@rlavery2 Well all right then.
#history #law #politics #languages #art #biology #arachnology #entomology #systematics #rugby #football #no_the_other_kind #cookery #european_union #ireland #gaeilge #aubrey #maturin #pynchon #voltaire #beckett #SGE #BJK #sterne #dogs #our_dog_in_particular #italy #formentera #roma #südtirol #turkey #the_country_not_the_bird #nyc #brooklyn and of course #sleep
#history #law #politics #languages #art #biology #arachnology #entomology #Systematics #rugby #football #no_the_other_kind #Cookery #european_union #ireland #gaeilge #aubrey #maturin #Pynchon #voltaire #Beckett #SGE #bjk #sterne #dogs #our_dog_in_particular #italy #formentera #roma #sudtirol #turkey #the_country_not_the_bird #nyc #brooklyn #sleep
"Founded in in 1995 to explore and celebrate 'difficult' works of twentieth-century literature, The Modern Word ran until about 2005. After a ten-year hiatus, I’ve been restoring, revising, and updating its content here at Shipwreck Library. I have been generously assisted by many wonderful writers and editors, both old hands and fresh faces."
This is what the internet is for! ❤️ 📖
#Borges #Joyce #Pynchon #Literature #ModernistLiterature #PostmodernLiterature #Irrealism
#borges #joyce #Pynchon #literature #modernistliterature #postmodernliterature #irrealism
Vor 50 Jahren ist „Die Enden der Parabel“ von Thomas #Pynchon erschienen. Weiß wer in welchem Monat?
My book club read my favorite novel last go-around. A few of the members struggled mightily with it, but all finished.
And now I shall reward them!
#Pynchon #MasonAndDixon #bookclub
On This Day in History
February, 28th, 1973:
A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.
#Pynchon #GravitysRainbow
Gravity’s Rainbow is 50! Read this brilliant appreciation, even if you never read the novel. But go on, read the novel too. Thinking I might go in again… book club, anyone? https://theconversation.com/join-the-counterforce-thomas-pynchons-postmodern-epic-gravitys-rainbow-at-50-196657
An engaging revisitation of Gravity's Rainbow as it turns 50.
#Pynchon #literature #Reading #bookstodon
We’re All Living Under Gravity’s Rainbow
Looming apocalypse. Paranoid conspiracies. Rocket-obsessed oligarchs. As Thomas Pynchon’s novel turns 50, its world feels unnervingly present.
@johnsemley3000@twitter.com for @WIRED@twitter.com
#ThomasPynchon #Pynchon #GravitysRainbow #novel #bookstodon
#bookstodon #novel #gravitysrainbow #Pynchon #ThomasPynchon
Me to #chatgpt: infinite jest
ChatGPT: "Infinite Jest" is a novel by Thomas Pynchon, first published in 1996. It is widely regarded as one of the most challenging and rewarding works of fiction of the late 20th century.
Me: Incorrect! Infinite Jest is a novel by David Foster Wallace!
ChatGPT: I apologize, you are correct. "Infinite Jest" is indeed a novel by David Foster Wallace, not Thomas Pynchon. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
#chatgpt #aifail #Pynchon #books #wallace #infinitejest
Just asked #ChatGPT to write a paragraph in the style of Thomas Pynchon. It mainly focused on the the Pynchon writes, and sounds nothing like his work. Very dry, no humor, no absurdity.
It is just a paragraph, but it’s nothing like #Pynchon.
#writing #AI #artists
#artists #ai #writing #Pynchon #chatgpt
Almost time for final book club chat re: Pynchon's Mason & Dixon.
Two members are sick (one w/ covid and he can't talk), one has to "walk the dog real quick," and another just had to "flee Nepal" & will tell us all about it.
Sorry Mr. Pynchon! I tried!
#bookclub #amreading #fiction #literature #Pynchon
When it comes to more serious fiction, Thomas #Pynchon remains one of my favourites, so rereading Inherent Vice was a joy. #Borges is also fantastic -- I started reading through his collected fictions, but if you're picking him up for the first time, you'll probably want to start with the 1944 Fictions (which contains The Garden of Forking Paths and Artifices). Virgil's Aeneid is of course also a classic for a reason -- and one reason, as usual, is that it's very different from what you expect.
Finished #MasonAndDixon last night. Hit by a fierce need to weep. Heavy, shuddering convulsions.
I went upstairs to cry alone. My wife heard me moving & asked me to do some chore up there. I tried to hide the tears in my voice, & in doing so, I quashed the convulsions, but not the desire.
A chest that yearned for release; tears that would not come. Horribly unsatisfying feeling, like messing up a sneeze x20.
Anyway, best book ever!
#MasonAndDixon #Pynchon #amreading #literature
Best #goodreads review ever. No notes. (But seriously though I found a copy of #GravitysRainbow in a local #freelibary and it’s going to be one of my first books for 2023) #Pynchon #tbrchallenge
#goodreads #GravitysRainbow #freelibary #Pynchon #tbrchallenge
Night over all this watershed how vast, that covers each soul in it like a breathing Mouth, humid, warm, carrying the odors of living and dying, that takes back ev'rything committed upon the Land that Day, without appeal, dissolving all in Shadow.
(p. 585)
#Pynchon #MasonAndDixon #bookclub
Prepping for tonight's 2nd of 3 book club meetings for #MasonAndDixon by #Pynchon. Comparing the novel's events w/ a transcript of Mason's journal I got from the good people at Mason-Dixon Historical Park in Core, West Virginia.
„The #Pynchon archive is currently being processed and is slated to be opened to qualified researchers within the next year.“
A splash of the gothic in the exquisite Ch. 35 (p.361)