Nestort :fed: ⚠️ backup ⚠️ · @nestort
427 followers · 6612 posts · Server

Pho-Earth Adaptive

This is a theme that follows your @kde color scheme, the same way that GTK theme adapts to it. So if you want to change its colors, you only need to change Plasma's color scheme, nothing else.
You want to keep using your venerable or widgets with Plasma, with any color scheme, but can't find an appropriate GTK3 theme that matches it? Seek no more!

#skeuomorphic #gtk3 #plasma #breeze #kde #oxygen #QtCurve #linux #theme #customization #themeing

Last updated 3 years ago

Nestort :fed: ⚠️ backup ⚠️ · @nestort
427 followers · 6612 posts · Server

A hacker-ish or cyberpunkish looking , with dark colors, green buttons, purple accents and cyan and green fonts. It captures Avatar's night forest colors. It could be also tagged as neon-like.

(almost) All links to download the different elements in the following post.

#theme #pandora #linuxporn #desktopporn #desktop #QtCurve #kde #plasma #gtk3 #oomox #theming #customization #hacker #cyberpunk

Last updated 5 years ago