Calling all #QUT higher degree research (HDR) students!
Good news! The SAGE Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student Publication Prize is on again.
11 worthy #QUT #HDR students will be rewarded with cash prizes.
The #QUTLibrary Blog has all the details.
Today we’re diving into coding #ReinforcementLearning for our fisheries examples.
#QUT #AMSI #ReinforcementLearning
Carl Boettiger has us playing in GitHub Codespaces trying to maximise the number of fish we harvest. We’ll be learning about #ReinforcementLearning this week
#QUT #amsiwinterschool #modeling #modelling #mathematics #ReinforcementLearning
Sandra Fry flying the flag on the How to Academia podcast
Librarians - the dragons of knowledge with Sandra Fry
#qutlibrary #crimejusticequt #QUT
Queensland University of Technology outsources online post-grad (faux) teaching to multinational Institutional investment companies.
“Fidelity International Ltd is the largest shareholder with 7.3% of shares outstanding. BlackRock, Inc. is the second largest shareholder owning 6.1% of common stock, and The Vanguard Group, Inc. holds about 5.0% of the company stock.
“Additionally, the company's CEO Andrew Bassat directly holds 4.3% of the total shares outstanding.”
#HigherEd #QUT #TEQSA
From: @perthinent
Pleased to represent #QUTLibrary yesterday at #QUT's orientation for higher degree research students.
Great to welcome new HDR students to our community and answer questions about the Advanced Information Research Skills unit.
#qutlibrary #QUT #airs #qutairs #quthdr
I attended a wonderful talk today by #GeraldRoche from #LaTrobeUniversity on why "Academic Success is not Career Success" at the #QUT #BESTconference.
Some true words about the challenges that academic job markets can throw at you.
AltText describes what's on this slide.
#geraldroche #latrobeuniversity #QUT #bestconference
@VickiKyriakakis @kcarruthers also over the break, I attended the #Woodfordfolkfestival in QLD. Whilst at the festival I attended a QA with a panel including Daniel Angus from the #QUT #DigitalMediaResearchCentre. I asked a question about the challenges #Mastodon might pose for media orgs depending on advertising revenue. Dan suggested that one way forward for media organizations in light of a decline in advertising revenue might be government funding. I don't know if that will be popular. The Australian people by way of the government fund maintenance of roads and public health infrastructure amongst other things. So why not news and information infrastructure as well?
#woodfordfolkfestival #QUT #mastodon #digitalmediaresearchcentre
I’ve been working in the #HigherEducation sector for a while. Clocked up 30yrs at #QUT earlier this year.
There was a lovely event yesterday where annual awards were announced and long serving staff recognised.
We have a social media team so of course an email also arrived with an image to use.
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 #QUT Awards for Excellence. There were so many hard-working staff recognised today, including the 2022 David Gardiner Teacher of the Year: Paul Van Opdenbosch seen here with Susan Gardiner.
Fantastic evening last night celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Excellence with 150 graduating students from #QUT in 2022 #Graduates #OodgerooUnit
Today marks the installation of QUT's 6th Chancellor, Ann Sherry AO. Our #QUT community warmly welcomes Ann Sherry, a corporate leader with a passion for #equity in #education.
#QUT hosted & in The Cube today when they announced stronger laws and enforcement to protect nature in the federal government’s #NaturePositivePlan. #Auspol #Sustainability
#sustainability #auspol #naturepositiveplan #QUT
#QUT is proud to announce that the Columboola Solar Farm, developed in partnership with, and the, will begin operating today. It will provide QUT with 50% of the energy requirements at both campuses. #QUTSustainability
Half expecting #qut management to try something similar in the coming days. Today management gave us a 3% payrise “as a gesture of good will” and noted they are “actively monitoring developments in the sector regarding bargaining” which is surely a veiled threat.
Fascinating webinar #DrAlistairPing #QUT #McGrathNicol
“Why do good people do bad things?”
#dralistairping #QUT #mcgrathnicol
i have moved on from paid #work and now seek less-stressful, #collaborative and #creative things to do. i was an #academic at #QUT, but now i care for grandchildren, rehabilitate native #bushland, help with a #community garden and maintain some interests. these are new (eg. acoustic #bird identification, brewing #cider) and some long-standing (#cycling, #reading #philosophy, #journaling, etc). i guess i'm a twitter departee, but i left it six years ago because of its toxicity.
#introduction #work #collaborative #creative #academic #QUT #bushland #community #bird #cider #cycling #reading #philosophy #journaling
Along with fellow #QUT workers I am on #strike today and picketting for better conditions and pay. Australian #universities are grossly unequal workplaces, with incredibly rich managers at one end and very poor and precarious sessionals doing most of the teaching at the other end.
I’m somewhere in the middle, closer to the privileged end. I have ongoing work and a relatively fair teaching load (mostly thanks to the research points earned on my decra; an outrageous system that punishes a lack of research performance with more teaching). I also track my work hours very closely. Even then, I have overworked already 62 hours this year. That’s nearly a fortnight of unpaid work I have done for the #university.
It’s worse for my colleagues. Some are on perpetual 1-year contracts. Unsure every Christmas if they’ll be hired again the next year, despite the work they do needing doing every year. My tutors in one unit this year were told they wouldn’t be paid to attend lecture since they saw them the previous year. They attended anyway, unpaid, for the students’ sake.
Meanwhile, university management protects bullies in multiple schools around the uni, but HR confidentiality agreements exist so let’s not talk about that. 😌
If you’re an #academic in Australia, join the #union and help us fight to make our workplaces fairer and safer for all our colleagues and students.
#QUT #strike #universities #university #academic #union