🧑💻 New learning unit in our #NetworkAutomation eAcademy: #Python!
Learn how to program using Python, why it is useful and how it can be used 👉 https://connect.geant.org/2023/02/27/new-learning-unit-in-the-network-eacademy-automation-tools-python
👤 Trainer: Iacovos Ioannou – CyNet
⏳ Course duration: 90 Minutes
PS you can also follow your self-paced OAV (#Orchestration, #Automation, #Virtualisation) training via our interactive map 🗺️ https://wiki.geant.org/display/NETDEV/OAV+Training+Portal
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#learning #training #networking #Education #Research #network #OpenSource #pythoncoding #python3 #PythonLearning #virtualisation #automation #orchestration #Python #networkautomation
TIP: Calculate the age of a file using Python’s os module
ZikTIPS #Python #pythonprogramming #Python3 #pythonlearning #pythoncode
#python #pythonprogramming #python3 #PythonLearning #pythoncode