Pho-Earth Adaptive
This is a #skeuomorphic #GTK3 theme that follows your @kde #Plasma color scheme, the same way that #Breeze GTK theme adapts to it. So if you want to change its colors, you only need to change #KDE Plasma's color scheme, nothing else.
You want to keep using your venerable #Oxygen or #QtCurve widgets with Plasma, with any color scheme, but can't find an appropriate GTK3 theme that matches it? Seek no more!
#skeuomorphic #gtk3 #plasma #breeze #kde #oxygen #QtCurve #linux #theme #customization #themeing
A hacker-ish or cyberpunkish looking #theme, with dark colors, green buttons, purple accents and cyan and green fonts. It captures Avatar's #Pandora night forest colors. It could be also tagged as neon-like.
(almost) All links to download the different elements in the following post.
#LinuxPorn #DesktopPorn #Desktop #QtCurve #kde #plasma #gtk3 #oomox #theming #customization #hacker #cyberpunk
#theme #pandora #linuxporn #desktopporn #desktop #QtCurve #kde #plasma #gtk3 #oomox #theming #customization #hacker #cyberpunk