راوښتې یاستی (اوس په اتریش کی یاست)؟
ته ویره لری چی ته به بیرته شاه ته وشړل شی؟
ته ویره لری چی ته به ډیپورټ شی؟
#PushBackAlarm Austria
☎️ +43 1 345 1 444
🇦🇹 Information in Bangla for people on the move entering Austria:
আপনি কি অস্ট্রিয়ার সীমান্ত অতিক্রম করেছেন? আপনি কি অ্যাসাইলাম এর জন্য আবেদন করতে চান?
আপনি কি ভয় পাচ্ছেন যে আপনাকে নির্বাসিত করা হবে কিংবা ফেরত পাঠানো হবে?
#PushBackAlarm Austria
☎️ +43 1 345 1 444
☎️ NEU: #PushBackAlarm-Austria Hotline! ☎️
Eine 24/7-Nummer für Menschen, die es nach #Österreich geschafft haben und Asyl beantragen wollen. Es ist ein wichtiges Projekt, um #PushBacks zu verhindern!
☎️ +43 1 345 1 444 ☎️
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