QuEra Launches New Ways to Access Quantum Computers thequantuminsider.com/?p=23571 Insider Brief QuEra Computing supports new ways of accessing its quantum computers. QuEra’s devices are built on large-scale arrays of neutral atoms. Access includes on-premise access, premium access and via Amazon Braket. PRESS RELEASE — QuEra Computing, the leader in neutral-atom qua

#Quantum_Computing_Business #access #Alex_Keesling #Amazon_Braket #Aquila #Boston #QuEra #QuEra_Computing #quantumdaily

Last updated 1 year ago

Encoding Technique Can Help Neutral-Atom Quantum Computers Solve Wider Set of Applications thequantuminsider.com/?p=23506 Insider Brief QuEra research team reports on a method to perform a wider set of optimization calculations than previously known to be possible using neutral-atom machines. New class of problems include include maximum independent sets on graphs with arbitrary co

#Research #Alex_Keesling #Aquila #Harvarfd #Innsbruck #neutral_atom #QUBO #QuEra_Computing #quantumdaily

Last updated 2 years ago