I found out there is no built in command line option for #python to reload script on file change. There must be a reason for that.
Flask-SQLAlchemy 3.1.0 released, with support for SQLAlchemy 2's new annotation-based model definition. Thanks to @pamelafox for becoming a maintainer and enabling that support!
#Python #Flask #SQLAlchemy
If you've ever wondered why PEP8 advises changing #Python statements like
if var == None:
if var is None:
this blog post shows how classes can in principle redefine `== None`:
🤔 Jak fungují volání bez závorek a funkce vyššího řádu? To nám objasní Lumír Balharna přednášce "Funkce je taky jenom objekt!" 🧐 🐍https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/82/
#PyConCZ #Python #Prague
Properly enchanted, a great snake can be made to speak. #FreeBSD #Python #Linux #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/python-social-media-automation/python-program.html?s=mc
#OpenSource #Linux #Python #FreeBSD
Work has begun on the #development tool for #AbyssalLinux. You may notice that there are two branches. One with #Python and one with #Rust. This is because I am prototyping in Rust and then considering moving to Python once the proper defaults are determined.
Yes. This is extremely inspired by #postmarketOS #pmbootstrap
#linux #mobilelinux #linuxmobile #voidmobile #voidlinux #void #xbps #abyssal
#abyssal #xbps #void #voidlinux #voidmobile #linuxmobile #mobilelinux #Linux #pmbootstrap #Postmarketos #Rust #Python #abyssallinux #Development
SaveDesktop: An Easy Way to Save Your Linux Desktop Environment Configuration Settings #Savedesktop #DesktopEnvironment #LinuxDesktop #Linux #Opensource #Python #Linuxcustomization
#savedesktop #desktopenvironment #linuxdesktop #Linux #OpenSource #Python #linuxcustomization
Not even the priests of the dreaded Snake Cult can harness so mighty a #python as this. #FreeBSD #Linux #OpenSource https://cromwell-intl.com/open-source/python-social-media-automation/?s=mc
#OpenSource #Linux #FreeBSD #Python
🌟 Interested in asynchronous services? Don't miss the talk with Tvrtko Sernak called "Unveiling FastKafka: Exploring Python’s Kafka Framework" at #PyConCZ23! Explore more: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/88/
#AsyncProgramming #Python #FastKafka
#pyconcz23 #asyncprogramming #Python #fastkafka
🔬 Ready to explore genetics with Python? Dive into "DIY precision medicine with Pandas" by
and discover more! 🚀https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/67/
#Genetics #Python #PyConCZ23
Happy to announce PyGraft, a configurable #Python tool to generate both synthetic #schemas and #knowledgeGraphs easily, supporting several RDFS and OWL constructs.
📄 https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03685
💻 https://github.com/nicolas-hbt/pygraft (also available on PyPI)
#Python #schemas #KnowledgeGraphs
🔎👽 Let's demystify asyncio from the ground up using only Python Standard Library in the workshop "Asyncio without Asyncio" led by Yan Yanchii! Discover more: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/workshops/17/ #Python #programming #PyConCZ23
#Python #programming #pyconcz23
Is there a pythonic way to call a function multiple times without `for` and while maintaining type checking support?
Currently i'm doing this:
plugins = [One(), Two()]
def action_one():
for p in plugins: p.action_one()
def action_two():
for p in plugins: p.action_two()
Maybe there is better way?
♻️ Master the art of efficient looping! Join Pratibha Jagnere in the talk "Itertools – iterators for efficient looping" and level up your Python skills. 🚀🔁 Don't miss it: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/74/
#Python #Itertools #PyConCZ23
♻️ Master the art of efficient looping! Join Pratibha Jagnere in the talk "Itertools – iterators for efficient looping" and level up your Python skills. 🚀🔁 Don't miss it: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/74/
#Python #Itertools #PyConCZ23
🗨️ Jaké chyby dělá ChatGPT a umí mluvit hantecem? 🤖 Zjistěte, jak ho ovládat z Pythonu skrze API a mnohem více s Petrem Šimečkem na přednášce "Velké jazykové modely: naučte ChatGPT básnit a zkroťte si svou lamu" na #PyConCZ. 📚🔍 Už se těšíme! https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/104/
#ChatGPT #Python
@posit conf is around the corner and I cannot wait to attend the conference and meet all the inspiring people I’ve met so far in person 🙌
I‘ve a few stickers with me - mainly @pyladies_bot and @rladies_bot but also some to celebrate the symbiosis of #rstats and #Python, and an open-source package I developed ✨
If you want one and are at conf, feel free to reach out during the conference!
#positconf2023 #rladies #pyladies #Python #rstats
☕How does ordering coffee at Starbucks mirror asynchronous programming?🌠 Join Álvaro Durán in exploring the intriguing parallels in his talk "Codename Tulip: The Making of Async." 🫗🔗 Learn more: https://cz.pycon.org/2023/program/talks/70/
#AsyncProgramming #PyConCZ23
#asyncprogramming #pyconcz23 #Python
Jinak k přednášení se nám povedlo motivovat spoustu členů #juniorguru klubu a další budou v publiku, z čehož mám velkou radost. A samozřejmě se nemůžu dočkat, až zase uvidím všechny kámoše z #python komunity. A až se to všechno promíchá a propojí a v noci budem všichni společně brnkat na ukulele 🥹
Tak co, těšíte se na @pyconcz? Začne to už 15.9., za pár dní! Po letech s covidem konečně pořádný celorepublikový cirkus #python komunity 🎪 Letos s významnou přítomností juniorů a všech, kdo jim chtějí pomáhat 🐣 https://cz.pycon.org/2023/