Tracking Qatargate's 'Turkish businessman'
#briberyscandal #euparliament #qatar #Qatargate #Turkey
inchiesta internazionale: Abu Dhabi Secrets
«Ecco i lobbisti per Doha». Così è nato il “#Qatargate”
Ursula Vonderleyen doit présenter aujourd'hui son #bidule pour répondre à la crise du #Qatargate Car aussi dingue que ça semble, il n'y a aucune structure en 2023 chargée de contrôler l'intégrité du parlement.
Il s'agira de "ausculter les différentes institutions de l'UE, leur trouver des règles communes et harmoniser leurs différences en matière de normes anti-corruption"
La future entité n'aura aucun pouvoir coercitif.
Son rôle sera uniquement de proposer, conseiller et accompagner.
Au mieux froncer les sourcils et faire des rapports à présidente du parlement.
Car Ursula Von der Leyen est l'unique personne au parlement européen qui soit chargée de veiller à l'intégrité...du parlement.
Plus transparent et plus démocratique, tu meurs.
#UE #Corruption #TransparencyInternational #ParlementEuropeen #VonDerLeyen
#bidule #Qatargate #ue #corruption #transparencyinternational #parlementeuropeen #vonderleyen
France’s most feared ethics body should inspire an EU parallel, says François Hollande.
The HATVP is one of the most powerful and scrutinised institutions in France, as it played a key role in the fall of ex-prime minister François Fillon.
The regulatory agency was created following Hollande’s budget minister Jérôme Cahuzac’s resignation over allegations that he had €600,000 in a secret off-shore bank account.
#Qatargate #Corruption #Politics #ethics #EU #France
Beyond #Qatargate: EU needs a compulsory register that targets all covert #lobbying
Instead of a misguided 'foreign agents' law that will negatively target NGOs, the EU needs a robust transparency register with legally binding sanctions and enforcement
Beyond #Qatargate: the EU needs a compulsory register that targets all covert lobbying
Instead of a misguided 'foreign agents' law that will negatively target NGOs, the EU needs a robust compulsory transparency register that targets all covert #lobbying
RT @Jacobbe79601492
🚨🚨 The new EU proposals for Ethics Body envisaged to address the aftermath of the #Qatargate scandal falls short of expectations lacking central enforcement powers. @Sam1Fleming @alemannoEU @EmiliaKorkeaaho @HenryJFoy
@daniel_freund 👇👇
Le fonds d’investissement luxembourgeois est perquisitionné depuis ce matin … à suivre
RT @pellechristy
How come following the #QatarGate scandal🇶🇦💰, some in #EU politics🇪🇺 are attacking #NGOs, instead of tackling the real problems?🤔
Listen to another great episode of the @euscreams #podcast, and get a bit wiser.
🇬🇷🇪🇺 Qatargate: Eva Kaili va sortir de prison sous bracelet électronique 📰
#RevuedePresse #Grèce #ParlementEuropeen #EvaKaili #Qatargate
#revuedepresse #grece #parlementeuropeen #evakaili #Qatargate
These matters need urgent investigation. After #Qatargate there can be no excuses for @Europarl_EN not to investigate potential conflicts of interest such as these.
RT @alemannoEU
The attack to NGOs led by the largest European Political Group is not only unsubstantiated but also unfortunate
What prompted #qatargate wasn’t an NGO but the lack of adequate EU ethics system (that nobody seems willing to reform)
@EuCivilsociety @takeover_europe @TheGoodLobby
La confédération syndicale internationale #CSI fait le ménage dans ses rangs… #Qatargate
💸#Qatargate scandal has raised questions about conflicts of interest,2nd jobs, revolving doors, lobby #transparency, informal 'friendship groups', gifts, trips, & bribery, but its ramifications go even further
🎧Listen to our podcast👉
✏️@CartoonRalph 👏
Tive uma insónia esta noite e pus-me a ler este retrato da #EvaKaili a ver se ganhava sono. Erro crasso, fiquei ainda mais desperto com esta biografia. Personagem fascinante e, dizem algumas línguas, possível futura autarca de Salónica (assim que saia da prisão pelo #QatarGate), qual Oeiras.
Following #Qatargate, will today's Parliament take these concerns more seriously?
Will @EP_President investigate?
And when will we finally see a proper ban on such side jobs?
RT @silvia_sb_
NEW: Hakan Camuz paid a Milanese firm at the center of a money laundering probe linked to #Qatargate thinking it would provide “ethical lobbying” services in Brussels including access to MEPs, securing EU funding and ad hoc human rights resolutions.
Esta semana faz 3 meses 🎂 que a #EvaKaili vê o sol aos quadradinhos. Pior, como está detida na Bélgica só vê os quadradinhos mesmo. A ganância a fazer mais uma vítima, tinha tudo, mas não chegou. #QatarGate
RT @vicky_cann
"Vicky Cann, a campaigner at @corporateeurope said Hololei's travel program "exposes how #Qatargate is not confined to the European Parliament, how EU ethics rules are not robust enough, and how enforcement of current rules is far too weak." "
La #FGTB et la #CSC demandent le départ de Luca Visentini de la tête de la Confédération syndicale internationale #CSI… #Qatargate