We have just entered into a 12-step-program to get us off our addiction making refugees.

Signed by The West

Lol kidding. More military bases encircling the globe, war, , coups, and creation of "" to make desperate in the planning.


#colourRevolutions #PushFactors #refugees #MICIMATT #12stepprogram #theWest #refugeeProducer #kevinruddcouplite #keepwatchingcounterintelligence

Last updated 2 years ago

Migration is something we studied for years. Keep in mind the majority of migrants work hard to stay away from nasties () in other places.

The problem is seldom about migrants on an individual, or even normal scale ie. 1-2 ppl per thousand per year is fine, but its the wars we fuel (weapons) and the sheer scale of , 10perThousand (began in 2003 in ) when it goes from ethical to .

Hurts *all* involved *and *!

@bot @digdeeper@mastodon.honeypot.im

#PushFactors #migration #australia #migrationAbuse #environment

Last updated 2 years ago

Indeed, step one needs to start with stopping the and operations that set countries back decades, and prevent them having more , and socially and environmentally progressive policies.

Almost all is based on , instigated by US policy. Look back no further than abuse by , and their underling , but many examples exist.

@kaip @koherecoWatchdog @NatCor @rs1linuxtools

#coups #regimechange #equitable #immigrationAbuse #PushFactors #post911 #BushCrimeFamily #tonyblair #JohnHoward #warcrimes

Last updated 3 years ago

Extreme levels of always favours the extremely wealthy.

More local to sell to and lower wages, its a win-win for the . In , we typically had , moguls and , and pining for extreme numbers of people to be pumped in.

Whether by bombing their country (aka so-called ) or like our "WorldClass" and glass-and-steel living styles.

#immigration #consumers #corporates #australia #GerryHarvey #realestate #BigConstruction #speculators #universities #PushFactors #PullFactors #coffeeShops

Last updated 4 years ago