I beg to differ here - @Vidhi_India / masters wanted a convoluted judgement, one that exists on paper but not in reality. Paper - so can claim passes the test laid out, but nothing changes in reality.

@Vidhi_India had their way and got
RT @gautambhatia88
If you had your way, there would never have been a Puttaswamy judgment. twitter.com/vidhi_india/status

#kaku #aadhaar #Puttaswamy

Last updated 2 years ago

We need a surveillance reform - and complete overhaul of 2002 - post judgement accepting right to privacy as fundamental right. Some thoughts -- PMLA is used lot by (extra-legal) intelligence agencies than law enforement.

RT @logic
@VrindaBhandari @rishabbailey Thanks for the paper and here is some feedback / data as an add-on.

The FIU-IND data is clearly not meeting proportionality requirement introduced in Puttaswam…

#PMLA #Puttaswamy

Last updated 2 years ago