Salty Dog · @SaltyDog
27 followers · 27 posts · Server

#bikini #teen #QTS

Last updated 2 years ago

白川玖羽 · @sirakawakuu
250 followers · 2902 posts · Server

QNAP製6ベイNAS「TVS-h674」でCPUを「Core i5-12500」にアップグレード出来るか検証してみた

#QTS #tvsh674 #nas #qnap

Last updated 2 years ago

白川玖羽 · @sirakawakuu
267 followers · 3014 posts · Server

QNAP製6ベイNAS「TVS-h674」でCPUを「Core i5-12500」にアップグレード出来るか検証してみた

#QTS #tvsh674 #nas #qnap

Last updated 2 years ago

白川玖羽 · @sirakawakuu
246 followers · 2866 posts · Server

QNAP TS-431PでQTS 4.xからQTS 5.x系にアップデートしようとすると「エラーコード:4」と出て更新できない場合の対処方法

#ファームウェア #firmware #os #QTS #qnap

Last updated 2 years ago

白川玖羽 · @sirakawakuu
267 followers · 3014 posts · Server

QNAP TS-431PでQTS 4.xからQTS 5.x系にアップデートしようとすると「エラーコード:4」と出て更新できない場合の対処方法

#ファームウェア #firmware #os #QTS #qnap

Last updated 2 years ago

ComputerBase · @ComputerBase
2215 followers · 18622 posts · Server

#qnap #vulnerable #QTS

Last updated 2 years ago

We remember asking for on fedi, not in so few letters, but we did ask.

Someone explanted that fedi was different. People found to be abusive on the . We thought about that and basically instantly realised that our past may have been less civil.

We adjusted.

I do not believe in yeilding to them (and many bots) who have descended upon Fedi, and specifically it seems, servers, in the past couple months.

They should learn like we did.

#qt #QTS #dotcons #behaviour #mastodon #antifeatures

Last updated 2 years ago

Joe V. · @jhv
182 followers · 4922 posts · Server

Last week's Name This Movie was Dead Ringers, a 1988 David Cronenberg film starring Jeremy Irons (playing both of identical twin gynecologists) & Geneviève Bujold. Wikipedia says this is a "psychological thriller"; I think it's the creepiest movie I've ever seen. Were I female, I'd think it would be even scarier.

FWIW, this is a place where I used to use of myself.

#QTS #wronganswersonly

Last updated 2 years ago

@GeoffWilbourn @futurebird

There is no policy decision or feature rollout where doesn't put big instance admins over everything else.

Literally, from to to broken threads to moderation to VC decisions.

Tune out nonsense rationalisations, and you'll see the raw power game.

#mastodonsearch #QTS #Mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

@cleo @thatonecalculator @phillip

For I got your explanation, thanks.

The thing that people use as QTs on Mastodon 'flat' is adding a URL of a toot, often with a screenshot.

That one gets a card-like expansion in , but no treatment, unfortunately.

#qt #calckey #QTS

Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
345 followers · 1857 posts · Server

@Gargron It'd be helpful to clarify what "QT" means here.

Twitter work more as a kind of "alt-reply" function, more "branching off a conversation" than simply linking to a post, with 3 essential attributes:

1. The other post is displayed as if it's a seamless part of ones own
2. The other person is notified just as with a reply or @-mention
3. QTs are listed under "x Quoted Posts" under the original post

When one says "I want QTs", is this what one means? Would anything less be enough?


Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
345 followers · 1857 posts · Server

At this point I'm resigned to some sort of happening as poor Eugen is being harangued about it to the exclusion of everything else.

So many replies here are the same old circular arguments along the lines of "well *I* never got dunked on or dogpiled so I see only positives, end of discussion". There's nothing new being said and few minds being changed.

I only hope it isn't implemented as a seamless UI feature to the same degree as on Birdsite.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
310 followers · 1261 posts · Server

At this point I'm resigned to some sort of happening as poor Eugen is being harangued about it to the exclusion of everything else.

So many replies here are the same old circular arguments along the lines of "well *I* never got dunked on or dogpiled so I see only positives, end of discussion". There's nothing new being said and few minds being changed.

I only hope it isn't implemented as a seamless UI feature to the same degree as on Birdsite.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
345 followers · 1857 posts · Server

Lots of airtime is still being given to the question, but at least there's a workaround there (screenshot+link+@-mention). Instead, I hope there'll be more discussion of the need for a working feature.

…And no, I don't mean the fact that it's hashtags-only! I can entirely understand the rationale behind that design decision. Rather, the fact that at the moment even searching for hashtags is hard and frustrating.

#QTS #search #mastodev

Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
310 followers · 1252 posts · Server

Lots of airtime is still being given to the question, but at least there's a workaround there (screenshot+link+@-mention). Instead, I hope there'll be more discussion of the need for a working feature.

…And no, I don't mean the fact that it's hashtags-only! I can entirely understand the rationale behind that design decision. Rather, the fact that at the moment even searching for hashtags is a poor experience.

#QTS #search

Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
345 followers · 1857 posts · Server

Another interesting take on .

I disagree with the proposition that screenshotting posts is a bad practice and inferior to . After all, if we want to critique/highlight passages from any other webpage, the screenshot is our primary tool.

So, I suppose, why should toots be any different? Why do we accept that newspaper columns can and should be critiqued with screenshots without automatically notifying the authors but not Mastodon posts?

#QTS #quotetweets

Last updated 2 years ago

Hughster · @hughster
310 followers · 1227 posts · Server

Another interesting take on /#quotetweets.

I disagree with the proposition that screenshotting posts is a bad practice and inferior to QTing. After all, if we want to critique/highlight passages from any other webpage, the screenshot is our primary tool.

So, I suppose, why should toots be any different? Why do we accept that newspaper columns can and should be critiqued with screenshots without automatically notifying the authors but not Mastodon posts?


Last updated 2 years ago

scott f · @scott
1298 followers · 824 posts · Server

I wrote about something getting lost in discussions about a feature on here:

They're just links.

You can already link to a toot. Let's be specific about how we want links to work better and have better previews.

#quotetoot #quoteboost #qt #QTS

Last updated 2 years ago

journalists love because it allows them to piggyback on others' reporting with their own self-effusing morsels to amplify their own assume clout.

think about when peter alexander allowed an "anonymous secret service source" to refute 's story about the tantrum threw in the beast and how many "journalists" completely amplified it with containing nothing but "👀" emojis or stupider -- but supportive -- stuff like "Hutchinson's testimony called into doubt".

Think about how little traction stuff like that would have gotten without Quote Tweets. Journalists (with hundreds of thousands of followers of their own) would never just hit "reply" to a "scoop"; they have to promote themselves to show they too are worthwhile "reporters" who keep up with the latest breaking bullshit.

#quotetweets #cassidyhutchinson #trump #QTS

Last updated 2 years ago


Oh you know WHO I am talking about, let's not play the 'WHAT' game 🤭

Cause for 'what' I am talking about, you've seen the discussion. Dudebros get increasingly defensive, until they break down crying 'he will never let this happen, please have mercy on me'.

Was it Evan who said 'just let man child have his way for once'.

Quit playing with me, or I'll pull Chromium beautiful contribution stats, you'll cry about those 700 devs.


Last updated 2 years ago