Today recorded a #podcast out in the Woods for the first time. Took a bit of doing to get the volume right but I'm reasonably happy with the output.
In this episode, I speak in the Wood about what I'm interested in why. This includes #Pyrrhonism, #Buddhism, #Spinoza, #Schopenhauer, #Nietzsche, #Hume, #Peirce, #Kuhn, #Jaynes, #McGilchrist, and more.
#McGilchrist #Jaynes #kuhn #Peirce #hume #nietzsche #schopenhauer #spinoza #buddhism #Pyrrhonism #podcast
Truth and Emptiness with Jake Orthwein: in which we discuss different conceptions of #truth, different types of #Buddhism, #emptiness versus #Pyrrhonism, whether the #Buddha or #Nietzsche are nihilists, and much more on #philosophy!
#philosophy #nietzsche #buddha #Pyrrhonism #emptiness #buddhism #truth
Someone whose good at these things (not me) should really make a #Pyrrhonism self-help commercial:
"Life got you down? Things not going your way? Pyrrhonism can help! Our simple techniques can wipe away ANY belief, and what you don't believe can't trouble you!
Try Pyrrhonism for:
* Debt
* Illness
* Death
* Disagreeable colleagues
* Dead-end jobs
* Family conflict
* Household chores
If you believe in money after 30 days, your money back! (We don't believe you paid us anyway.)"
#Pyrrhonism opposes having opinions which apply antilogies or dichotomies to non-evident affairs/matters/things. Suspending judgment (#epoché) then leads to not being disturbed (#ataraxia). It is *not* a #philosophy of metaphysical argumentation; it is an ethical and pragmatic stance.
#philosophy #Ataraxia #epoche #Pyrrhonism
#Pyrrhonism opposes having opinions which apply antilogies or dichotomies to non-evident affairs/matters/things. Suspending judgment (#epoché) then leads to #ataraxia. It is *not* a #philosophy of metaphysical argumentation; it is an ethical and pragmatic stance.
#philosophy #Ataraxia #epoche #Pyrrhonism
Stanford Encyclopedia of #Philosophy on #SextusEmpiricus ... #Pyrrhonism is all about finding such oppositions
#Pyrrhonism #SextusEmpiricus #philosophy
Finished Beckwith's Greek Buddha today and it was phenomenal. I learned so much about #Pyrrhonism and the history of #Buddhism that I don't actually care if he's right or wrong
Reminder that we can live a good life without any opinions whatsoever
#Pyrrhonism #SextusEmpiricus #skepticism #philosophy
I did a little talk on Beckwith's Greek Buddha, which meanderd into my interest in #Pyrrhonism, #scepticism, #philosophy, #Buddhism.
#buddhism #philosophy #scepticism #Pyrrhonism
I'm coming to think #Pyrrhonism is a really misunderstood and underrated #philosophy @philosophy
Today's #ReadingLog update, I'm starting to put brief commentary, let's see how long I can keep this up. Mainly reading today about #Pyrrhonism and #truth
#truth #Pyrrhonism #ReadingLog
Is anyone aware of earlier FAQ-style documents? #SextusEmpiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, ~190 AD. This is a phenomenal book btw.
#Pyrrhonism #philosophy #SextusEmpiricus
Is anyone aware of earlier FAQ-style documents? #SextusEmpiricus, Outlines of Scepticism, ~190 AD. This is a phenomenal book btw.
#Pyrrhonism #philosophy #SextusEmpiricus
Great article on #Pyrrhonism and #skepticism. I may have been a Pyrrhonist all along. Basically it's a technique for not having opinions that upset you, by continuing investigation to the point of humility/shrug #philosophy @philosophy
#philosophy #skepticism #Pyrrhonism
@MathiasG @philosophy So I started this and it is brilliant. Are there FAQs that are older than this? Is this a common format?
I think I may have been a Pyrrhonist all along 😅
Has anyone read Sextus Empiricus and have advice about how/where to start? The Stanford Encyclopedia has got me very excited. I've read Diogenes Laertius on Pyrrho already #pyrrhonism #philosophy @philosophy
Anyone have a view on Richard Bett vs Christopher Beckwith? They seem to have some tension (reading Beckwith's Greek Buddha and Bett's Cambridge Guide to Ancient Scepticism)
#Pyrrho #Pyrrhonism #Plato #Buddhism #Gorgias #SextusEmpiricus #Parmenides #scepticism #philosophy @philosophy
#philosophy #scepticism #Parmenides #SextusEmpiricus #Gorgias #buddhism #plato #Pyrrhonism #Pyrrho