Today, I stumbled upon a #python / #pyresample tutorial I had made for @oceanographer 's #earthpy back in 2013 😄 . These were my early #python and #notebook days...
It seems quite valid today, except for the py2.7 syntax and the use of Basemap.
Should I post an update with #cartopy and #py3 ?
#Py3 #cartopy #notebook #earthpy #pyresample #python
Pour nettoyer un dossier de code .py des en-têtes « coding: utf-8 » issus de l'époque Python 2
# Headers « coding: utf-8 »
find -name '*.py' -exec sed -i '1{/#*coding: utf-8/d;}' {} \;
# Lignes vides en tête de fichier
find -name '*.py' -exec sed -i '1{/^\#\?$/d;}' {} \;