I've thought about @kissane's very good text. I think it covers the issues I've mostly noticed myself too.
I was also one of the many people coming over from Twitter last year. The instance I joined was newly formed at the time by others migrating from Twitter and I think that helped a lot, because the instance at least didn't have its own old rules.
Re Discoverablilty: I'm glad I could still find people from Twitter at the time to kick it of.
My favourite Android App for Mastodon, @trunksapp, just got a great new update including *grouped conversations* in your feed! I think #trunksapp is the first to have this directly in the app on Android (elk.zone has the feature too, but is "only" a PWA).
You have to activate this experimental feature in the settings, which I absolutely recommend!
This is awesome! Loved the app before and it's getting even better. @Decad3nce is doing a hell of a job. Thank you!!
For a couple of days I have been trying to figure out, why #qcad incorrectly uses an American keyboard layout here on #debian #linux while all (!) other apps correctly use my locale keyboard instead. And the problem is .... #qt5 not playing well with #waylond. Just switched back to #x11 on my laptop and the problem is gone. My desktop computer with an #nvidia card where I was using #x11 all the time never had the issue.
#qcad #debian #linux #qt5 #waylond #x11 #nvidia #Qt #wayland
#Zitierfunktion #QT
Das war auf Twitter meine wichtigste Quelle für neue Accounts: meine Timeline selektiert für mich vor, ich wähle daraus aus, und meine Timeline ist schon wieder schöner/diverser/interessanter. Serendipity, die mir hier noch fehlt.
I am now filtering toots with terms „QTs“ or „Quoted Toots“.
Not my priority. I am not willing to let this exciter to pollute my timeline.
Let's get to the point: Quoted Retoots are "talking in public behind someone else's back."
Toxic behavior in personal relationships and communities.
Required for journalism and other seldom use cases (like for this toot here 😉).
#quotes #Qt #quotedpostsonmastodon