Today’s #CapsuleCollective highlight: Erin Jamieson holds an #MFA in #creativewriting from Miami University of Ohio. Her #writing has been published in over 80 literary magazines, and her fiction has been nominated for a #PushcartPrize. She teaches at Ohio State University.
Her #poem “Forecast on a January Evening” is published in Capsule Stories Winter 2022 Edition: Hibernation, now available in paperback and ebook. Buy your copy here: #CapsuleStories #ErinJamieson
#capsulecollective #mfa #creativewriting #writing #PushcartPrize #poem #capsulestories #erinjamieson
Announcing our #PushcartPrize nominations from 2022!
🖋️ “To Lose” by Veronica Nation
🖋️ “Suncatcher” by Hantian Zhang
🖋️ “Cradled” by Eve Croskery
🖋️ “The Light and the Lake” by Dana Getka
🖋️ “Dear Tree Committee” by Jennifer Clark
🖋️ “Unexpecting” by Anna Dobbin
Read more about our nominations and the Pushcart Prize here:
Capsule Stories staff #poetry reader Annie Powell Stone’s #poem “I walk my worry through winter wind” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by The Sunlight Press! Read it here: #AnniePowellStone #CapsuleStories #TheSunlightPress #PushcartPrize
#poetry #poem #anniepowellstone #capsulestories #thesunlightpress #PushcartPrize