CINA: CHI È L’EX MINISTRO DEGLI ESTERI CINESE QIN GANG? PERCHÈ È STATO RIMOSSO DALL’INCARICO? #repubblicapopolarecinese #INTERNAZIONALI #ministroesteri #viadellaseta #Italia-Cina #memorandum #ministro #ChinGan #QinGang #rimosso #esteri #News #cina
#repubblicapopolarecinese #internazionali #ministroesteri #viadellaseta #italia #memorandum #ministro #ChinGan #QinGang #rimosso #esteri #news #cina
Immer wieder verschwinden in #China einflussreiche Personen:
hohen Beamten, Prominenten und Geschäftsleuten.
(In #Russland findet man sie nach einer Tasse Tee oder einem Fenstersturz zumindest sofort tot auf.)
Chinas Außenminister: #QinGang ward seit eine Monat nicht mehr gesehen. Nun wurde er gegen seinen Vorgänger #WangYi ausgetauscht. 👀
#china #russland #QinGang #wangyi
After not having shown up in public for a full month, #QinGang has been ousted as the foreign minister of #China.
He was appointed due to his experience as China's ambassador to the #UnitedStates, and now an undeclared trip of his wife to the US has cost him his job and career within the #CCP.
Rumors were his wife was setting up a scheme in the US to transfer funds from China.
That is something #XiJingping does not like to see happening. Tigers, flies...
source: CC(P)TV
#QinGang #china #unitedstates #ccp #xijingping
I don’t always post things from #Twitter but this one is fascinating. //Pavel Slunkin on Twitter: "Many rumors surrounding the sudden disappearance of the #Chinese Foreign Minister #QinGang. Of course, I don't know where he is or what is happening to him. Instead I will share my impressions of our meeting and working together in 2015." / Twitter
What happened to China's missing foreign minister?
#disappearance #politics #QinGang #China #asia
Blinken talks to Chinese counterpart before planned visit
#China #QinGang #XiJinping #AntonyBlinken #JoeBiden #Taiwan #UnitedStates
#unitedstates #taiwan #joebiden #AntonyBlinken #xijinping #QinGang #China
#QinGang weist die Vorwürfe Punkt für Punkt zurück und verbittet sich Einmischung: »Was China am wenigsten braucht, ist ein Lehrmeister aus dem Westen«, sagt der Außenminister.
Dieser Satz der beim gestrigen Symposium in China als Antwort auf die Rede unserer Außenministerin #Baerbock fiel, ist um so lächerlicher, wenn ich bedenke dass diese Diktatur sich auf die Lehren von Marx und Engels beruft!
China: German foreign minister kicks off visit in Tianjin
#Tianjin #QinGang #AnnalenaBaerbock
Parole durissime del ministro degli esteri Qin Gang: “Se gli Stati Uniti non tirano il freno, ma continuano ad accelerare lungo la strada sbagliata, ci saranno sicuramente conflitti e scontri“, con “conseguenze catastrofiche”.
#cina #qingang #usa #taiwan
One more aspect:
With his bellicose speech at the first press conference, the new foreign minister #QinGang has also ripped up that sorry excuse of a peace plan that #China has launched.
#China is not a credible middle man, as it sides with #Russia as the aggressor. It never was, and failing to condemn the aggression killed this plan before it was launched.
Too bad. #fucktheCCP
#QinGang #china #russia #FucktheCCP
As the first press conference of its new foreign minister #QinGang shows, #China has taken sides.
It has decided not to side with #internationallaw, #stability or #peace.
It has decided to side with military #expansionism and an open attack on the peace order we have seen post cold war.
It has decided to side with #Russia.
The consequences of this decision will rattle the world. This is bad news of the top shelf. And the prick holds a little red book. #fucktheCCP
#QinGang #china #internationallaw #stability #peace #expansionism #russia #FucktheCCP
Is China pivoting away from 'wolf-warrior diplomacy'?
#Asia # China #foreignpolicy #QinGang #Taiwan
#taiwan #QinGang #foreignpolicy #asia
Nessun allontanamento tra #Cina e #Russia: questo il messaggio lanciato congiuntamente dai ministri degli Esteri dei due Paesi, #QinGang e #SergejLavrov, che respingono la propaganda occidentale volta a seminare la discordia tra Pechino e Mosca.
#cina #russia #QinGang #sergejlavrov
One line
📍Former Ambassador to #Washington #QinGang has been appointed as the new head of the #Chinese Foreign Ministry. Chinese Secretary General #XiJinping ignored #Putin's invitation to visit #Moscow.
📍100 years ago, the #USSR appeared on the world map.
📍 #Russian journalist Leonid Parfyonov may be prosecuted due to failure to notify about obtaining Israeli citizenship. This happened a couple of days after the interview with Dud. At the moment, #Parfenov is in #Georgia.
#Georgia #parfenov #Russian #ussr #Moscow #Putin #xijinping #chinese #QinGang #Washington
Yo, #QinGang, go tell your #CCP masters and #XiJinping that #Taiwan is not a card to be played by anyone.
#Taiwan is a thriving and democratic country and quite a diverse society.
And most definitely #TaiwanisnotChina.
#QinGang #ccp #xijinping #taiwan #taiwanisnotchina