News Update 5/1/23: Survive the News is Back After Being De-platformed + SG Anon, Charlie Ward & Simon Parks – Continuity Of Government Is In Place…
#simonparkes #qfs #charlieward #x22report #andweknow #scottmckay #patriotstreetfighter #censorship
#Censorship #patriotstreetfighter #ScottMckay #andweknow #x22report #CharlieWard #QFS #simonparkes
Weekly Update 3-7-23: New QFS/XRP “The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History” Guide + Juan O’ Savin, SG Anon and more…
#sganon #qfs #xrp #xlm #crypto #juanosavin #x22report #trump #biden #wealth #transfer #intel #update #march
#march #update #intel #transfer #wealth #Biden #Trump #x22report #JuanOSavin #crypto #XLM #xrp #QFS #SGanon
Weekly Update 2-20-23: Juan O’ Savin “It Has Begun” + Charlie Ward XRP (Digital Asset / QFS World) + AI Threat to Humanity
#xrp #gesara #nesara #qfs #juanosavin #charlieward #patriotstreetfighter #scottmckay #x22report #andweknow #ohio #chemicals #war #chemicalwar
#chemicalwar #war #chemicals #ohio #andweknow #x22report #ScottMckay #patriotstreetfighter #CharlieWard #JuanOSavin #QFS #NESARA #Gesara #xrp
there is no "Quantum Financial System (QFS)" or "Galactic Federation Banking System".
these are cabal-created psy-ops, pushing the idea of a "good" one world digital currency (there's no such thing as a "good" one world currency).
#agenda21 #qanon #GreatReset #usdr #csrq #QFS
Weekly Update 1-17-23: Sudden Death Explodes Worldwide + SgAnon & Huge QFS/GESARA News from Charlie Ward + Simon Parkes
#simonparkes #charlieward #x22report #andweknow #mikeadams #scottmckay #patriotstreetfighter #sganon #gesara #nesara #QFS #suddendeath #vaccinations #vaccination #vaccine #laralogen #checkmate #whitehats #blackhats
#blackhats #whitehats #checkmate #laralogen #vaccine #vaccination #vaccinations #SuddenDeath #QFS #NESARA #Gesara #SGanon #patriotstreetfighter #ScottMckay #MikeAdams #andweknow #x22report #CharlieWard #simonparkes
Weekly Update 1-4-22: Is the ‘Spike Protein’ Really the Problem? + The Quantum Computer for NESARA/GESARA/QFS
#QFS #NESARA #GESARA #spikeprotein #vaccination #vaccine #covid19 #covid #x22report #andweknow #thesaltycracker #scottmckay #mikeadams #newyears
#newyears #MikeAdams #ScottMckay #TheSaltyCracker #andweknow #x22report #COVID #COVID19 #vaccine #vaccination #spikeprotein #Gesara #NESARA #QFS
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Satanovo nejvelkolepější dílo se nazývá #QFS – Kvantový #finanční #systém
Nevím nebo souhlasím se vším, co se říká, ale toto je velmi dobrá perspektiva. Ačkoli existují náboženské odkazy, myslím, že to…
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